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RPG Maker MV    Posted August 12, 2017 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMMV Status Bars


Lets you use bars to show battler statuses on their sprites



* @param isEnabled
 * @desc Sets whether this plugin will be enabled
 *       It'll be stored as a boolean, and will be regarded as true if and only
 *       if it's true
 *       Don't change this during the same battle unless you really know what
 *       you're truly foing
 *       E.g.: Setting isEnabled as false will disable this plugin
 * @default true



*    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State Notetags:                        
 *      State notetags take the highest priority, followed by enemy, weapon,  
 *      armor, class and actor                                                
 *      1. <status status bar: SBX>                                            
 *         - Sets the battler to setup a status bar of status using           
 *           configurations set in function name SBX, which can only be edited
 *           in this plugin js file directly                                  
 *         - status must be included in STATUSES, which can only be edited in 
 *           this plugin js file directly                                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           <hp status bar: HP> will set the battler to setup a hp status bar
 *           using configurations set in HP, which can only be edited in this 
 *           plugin js file directly                                          
 *         - Only the 1st effective notetag among all having the same status  
 *           will be used(Reference tag: NOTETAG_MONO)


Plugin Calls

*    # Configuration manipulations                                           
 *      1. $gameSystem.statusBars.param                                       
 *         - Returns the stored value of param listed in the plugin manager   
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled will return a Boolean indicating
 *           whether this plugin's enabled                                    
 *      2. $gameSystem.statusBars.param = val                                 
 *         - Sets the stored value of param listed in plugin manager as val   
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled = false will set the stored     
 *           value of parameter isEnabled shown on the plugin manager as false
 *         - All $gameSystem.statusBars.param changes will be saved           
 *    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State notetag manipulations            
 *      1. meta.statusBars[status]                                            
 *         - Returns the function name SBX for String status specified in     
 *           <status status bar: SBX> if there's any                          
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $dataStates[1].meta.statusBars[hp] will return the function SBX  
 *           specified in <hp status bar: SBX> notetag of state with id 1     
 *      2. meta.statusBars[status] = SBX                                      
 *         - Sets the String status in <status status bar: SBX> notetag to use
 *           the function with name SBX which is a String                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $dataEnemies[2].meta.statusBars['mp'] = 'MP' will set the SBX    
 *           specified in <mp status bar: SBX> notetag of enemy with id 2 as  
 *           MP                                                               
 *         - All meta.statusBars changes can be saved if                      
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *    # Battler manipulations                                                 
 *      1. isStatusBarChanged[status] = true                                  
 *         - Notifys the status status bar of the battler to use a new        
 *           configuration object                                             
 *         - It'll be reset as false once a new configuration object's used   
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[0].isStatusBarChanged['tp'] = true will
 *           notify the tp status bar of the battler to use a new             
 *           configuration object                                             
 *    # Status bar manipulations                                              
 *      1. new Window_Status_Bar(battler, status)                             
 *         - Creates a new status bar showing the status status of battler    
 *           battler                                                          
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           new Window_Status_Bar($gameTroop.aliveMembers()[0], 'hp') will   
 *           create a new status bar showing the hp status of the 1st troop   
 *           member



/* Setups the list of statuses that can have their status bars drawn
     * Each status must be represented by the name of its battler getter

