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RPG Maker MV    Posted October 18, 2017 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMMV Unit Filters


Lets you use plugin calls to use new unit filters in order to write much, much less codes to perform much, much more tasks


Plugin Calls

 *    # Battler manipulations                                                 
 *      1. isAnyStateAffected(stateIds)                                       
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has any state included by   
 *           stateIds, which is a list of id of states                        
 *         - stateIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.members()[0].isAnyStateAffected([1, 2]) returns       
 *           whether the 1st party member has any state with id 1 or 2        
 *      2. isAllStatesAffected(stateIds)                                      
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has all states included by  
 *           stateIds, which is a list of id of states                        
 *         - stateIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $[1, 2]) returns whether 
 *           the actor with id 1 has all states with id 1 or 2                
 *      3. isAnyBuffAffected(stateIds)                                        
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has any buff included by    
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.members()[0].isAnyBuffAffected([0, 1]) returns        
 *           whether the 1st party member has any hp or mp buff               
 *      4. isAllBuffsAffected(stateIds)                                       
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has all buffs included by   
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $[0, 1]) returns whether  
 *           the actor with id 1 has all hp and mp buffs                      
 *      5. isAnyDebuffAffected(stateIds)                                      
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has any debuff included by  
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.members()[0].isAnyDebuffAffected([0, 1]) returns        
 *           whether the 1st party member has any hp or mp debuff             
 *      6. isAllDebuffsAffected(stateIds)                                       
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has all debuffs included by 
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $[0, 1]) returns whether  
 *           the actor with id 1 has all hp and mp debuffs                    
 *      7. hasAnySkill(skillIds)                                              
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has any skill included by   
 *           skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills          
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.members()[0].hasAnySkill([1, 2]) returns whether the  
 *           1st party member has skill with id 1 or 2                        
 *      8. hasAllSkills(skillIds)                                             
 *         - Returns whether the battler involved has all skills included by  
 *           skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills          
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $[1, 2]) returns whether the    
 *           actor with id 1 has all skills with id 1 and 2                   
 *    # Unit manipulations                                                    
 *      1. memWithAnyState(stateIds)                                          
 *         - Returns the list of members with any state included by stateIds, 
 *           which is a list of id of states                                  
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stateIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithAnyState([1, 2]) returns the list of party     
 *           members with any state with id 1 or 2                            
 *      2. memWithAllStates(stateIds)                                         
 *         - Returns the list of members with all states included by          
 *           stateIds, which is a list of id of states                        
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stateIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithAllStates([1, 2]) returns the list of troop    
 *           members with all states with id 1 or 2                           
 *      3. memWithoutAnyState(stateIds)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members without any state included by        
 *           stateIds, which is a list of id of states                        
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stateIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithoutAnyState([1, 2]) returns the list of party  
 *           members without any state with id 1 or 2                         
 *      4. memWithoutAllStates(stateIds)                                      
 *         - Returns the list of members without all states included by       
 *           stateIds, which is a list of id of states                        
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stateIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithoutAllStates([1, 2]) returns the list of troop 
 *           members without all states with id 1 or 2                        
 *      5. memWithAnyBuff(paramIds)                                           
 *         - Returns the list of members with any buff included by paramIds,  
 *           which is a list of id of corresponding parameters                
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithAnyBuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party      
 *           members with any hp or mp buff                                   
 *      6. memWithAllBuffs(paramIds)                                          
 *         - Returns the list of members with all buffs included by paramIds, 
 *           which is a list of id of corresponding parameters                
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithAllBuffs([0, 1]) returns the list of troop     
 *           members with all hp and mp buffs                                 
 *      7. memWithoutAnyBuff(paramIds)                                        
 *         - Returns the list of members without any buff included by         
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithoutAnyBuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party   
 *           members without any hp or mp buff                                
 *      8. memWithoutAllBuffs(paramIds)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members without all buffs included by        
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithoutAllBuffs([0, 1]) returns the list of troop  
 *           members without all hp and mp buffs                              
 *      9. memWithAnyDebuff(paramIds)                                         
 *         - Returns the list of members with any debuff included by paramIds,
 *           which is a list of id of corresponding parameters                
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithAnyDebuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party    
 *           members with any hp or mp debuff                                 
 *      10. memWithAllDebuffs(paramIds)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members with all debuffs included by         
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithAllDebuffs([0, 1]) returns the list of troop    
 *           members with all hp and mp debuffs                               
 *      11. memWithoutAnyDebuff(paramIds)                                     
 *         - Returns the list of members without any debuff included by       
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithoutAnyDebuff([0, 1]) returns the list of party 
 *           members without any hp or mp debuff                              
 *      12. memWithoutAllDebuffs(paramIds)                                    
 *         - Returns the list of members without all debuffs included by      
 *           paramIds, which is a list of id of corresponding parameters      
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - paramIds must be an Array of non negative Number                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithoutAllDebuffs([0, 1]) returns the list of troop
 *           members without all hp and mp debuffs                            
 *      13. memWithAnySkill(skillIds)                                         
 *         - Returns the list of members with any skill included by skillIds, 
 *           which is a list of id of corresponding skills                    
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - skillIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithAnySkill([1, 2]) returns the list of party     
 *           members with skill having id 1 or 2                              
