RPG Maker VX
OmegaX Zelda Hearts system
I am quite sure there might be a bug or two, I wasn’t thinking much and just rushed into it XD. Do report anything here:http://www.omegadev.biz/rgss2-vx-f19/omegax-zelda-hearts-t14.htm. This system is specifically for your Zelda fan games, anyway, remember that 1HP is worth 1 Heart Fragment, and always make sure the MaxHP of the player is a multiple of 4 if you want this script to work properly. Basically, 12MaxHP means 3Hearts. If you had 11HP (not a multiple of 4), it would still be 3Hearts, but the 12th fragment would never be filled! So be careful Wink.
# Heart Graphics are divided in four fragments by the script (4HP = One Heart) # Set how many hearts to appear per row. # Turn HUD ON/OFF with a switch.
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Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works only under the same license or one compatible with the one that governs the licensor's work. Commerical use allowed.