     *    Status Bar Functions                                                
     *    - Setups SBX used by <status bar: SBX>                              
    /* SBX are used by Window_Status_Bar at this._cfg = SB[this._cfgName](); in
     * _updateCfg
     * SBX are Javascript functions which must return an Object having at least
     * the following:
     * {
     *     visible: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     opacity: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     backColor: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     color1: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     color2: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     x: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     y: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     w: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     h, function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     text, function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textX: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textY: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textSize: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     textColor: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     min: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     max: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     (v1.01a+)showProc: function(battler), // Hotspot
     *     (v1.01a+)procUpdateRate: function(battler) // Hotspot
     * }
     * All functions will be bound to the Window_Status_Bar upon its creation
     * and must take the battler and database item using the SBX as their
     * arguments
     * Status bar configuration functions:
     * The function result of visible, which is the status bar visibility, will
     * be interpreted as truthy or falsy only
     * The function of opacity, which is the status bar opacity, must return a
     * Number between 0 and 255
     * The functions of backColor, color1 and color2, which are the status bar
     * back, 1st and 2nd colors respectively, must return a Number between
     * #00000000 and #FFFFFFFF
     * The functions of x and y, which are the status bar x and y offsets from
     * the battler sprites respectively, must return a Number
     * The functions of w and h, which are the status bar width and height
     * respectively, must return a positive Number
     * The function of text, which is the status bar description text, must
     * return a String
     * The functions of textX, textY and textSize, which are the status bar
     * description text x and y offset from the status bar, and size
     * respectively, must return a positive Number
     * The functions of min and max, which are the minimum and maximum value of
     * the status respiectively, must return a Number that must be not greater
     * than and not less than all the possible values of the current value
     * respectively
     * (v1.01a+)The functions of showProc, which is whether the stat change
     * processes will be shown on the status bars, will be interpreted as truthy
     * or falsy only
     * (v1.01a+)The functions of procUpdateRate, which is the rate relative to
     * the max length of the stat bar per second, must return a Number between 0
     * and 1
     * (v1.01a+)The functions of procColor1 and procColor2, which are the status
     * bar 1st and 2nd stat change colors respectively, must return a Number
     * between #00000000 and #FFFFFFFF
     * SBX names can only use alphanumeric characters
     * The below SBX are examples added to help you set your SBX
     * You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples
     * Advanced:
     * The status bar prototype's inherited from Window_Base.prototype
     * All status bar configuration functions are used by Window_Status_Bar
     * visible and opacity are used in _updateBarVisibility
     * backColor, color1, color2, textColor, text, textX and textY are used in
     * _updateSetting
     * x, y, w and h are used in initialize
     * x is also used in _updateX
     * y is also used in _updateY
     * w is also used in _updateW
     * h is also used in _updateH
     * min and max are used in _updateFillW
     * (v1.01a+)showProc

    // Sets the status bar to display the battler's hp statuses
    HP: function() { // v1.00a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        return {
            // Sets the hp bar to be always visible only for alive battlers
            visible: function(battler) { return battler.isAlive(); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar opacity to be always 255
            opacity: function(battler) { return 255; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar color 1 to be always text color 15
            backColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(15);
            // Sets the hp bar color 1 to be always text color 20
            color1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(20); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar color 2 to be always text color 21
            color2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(21); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar x offset from battler sprite to be always 0
            x: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar y offset from battler sprite to be always 16
            y: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar width to be always 87
            w: function(battler) { return 87; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar height to be always 16
            h: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar description text to be always hp/mhp
            text: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return battler.hp.toString() + '/' + battler.mhp.toString();
            // Sets the hp bar description text size to be always 0
            textX: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar description text size to be always 0
            textY: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp bar description text size to be always 13
            textSize: function(battler) { return 13; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets hp bar description text color to be always text color 0
            textColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(0);
            // Sets the minimum hp to be shown on the hp bar to be always 0
            min: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the maximum hp to be shown on the hp bar to be always mhp
            max: function(battler) { return battler.mhp; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the hp change processes to be always shown
            showProc: function(battler) { return true; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the hp change processes rate to be 100% of the
            // max length of the hp bar per second
            procUpdateRate: function(battler) { return 0.2; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp change process color 1 to be always text color 6
            procColor1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(6); },
            // Hotspot
            // Sets the hp change process color 2 to be always text color 17
            procColor2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(17); }
            // Hotspot

