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RPG Maker VX Ace    Posted April 5, 2013 by vindaca

V’s Awesome Options


This script allows you to change different aspects of the Title, Menu, End Game and Gameover Screens as well as window opacity and the Default Font settings. Check out the feature's spoiler for a more detailed description. This is just my first script so if there are any bugs please let me know. I'm always open to suggestions if anyone has any other option ideas.


– Title Screen Options
– Menu Screen Options
– End Game Screen Options
– Game Over Screen Options
– Window Options
– Default Options
– BG Options
– BGM Options
– And many more…


    The Code

    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: I keep getting an error.
    A: Make sure this script is installed below all other custom scripts and above main.
    A: Make sure that your BG pictures are imported to your picture folder.


    Install this script above main and below all other scrips to avoid problems. Import all of the BG pictures that you want to use into your pictures folder. Adjust the customizable section of the script as needed there are plenty of options so have fun, and make your game yours.

    Author Notes

    This is my first script, I’ve been doing this now for about 3 months and decided to start scripting. Eventually I would like to go to school for it so if anyone has any helpful comments please feel free to leave them below.


    I haven’t had any problems with any other scripts as long as this is the last. if another script is not running properly try placing it below this one.

    Version History

    – v0.1


    – Allows you to use custom BG’s in all the menus
    – Change the zoom and x/y values of the BG
    – Choose to use a BGM for the menu
    – Allows you to display actor graphics in front of the faces


    – v0.2


    – Gives the option for a midground layer in the title page
    – Change the zoom and x/y values of each of the layers
    – Choose to use a BGM and change the pitch and volume for the title and Gameover screens ( allows for more control of pitch )
    – Allows you to change the gameover BG the same as the menu BG.


    – v0.3


    – Fixed a bug with the default draw title option
    – Allows you to change the size and style of the draw title font
    – Now gives the option to change all the windows in the game’s opacity
    – There are new default font options


    – v0.4


    – Fixed a few more bugs with the title menu screen


    – v1.0


    – New option for a horizontal command window for the title screen
    – Allows you to change the x and y position of the title command window
    – I have also added new options to change the actor graphics x and y positions within the actor face box


    – v1.1


    – Fixed a few more bugs with the title’s horizontal command window


    – v1.2


    – I have added options to change the End Game Secne command window’s x and y positions
    – Added options to center the title, menu, and end game command window’s text


    – v1.3


    – I have added options to add additional layers to the Game Over screen background with the
    same options as the title
    – I also added an option to draw a Game Over Text with the same options as the title


    – v1.4


    – I was asked to add video features ( And there will be more! ), so I’ve added an option for
    an Intro Movie that plays before the Title Page
    – I have added options to use and customize SE that play automatically every time a
    balloon pops up.
    – I have also added a feature to play a SE upon collision with a non-passable object.

    Credits & Thanks

    D&P3 for the great tutorials
    ShinGamix for the idea to add options to the title and gameover screen
    Mymammy for being so awesome

    Terms & Conditions

    I do not mind sharing credit for this script if alterations to the script
    are made. I am not making this script for commercial uses. If anyone wants
    to use this script in one there games just give credit to any and everyone
    who took part in creating

    Comments (9)

    Leave a Reply


    • Posted about 12 years ago

    • Engine
      RPG Maker VX Ace
    • Category
      Title, Save, Load, GameOver Addon
    • License
      Attribution 3.0 Unported
    • Version





    bg bgm comand-windows game-actor-faces vindaca