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RPG Maker MV    Posted August 5, 2017 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Order


Lets you set the battle to show all battlers' atb in 1 bar



* @param show_battler_order_window
 * @desc Setups a window in battle showing all battler atb statuses if
 *       show_battler_order_window is set as true
 * @default true
 * @param battler_order_window_x
 * @desc Sets the x position of the battler order window as
 *       battler_order_window_x
 * @default 400
 * @param battler_order_window_y
 * @desc Sets the y position of the battler order window as
 *       battler_order_window_y
 * @default 108
 * @param battler_order_window_width
 * @desc Sets the width of the battler order window as
 *       battler_order_window_width
 * @default 416
 * @param battler_order_window_height
 * @desc Sets the height of the battler order window as
 *       battler_order_window_height
 * @default 120
 * @param battler_order_bar_width
 * @desc Sets the width of each atb bar shown in the battler order window as
 *       battler_order_bar_width
 * @default 116
 * @param battler_order_bar_x
 * @desc Sets the x position of the atb bars shown in the battler order window
 *       as battler_order_bar_x
 * @default 16
 * @param battler_order_bar_y
 * @desc Sets the y position of the atb bars shown in the battler order window
 *       as battler_order_bar_y
 * @default 12
 * @param battler_order_text_size
 * @desc Sets the size of the atb bar description texts shown in the battler
 *       order window as battler_order_text_size
 * @default 28
 * @param battler_order_text_x
 * @desc Sets the x position of the atb bar description texts shown in the
 *       battler order window as battler_order_text_x
 * @default 18
 * @param battler_order_text_y
 * @desc Sets the y position of the atb bar description texts shown in the
 *       battler order window as battler_order_text_y
 * @default 24
 * @param battler_order_sprite_size
 * @desc Sets the size of the battler sprites in the battler order window as
 *       battler_order_sprite_size
 * @default 40
 * @param battler_order_sprite_opacity
 * @desc Sets the opacity of the battler sprites in the battler order window
 *       as battler_order_sprite_opacity
 * @default 255
 * @param battler_order_sheet_folder
 * @desc Sets the folder of the sprite sheet used by the battler sprites in the
 *       battler order window as battler_order_sheet_folder
 * @default img/system/
 * @param battler_order_sheet_name
 * @desc Sets the filename of the sprite sheet in battler_order_sheet_folder
 *       used by the battler sprites in the battler order window as
 *       battler_order_sheet_name
 * @default IconSet
 * @param battler_order_sheet_hue
 * @desc Sets the hue of battler_order_sheet_name used by the battler sprites in
 *       the battler order window as battler_order_sheet_hue
 * @default 0
 * @param battler_order_sheet_smooth
 * @desc Sets the smooth flag of battler_order_sheet_name used by the battler
 *       sprites in the battler order window as battler_order_sheet_smooth
 * @default true
 * @param battler_order_sprite_width
 * @desc Sets the width of each sprite in sprite sheet used by the battler
 *       sprites in the battler order window as battler_order_sprite_width
 * @default 32
 * @param battler_order_sprite_height
 * @desc Sets the height of each sprite in sprite sheet used by the battler
 *       sprites in the battler order window as battler_order_sprite_height
 * @default 32
 * @param battler_order_sprite_x
 * @desc Sets the leftmost x position of the battler sprites in the battler
 *       order window as battler_order_sprite_x
 * @default 14
 * @param actor_order_sprite_y
 * @desc Sets the y position of the actor sprites in the battler order window
 *       as actor_order_sprite_y
 * @default 8
 * @param enemy_order_sprite_y
 * @desc Sets the y position of the enemy sprites in the battler order window
 *       as enemy_order_sprite_y
 * @default 72



*    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State Notetags:                        
 *      State notetags take the highest priority, followed by enemy, weapon,  
 *      armor, class and actor                                                
 *      Notetag settings override their correponding configuration settings   
 *      1. <patb order icon index: row, column>                               
 *         - Sets the row and column of icon used by this battler's sprite in 
 *           the battler order window as row and column respectively          
 *         - The row and column are used with battler_order_sheet_name        
 *         - The 1st notetag that's being read by the battler will be used    
 *         - If either row or column is neagtive or this notetag's absent, the
 *           actors' face graphics will be used for actors and the enemies'   
 *           battler sprites will be used for enemies                         
 *      2. <patb order icon opacity: opacity>                                 
 *         - Sets the opacity of icon used by this battler's sprite in the    
 *           battler order window as opacity ranged from 0 to 255             
 *         - The 1st notetag that's being read by the battler will be used


