I've been away for a bit, moving into a new house, having final exams coming up, I don't remember anything from before the christmas break… yay…
I'll be on more later this week as I've been so busy, and without internet for a while, but I have been at school making new songs! There are 3 I've made so far in 2017, and this was the second one I've made so far. Enjoy!
I'm working on two songs right now, one is an EP album called ANNUM, for my final project for electronic music, and I'm working on a remix of one of my favourite songs in all of video games for another project in the same course. I'll release both of them at some time.
So until then!
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This is really good, how do you make this kind of music? If you're putting these songs in Wonder's War, people are going to love it!
It takes a lot of work. You need the right instruments, right eq, an understandment of what it does, how to use compression, and other effects.
I use this a lot when setting up my instruments. https://www.cheatography.com/fredv/cheat-sheets/eq-tips/
If you want to expand your knowledge, just take an electronic music course, or just research about it.
I'm slowly trying to figure out all of the components of FL Studio as well as get better at my music,