 *      14. memWithAllSkills(skillIds)                                        
 *         - Returns the list of members with all skills included by skillIds,
 *           which is a list of id of corresponding skills                    
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - skillIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithAllSkills([1, 2]) returns the list of troop    
 *           members with skills having id 1 and 2                            
 *      15. memWithoutAnySkill(skillIds)                                      
 *         - Returns the list of members without any skill included by        
 *           skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills          
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - skillIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.memWithoutAnySkill([1, 2]) returns the list of party  
 *           members without skills having id 1 nor 2                         
 *      16. memWithoutAllSkills(skillIds)                                     
 *         - Returns the list of members without all skills included by       
 *           skillIds, which is a list of id of corresponding skills          
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - skillIds must be an Array of positive Number                     
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.memWithoutAllSkills([1, 2]) returns the list of troop 
 *           members without skills having id 1 and 2                         
 *      17. anyHighestStatMem(stats)                                          
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those being the  
 *           highest among the caller                                         
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.anyHighestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of   
 *           party members with the highest amount of hp or mp among the party
 *      18. allHighestStatsMem(stats)                                         
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all the highest among
 *           the caller                                                       
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.allHighestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of  
 *           troop members with the highest amount of hp and mp among the     
 *           troop                                                            
 *      19. notAnyHighestStatMem(stats)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, don't include those being
 *           the highest among the caller                                     
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.notAnyHighestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of
 *           party members with neither the highest amount of hp nor mp among 
 *           the party                                                        
 *      20. notAllHighestStatsMem(stats)                                      
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, aren't all the highest   
 *           among the caller                                                 
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.notAllHighestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list  
 *           of troop members without the highest amount of both hp and mp    
 *           among the troop                                                  
 *      21. anyLowestStatMem(stats)                                           
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those being the  
 *           lowest among the caller                                          
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.anyLowestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of    
 *           party members with the lowest amount of hp or mp among the party 
 *      22. allLowestStatsMem(stats)                                         
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all the lowest among 
 *           the caller                                                       
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.allLowestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of   
 *           troop members with the lowest amount of hp and mp among the party
 *      23. notAnyLowestStatMem(stats)                                        
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, don't include those being
 *           the lowest among the caller                                      
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.notAnyLowestStatMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of 
 *           party members with neither the lowest amount of hp nor mp among  
 *           the party                                                        
 *      24. notAllLowestStatsMem(stats)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, aren't all the lowest    
 *           among the caller                                                 
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.notAllLowestStatsMem(["hp", "mp"]) returns the list of
 *           troop members without the lowest amount of both hp and mp among  
 *           the troop                                                        
 *      25. anyAboveStatMem(stats, val)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those above val  
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - val must be a Number                                             
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.anyAboveStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100) returns the list of
 *           party members with the value of hp or mp above 100               
 *      26. allAboveStatMem(stats, val)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all above val        
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - val must be a Number                                             
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.allAboveStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100) returns the list of
 *           troop members with the value of hp and mp above 100              
 *      27. anyBelowStatMem(stats, val)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, include those below val  
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - val must be a Number                                             
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.anyBelowStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100) returns the list of
 *           party members with the value of hp or mp below 100               
 *      28. allBelowStatMem(stats, val)                                       
 *         - Returns the list of members whose values of                      
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters included by stats, which  
 *           is a list of names of corresponding                              
 *           parameters/ex-parameters/sp-parameters, are all below val        
 *         - The return value should be an Array of Game_Battler              
 *         - stats must be an Array of String as names of Game_Battler        
 *           properties with the get function                                 
 *         - val must be a Number                                             
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameTroop.allBelowStatMem(["hp", "mp"], 100) returns the list of
 *           troop members with the value of hp and mp below 100

The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

Author Notes

*      1. This plugin's meant to be a convenience tool to facilitate the use 
 *         of some unit filters that aren't already available from the default
 *         RMMV codebase, so you're still supposed to write some Javascript   
 *         codes with the aid of the new plugin calls provided by this plugin.
 *      2. You're supposed to implement unit filter result set operations -   
 *         union, intersection, complement, difference, etc - yourselves.

Version History

*      v1.00a(GMT 0800 18-10-2017):                                          
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

*      1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
 *      2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.   
 *      3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than 
 *         DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from 
 *         using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.           
 *      4. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies 
 *         to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
 *      5. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin      
 *         anymore if you've violated any of the above.

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  • Posted about 7 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker MV
  • Category
    Gameplay Scripts
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




