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RPG Maker VX Ace    Posted October 21, 2013 by xTsukihime

Splash Screen Map


This script allows you to create splash screens using events. When the player launches your game, a special "splash screen map" will be loaded and start running.


You can use events in this splash screen map to set up your opening sequences, such as any splash screens using "show picture" events, animations, messages, screen fade-in fade-out effects, and so on.


You can create unique splash screens with no scripting knowledge required!



    The Code

    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.


    In the script editor, place this script below Materials and above Main




    In the configuration, set the ID of the map you want to designate as the
    splash screen map, and then just set up your scene in the selected map.


    Skipping the scene


    You can create a “skip” button for players to skip the splash screen in
    the configuration.


    Camera Positioning


    Chances are, your player’s start position is not in this splash screen map, so the camera will just centered at (0, 0). If you want to set the camera to a particular position, create an event and set its name to “START”


    Ending the scene
    To finish the splash screen and go to the title scene (or another scene),
    make the script call

    Credits & Thanks

    Comments (0)

    • I keep getting this error, Script 'Splash Screen' Line 17: SyntaxError Occurred
      embedded document meets end of file.

      What's this mean or what am I doing wrong?

    Leave a Reply


    • Posted about 12 years ago

    • Engine
      RPG Maker VX Ace
    • Category
      Misc System
    • License
      Attribution 3.0 Unported
    • Version





    scenes splash-screens