    // Sets the status bar to display the battler's mp statuses
    MP: function() { // v1.00a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        return {
        	// Sets the mp bar to be always visible only for alive battlers
            visible: function(battler) { return battler.isAlive(); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar opacity to be always 255
            opacity: function(battler) { return 255; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar color 1 to be always text color 15
            backColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(15);
            // Sets the mp bar color 1 to be always text color 22
            color1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(22); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar color 2 to be always text color 23
            color2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(23); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar x offset from battler sprite to be always 0
            x: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar y offset from battler sprite to be always 32
            y: function(battler) { return 32; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar width to be always 87
            w: function(battler) { return 87; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar height to be always 16
            h: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar description text to be always mp/mmp
            text: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return + '/' + battler.mmp.toString();
            // Sets the mp bar description text size to be always 0
            textX: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar description text size to be always 0
            textY: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp bar description text size to be always 13
            textSize: function(battler) { return 13; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets mp bar description text color to be always text color 0
            textColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(0);
            // Sets the minimum mp to be shown on the hp bar to be always 0
            min: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the maximum mp to be shown on the hp bar to be always mmp
            max: function(battler) { return battler.mmp; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the mp change processes to be always shown
            showProc: function(battler) { return true; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the mp change processes rate to be 100% of the
            // max length of the mp bar per second
            procUpdateRate: function(battler) { return 0.2; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp change process color 1 to be always text color 1
            procColor1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(1); },
            // Hotspot
            // Sets the mp change process color 2 to be always text color 4
            procColor2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(4); }
            // Hotspot

    // Sets the status bar to display the battler's tp statuses
    TP: function() { // v1.00a - v1.01a; Potential Hotspot
        return {
        	// Sets the tp bar to be always visible
            visible: function(battler) { return battler.isAlive(); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar opacity to be always 255
            opacity: function(battler) { return 255; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar color 1 to be always text color 15
            backColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(15);
            // Sets the tp bar color 1 to be always text color 28
            color1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(28); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar color 2 to be always text color 29
            color2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(29); }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar x offset from battler sprite to be always 0
            x: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar y offset from battler sprite to be always 48
            y: function(battler) { return 48; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar width to be always 87
            w: function(battler) { return 87; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar height to be always 16
            h: function(battler) { return 16; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar description text to be always tp/maxTp()
            text: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return + '/' + battler.maxTp().toString();
            // Sets the tp bar description text size to be always 0
            textX: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar description text size to be always 0
            textY: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp bar description text size to be always 13
            textSize: function(battler) { return 13; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets tp bar description text color to be always text color 0
            textColor: function(battler) { // Hotspot
                return this.textColor(0);
            // Sets the minimum tp to be shown on the hp bar to be always 0
            min: function(battler) { return 0; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets maximum tp to be shown on the hp bar to be always maxTp()
            max: function(battler) { return battler.maxTp(); }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the tp change processes to be always shown
            showProc: function(battler) { return true; }, // Hotspot
            // (v1.01a+)Sets the mp change processes rate to be 100% of the
            // max length of the mp bar per second
            procUpdateRate: function(battler) { return 0.2; }, // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp change process color 1 to be always text color 3
            procColor1: function(battler) { return this.textColor(3); },
            // Hotspot
            // Sets the tp change process color 2 to be always text color 24
            procColor2: function(battler) { return this.textColor(24); }
            // Hotspot

    // Adds new SBX here


The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.


* You're supposed to open this plugin js file to edit its configurations
 * The default plugin file name is DoubleX RMMV Status Bars v101a
 * If you want to change that, you must edit the value of
 * DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_File, which must be done via opening this plugin
 * js file directly

Version History

*      v1.01a(GMT 1400 12-8-2017):                                           
 *      1. Lets you set the status bars to show the stat change processes via 
 *         showProc, procUpdateRate, procColor1 and procColor2 in SBX         
 *      2. Fixed crashes for status bars having the same minimum and maximum  
 *      v1.00a(GMT 1700 16-9-2016):                                           
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

*      1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
 *      2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.   
 *      3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than 
 *         DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from 
 *         using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.           
 *      4. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies 
 *         to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
 *      5. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin      
 *         anymore if you've violated any of the above.

Comments (0)

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code] * v1.01a(GMT 1400 12-8-2017):
    * 1. Lets you set the status bars to show the stat change processes via
    * showProc, procUpdateRate, procColor1 and procColor2 in SBX
    * 2. Fixed crashes for status bars having the same minimum and maximum
    Note: The video's also updated 🙂

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  • Posted about 8 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker MV
  • Category
    Gameplay Scripts
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




