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RPG Maker VX Ace    Posted July 18, 2013 by vindaca

V’s Relationships/Bio Window


I have had a few requests for a relationship window, so I decided to make one. It's easy to use. If anyone has any requests to add on please let me know.


– Allows you to create and maintain relationships via script call and game variables.


    The Code

    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

    Frequently Asked Questions



    Q: I keep getting an error. What do i do?


    A: Make sure that you are using the add_relationship script call properly.


    Can be found in the top of the script.

    Author Notes

    This makes the seventh script I’ve written, third in three days.


    No known issues, but please post them if you have any.

    Version History

    In v0.1, This window displays Relationships with with other actors. As of
    v0.1 the window displays the face of the npc, the name, the location, and a
    gauge to display if you are liked or disliked. the gauges controlled by game

    Credits & Thanks

    – Vindaca here saying thank you to all who have inspired someone. If you plan on using this script please credit me in your games credits.


    – Special Thanks to:


    Diamondandplatinum3 on youtube for the great tutorials

    Terms & Conditions

    I do not mind sharing credit for this script if alterations to the script
    are made. I am not making this script for commercial uses. If anyone wants
    to use this script in one there games just give credit to any and everyone
    who took part in creating it. And leave a post about the completed game if it
    ever is completed .

    Comments (7)

    • Hi, I've been trying to use this script for a while now and I keep getting this error, I can't seem to find out the problem. no matter what I do, when i get to the event with the "add_relationship" script call, the game crashes with this same error. [img][/img] I'm not sure what I did wrong. help, please?

    • [quote]Sounds like a script conflict if you've been using it for a while then it suddenly broke. If so, can you narrow down the incompatible script? [/quote]

      Actually, it starts everytime i get to the event with the script calls for this exact script. there doesn't seem to be any conflict with other scripts as all other gameplay is just fine up until i reach the "Add_relationship" Script call event then it crashes with that "Game_Interpreter line 1409 error"

      it all started on my first attempt at a Playtest with this script, as soon as the script call activated

    • I'm sorry I'm new to scripting never done it before, but it comes up with an error that says: Script 'SceneManager' line 283: NameError occurred. unintialized constant SceneManager:: Window_Base. How do I fix this?

    Leave a Reply


    • Posted about 12 years ago

    • Engine
      RPG Maker VX Ace
    • Category
      Addon Collection
    • License
      Attribution 3.0 Unported
    • Version