Plugin Calls

*    # Configuration manipulations                                           
 *      1. $gameSystem.patb.param                                             
 *         - Returns the value of param listed in the plugin manager          
 *      2. $gameSystem.patb.param = val                                       
 *         - Sets the value of param listed in the plugin manager as val      
 *         - All $gameSystem.patb.param changes will be saved                 
 *    # Data actor/class/weapon/armor/enemy/state manipulations               
 *      1. meta.patb_order_icon_index                                         
 *         - Returns the row and column of icon used by this battler's sprite 
 *           in the battler order window stored in                            
 *           <patb order icon index: row, column> in the form of [row, column]
 *      2. meta.patb_order_icon_index = [row, column]                         
 *         - Sets the index of icon used by this battler's sprite in the      
 *           battler order window stored in                                   
 *           <patb order icon index: row, column> in the form of [row, column]
 *         - All meta.patb_order_icon_index changes can be saved if           
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      3. meta.patb_order_icon_opacity                                       
 *         - Returns the opacity of icon used by this battler's sprite in the 
 *           battler order window stored in <patb order icon opacity: opacity>
 *           as Number opacity ranged from 0 to 255                           
 *      4. meta.patb_order_icon_opacity = opacity                             
 *         - Sets the opacity of icon used by this battler's sprite in the    
 *           battler order window stored in <patb order icon opacity: opacity>
 *           as Number opacity ranged from 0 to 255                           
 *         - All meta.patb_order_icon_opacity changes can be saved if         
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used


The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

Version History

*      v1.01b(GMT 1400 5-8-2017):
 *      1. Fixed "missing this in forEach" bug causing crashes in battle tests
 *      v1.01a(GMT 0500 16-7-2016):                                           
 *      1. Added <patb order sheet folder: folder>,                           
 *      <patb order sheet name: name>, <patb order icon hue: hue> and         
 *      <patb order icon smooth: smooth>                                      
 *      2. Fixed <patb order icon index: row, column> and                     
 *         <patb order icon opacity: opacity> notetag value not being number  
 *      3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and simplicity   
 *      v1.00b(GMT 1400 2-7-2016):                                            
 *      1. Fixed not updating the actor icon after changing actors in battle  
 *      2. Fixed below configuration changes not taking place in same battle: 
 *         - battler_order_window_x                                           
 *         - battler_order_window_y                                           
 *         - battler_order_window_width                                       
 *         - battler_order_window_height                                      
 *         - battler_order_bar_width                                          
 *         - battler_order_bar_x                                              
 *         - battler_order_bar_y                                              
 *         - battler_order_text_size                                          
 *         - battler_order_text_x                                             
 *         - battler_order_text_y                                             
 *         - battler_order_sprite_size                                        
 *         - battler_order_sheet_folder                                       
 *         - battler_order_sheet_name                                         
 *         - battler_order_sheet_hue                                          
 *         - battler_order_sheet_smooth                                       
 *         - battler_order_sprite_width                                       
 *         - battler_order_sprite_height                                      
 *         - battler_order_sprite_x                                           
 *         - actor_order_sprite_y                                             
 *         - enemy_order_sprite_y                                             
 *      3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility  
 *      v1.00a(GMT 1400 31-5-2016):                                           
 *      1. 1st completed version of this plugin finished

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

*      You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact       
 *      You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than    
 *      DoubleX or his aliases                                                
 *      None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases

Comments (3)

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code] * v1.00b(GMT 1400 2-7-2016):
    * 1. Fixed not updating the actor icon after changing actors in battle
    * 2. Fixed below configuration changes not taking place in same battle:
    * – battler_order_window_x
    * – battler_order_window_y
    * – battler_order_window_width
    * – battler_order_window_height
    * – battler_order_bar_width
    * – battler_order_bar_x
    * – battler_order_bar_y
    * – battler_order_text_size
    * – battler_order_text_x
    * – battler_order_text_y
    * – battler_order_sprite_size
    * – battler_order_sheet_folder
    * – battler_order_sheet_name
    * – battler_order_sheet_hue
    * – battler_order_sheet_smooth
    * – battler_order_sprite_width
    * – battler_order_sprite_height
    * – battler_order_sprite_x
    * – actor_order_sprite_y
    * – enemy_order_sprite_y
    * 3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility [/code]

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code] * v1.01a(GMT 0500 16-7-2016):
    * 1. Added <patb order sheet folder: folder>,
    * <patb order sheet name: name>, <patb order icon hue: hue> and
    * <patb order icon smooth: smooth>
    * 2. Fixed <patb order icon index: row, column> and
    * <patb order icon opacity: opacity> notetag value not being number
    * 3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and simplicity [/code]

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  • Posted about 8 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker MV
  • Category
    Custom Battle Scripts
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




