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RPG Maker XP    Posted February 9, 2015 by Marked

CTB – A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System


Hi all. This is a custom FFX-like battle system. It includes summons, individual battle commands and many other features.


I hope you will enjoy it, and I invite you to report bugs and give comments, suggestions…



Individual turn based BS: different actions cause different delays.
All actions are executed immediately (i.e. zero casting time, only a delay after the action execution).


Support for 8 chars during battle (6 if you use style 1).
Individual Battle Commands.
Transformations, Summons, Party Switching, Limitbreaks/Overdrives.
FFX-like Skill Learning System for Summons/Aeons
(REMOVED AND AVAILABLE AS A SEPARATE SCRIPT) A skills learning system based on weapons: basically the same system of FFIX.


CUSTOM SKILLS: Altruismo, Trincea, Drain, Aspire, Demi, Steal, Reflect, Drakoken.
Advanced targetting (if it can be called so): depending on the skill, the target may be:


a single element either ally or enemy (reflex for example);
a single enemy or all the enemies (see double slash in the demo).


Attacking all the enemies deals half damage.


CUSTOM STATES: Priority, Thievery, Reflect, Reaction, Auto-Phoenix, Double EXP, Regen, Auto-Life, Stop Time, MP 1, Half MP, Doom, Zombie, Stone.
Multiple states are shown through cycling text during battle.


Custom damage sprite animation for SP and HP loss and gain.
Two Status battle styles available.
Animated HP bars.
Target indicator in the turns bar.


A modified status window that shows the exp points for the learning process.
A status window available during battles.
A window showing the turns.
I’m sure I’m missing something… if you see anything non-standard… it was me.







    5.96MB, .zip


    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Can I use default battlers?
    A: Yes, you can do it with the proper configuration of Animated Battlers. Read the PDF GUIDE FOR ANIMATED BATTLERS.
    Q: Can I use character sets or spritesheets with 7 or 10 rows and 6 frames?
    A: Yes, you can do it with the proper configuration of Animated Battlers. Read the PDF GUIDE FOR ANIMATED BATTLERS.
    Q: My archer shouldn’t run towards the enemy when he attacks with his bow…
    A: Find MNK_STATIONARY_WEAPONS = [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] in the configuration of Animated Battlers and put all the IDs of your bows, guns, etc.
    Q: How can I change the party positions?
    A: With the introduction of Animated Battlers Enhanced version 12.3, you need a script called Formation System, which is available here. Refer to the PDF GUIDE FOR ANIMATED BATTLERS for the details.


    Please refer to the pdf that is included in the demo.

    Author Notes

    This system does not use the SDK. Please do not ask for an SDK compatible version, I will not release any.


    If you are looking for MORE ANIMATED BATTLERS take a look at the gallery.


    You can publish the system in your site/forum provided that you:
    1) insert a link to this page;
    2) use the demo URL found in this page (do not upload on other file sharing services, do not post the script as text);
    3) report the terms of use specified below.

    Terms & Conditions

    The battle system is free for use in non-commercial games, provided that credit is given to me as the author, or the original author if you use a modified version of it. For its use in commercial games, please contact me.
    These terms also apply to all the previous versions of the system (including the ones under the name "CTB by Charlie Lee").
    The battle system uses the script "Minkoff’s Animated Battlers – Enhanced" by DerVVulfman.

    Comments (7)

    Which link? I tried the download link, and it worked fine for me.

  • Edit: Ok, now I feel like a…well let's not get into that. Anyways, ignore basically everything I said, I wasn't aware that the SDK is basically not used by anything and causes more problems than it solves. I found a non-SDK version of MMW easily once I actually thought to look, and everything is happiness and diabetes now for me and my project.

    One minor feature request: You have a "multi-hit" system, that basically makes the skill be used multiple times. However, the system literally just has you use the skill twice or more in a row. Would it be possible to have a system where you can tell the game to add an additional strike at a specific point in the attack?

    My thought is that it would work like this:

    SKILL_HIT_TIMING = {5 => 7, 6 => 5, 6 => 9) # Set skills to deal damage at specific frames into their animations. Overrides the default timing.

    This would set skill 5 to have it's hit occur at frame 7, instead of when the hit normally takes place. Skill 6 would be set to have two hits, one at 5 and one at 9. This would allow you to easily have your attack deal it's damage at specific times, as well as having it deal damage multiple times.

  • Ok, something hopefully much less stupid this time:

    Unfortunately, the non-SDK version of MMW still has some issues, however it seems that they are resolveable. I haven't fixed things perfectly, but I've gotten a good start:

    In CTB by Charlie – Scene_Battle:
    Replace line 150 with:

    @message_window = []
    @message_window[0] =

    Replace line 219 with:

    @message_window.each {|mw| mw.dispose}

    Replace line 362 with:

    if @message_window.each {|mw| mw.visible}

    Replace line 387 with:

    if @help_window.visible or @message_window.each {|mw| mw.visible}

    Replace line 394 with:

    @message_window.each {|mw| mw.update}

    This keeps the game from crashing as soon as you start battle. It alls seems to work just fine, the only issue I've run into so far (and it's a big one) is that you can't move up and down on the main menu. You can press left and right to switch between the main and guard menu, but you can't move down to choose Item, Skills, Switch, Items, etc.

    Any idea how I might fix this bug? I don't necessarily need a specific fix, but just a pointer to what line(s) in what script(s) I need to be looking at would be a lot of help.

  • I find that XP is probably one of the better RPG Maker systems out there, only because it seems to give you the most default content that you can start out with, and then customize that content or even make your own content. With VX Ace, not sure about MV, there was almost no default content to work with. I'm sure the engines might be better, but I want something that gives me content to work with and then go from there. It's a shame VX Ace took most of that away.

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    • Posted about 10 years ago




