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RPG Maker XP    Posted March 8, 2013 by Bigace360

ACE Status System


The status menu doesn’t appear to help much at all in the default RPG Maker XP scripts. This script changes the status screen completely to something the player can interact with more and be able to view actor data with more clarity.


● View the general information for an actor (parameters and experience)
● A window with parameters bar graph
● A list of all abilities learned and state/element affinities
● You can view other scene from the Status window.


    The Code

    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Configurations are in the module.


    This script requires Scene_Base

    There is a high possibility that any script that rewrites Scene_Status will have conflicts with this Engine.
    Here is a list of the currently supported scripts that work with this menu script:

    For info on script order go here: Bigace360’s Script Order

    Version History

    o 07.06.2012 (v1.00)
    – Initial Release

    o 08.26.2012 (v1.11)
    – Improved Coding
    – Added a layout image

    o 12.25.2012 (v2.00)
    – Improved coding and overworked system
    – Create Custom status commands
    – Add a custom command for the Biography, Equipment, and Skill scenes
    – Create a Affinity Screens for element and status resistance
    – Fix the size of the stat bars in the parameters section so they don’t run off the page.
    – Create multiple pages for skill, state, and elemental windows when there is more items that one page can
    – Compatibility with ACE Rename Actor Screen

    o 01.08.2013 (v2.02)
    – Improved Coding
    – Add the last name to the biography page title.

    o 01.23.2013 (v2.03)
    – Improved Coding

    o 02.05.2013 (v2.05)
    – Fix the parameter bar so it fills up the whole bar when at max stat.
    – Strange issue with changing characters when you click the Input::R Button.

    o 02.07.2013 (v2.06)
    – Fixed the exp bar error.

    Credits & Thanks

    Bigace360, for the script.

    Terms & Conditions

    Comments (13)

    [quote name='kokura' timestamp='1357500051' post='79471']
    Hi! First of all, great job with the Scene, it really looks awesome

    I have been testing over and over the script in my project and I found peculiar that the bug does not seem to manifest when Input::R, I have [b]no idea[/b] about scripting but I deduce that the problem might be in one of these two parts of the script:

    def update_command_window
    exit_command if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
    open_command if Input.trigger?(STAT_VOCAB[:scene_button])
    [b]next_command if Input.trigger?(Input::R) || Input.trigger?(Input::L)[/b]
    page_command if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) || Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)


    def next_command
    [b]@actor_index += Input.trigger?(Input::L) ? -1 : 1[/b]
    @actor_index %= $game_party.actors.size

    I though it may help, but I will step aside and let the bigger boys play with it =)

  • Nice try, but no it's not that. I've already tested that the first time I spotted that error. Plus I do that samething in several other codes, so that can't be the issue. I'll look into after I finish the skill and shop systems.

  • heh, just an educated guess =)

    I've got another question for you; in the parameter section, is there any way to stablish a maximum value for the parameters bars? Because every time I run my game they seem to differ in lenght with the same parameter value (Ex: 150 Atk).

    Thanks again and looking forward for your new scripts =)

  • Updated: February 7, 2013 (v2.00)
    – Improved coding and overworked system
    – Create Custom status commands
    – Add a custom command for the Biography, Equipment, and Skill scenes
    – Create a Affinity Screens for element and status resistance
    – Fix the size of the stat bars in the parameters section so they don’t run off the page.
    – Create multiple pages for skill, state, and elemental windows when there is more items that one page can contain.
    – Compatibility with ACE Rename Actor Screen
    – Add the last name to the biography page title.
    – Fix the parameter bar so it fills up the whole bar when at max stat.
    – Strange issue with changing characters when you click the Input::R Button.
    – Fixed the exp bar error.

  • I don’t know what to tell you on such limited detail as I’ve just tested the script and I didn’t see that issue. I even tested it in the wrong error and the command still appeared. Maybe, you have something that is conflicting with the script, I don’t know. Or maybe you change the commands around. Did you scroll to the bottom of the list to see the command as by default it’s the last command in the status window. Otherwise I have no clue why that happened.

  • Because you have scene_biography 1.0 which is not compatibly with it. download the latest version from my blog which is v3.1. 


    Edit: Scratch what I said, why did you edit the code below the line? On line 1211 and 1303 you change the Global Hashes name to spanish. When you did that, the game was now looking for a new file. One that doesn’t exist. Turn Biografia back in Biography and it should work.


    # ▼ WARNING!!!
    # Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing 
    # computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user’s head, coma, death,
    # and/or halitosis so edit at your own risk.


    I put these messages in my script for a reason you probably should read them.^^




    For the SBS, I’ve already stated once before that I’m not working answer any question regarding it at the moment. proof. Sorry I haven’t even touch the thing in 6 months, so I can’t help you at the moment. 

  • sorry to bother again
    I download the v3.1 but only appears in the menu but not in status
    Leave it if you like, is not necessary the biography in the Status menu, I can handle it differently
    thank you very much
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    • Posted about 12 years ago





    ace-custom-menu-system bigace360 custom-scene-status