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RPG Maker VX Ace    Posted April 19, 2013 by xTsukihime

Global Common Events


This script allows you to assign certain common events as "global" common
events. These are common events that will be run in almost any scene, as long as
the run conditions are met.


Posted Image

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.




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Place this script below Materials and above Main




Posted Image


To set a common event as a global common event, create a comment with the following string


<global common event>

If you would like the common events to continue running even if the message
window is open, use the comment


<global common event: non-blocking>

You can set the run condition if you want to control when the common event will be updated. The trigger itself is irrelevant since a global common event does not need it.


Filtering Scenes


You may not want all global common events to run in every scene, but you may
want to run certain global common events in certain scenes, but not others.


You can control which scenes global common events run in using a set of
filters, organized into two types of filters: whitelists, and blacklists.


Whitelists determine which scenes allow global common events to update.
If the whitelist is empty, then all scenes will update events.
If the whitelist is not empty, then only those scenes will update events.


Blacklists determine which scenes disallow global common events to update.
The blacklist is used to prevent updating in certain scenes, while allowing
all other scenes to update events.


Note that by this definition, whitelists are more restrictive. For example,
if you put Scene_Map on the whitelist, then global common events will
ONLY run on the map and nowhere else. But if you put Scene_Map on the blacklist, then the events will run on any scene EXCEPT the map scene


Universal Filters


In the configuration section, there is a whitelist and a blacklist. These are universal filter lists: they apply to all global common events.


Local Filters


Each global common event can have its own whitelist and blacklist.
To specify filters, create a comment of the form


<global scene blacklist: scene_name1, scene_name2, ... >
<global scene whitelist: scene_name3, scene_name4, ... >

You must specify the exact scene name (eg: Scene_Title), each scene separated by a single comma.


Local filters only apply to the events that they are defined in and do not affect other events.

Credits & Thanks

Tsukihime @ Hime Works

Terms & Conditions

* Free to use in commercial/non-commercial projects
* No real support. The script is provided as-is
* Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches
* Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial
* Credits to Tsukihime in your project
* Preserve this header

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  • Posted about 12 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker VX Ace
  • Category
    System Enhancements
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




