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RPG Maker XP    Posted March 5, 2013 by DerVVulfman

Minkoff’s Animated Battlers – Enhanced


This script adapts front-view battle systems (like the default battle system, or the RTAB system), and turns it into a side-view battle system. Battlers can bob and weave while waiting to attack, charge forward to attack, and strike a victory pose when they win.


It’s gone through a number of changes here and there since it’s original incarnation. I informed Minkoff of the changes I had made and he graciously allowed me to post this topic.



    4.38MB, .zip


    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.


    This script goes above Main… generally speaking.
    If using any custom battlesystem or custom battle add-on, it should go below these scripts… just to be safe.


    As far as the configuration system, the features are listed in the above manual (in .pdf format) now available for download.


    This side-view battler script was designed to work with both, the default battle system AND the RTAB system. And it apparently works with Paradog’s CTB v 2.58. I dunno about it working with any other system.

    Credits & Thanks

    Obviously, I have to give thanks to Minkoff for such a wonderful script. Also, many thanks to Twin-Matrix who thinks like I do, and came up with the Status Effect pose system that mirrored my individual Item/Skill pose system). And to Jens009 for requesting a variation to Stationary Enemies so only CERTAIN enemies stay put. Also thanks to Clive for the thought behind heroes readying their weapons before battle, WithViolence who brought up the idea for using Default battlers, SteveE22 finding a bug and for requesting to ‘mix’ default and spritesheet battlers, to Skyla Doragono for requesting the "Victory’ infinite loop feature, to Mimi-Chan for requesting a ‘Critical Hit’ pose, and to Creiz for requesting the Advanced Poses Hash system. JirbyTaylor found a critical ‘stack-error’ that occurred when you reset the game when using default red-out deaths, but SephirothSpawn supplied a scriptette that halts re-loading ‘stack-error’ problems. Thanks to Kaze950 for noticing a bug where ‘BLOCKING’ battlers remained in the block pose after winning the battle. And thanks to BOOMY for finding an additional bug… similar to the one SteveE22 found. Thanks goes to Fomar0153 for his assistance in determining how to pause AT battlesystems for the animation effect. Thanks to daigotsu for pointing out the group-targetting bug. Thanks to MasterMind5823 to request/advice of saving the global configuration values. To MasterMind5823, Juuhou and Arachus for uncovering a glitch related to the recent Skill Casting delay addition. To Alistor and Neonyo for uncovering the random-formation/custom-battlesystem glitch. And Alistor (he’s on a roll!) for discovering the Actor Command Window z-depth bug. What else??? Well, Hakuya pointed out that dead battlers are still animated and thought that they should freeze, so animated ‘defeat’ poses are now an option set like the animated ‘victory’ pose. And Angel_FX noticed that dead battlers are visible on the battlefield at the start of combat. Well, they’re fixed now. And The Sleeping Leonhart found that the MNK_FRAMES_ENEMY and MNK_FRAMES_ACTOR configurables didn’t work. Fixed too. Also, Joooda noticed that the victory pose always looped (including battlers who weren’t supposed to), and bojox3m found that some CTB systems ‘nil-ed’ out the @moved value called (causing an error). Those also fixed. Boo Mansion requested an option so Flat Rate values can be used to activate the woozy pose rather than percentages. And Kaze950 requested ‘Struck’ poses based on skills. I went a little far on that and added Critical hit strucks based on skills too… as well as weapons and items.

    Terms & Conditions

    This system is available royalty free. I make no claim as to the usage of this system, even for commercial use. Edits to the system may be permitted as to suit your needs, but I cannot guarantee these edits effectiveness nor can I guarantee support for these same edits.


    When using the system, the name of the animation system must be prominent along with my name and the original creator’s name (that’s Minkoff… if you didn’t know). If your project includes a end-of-game ‘Credit Roll’, I would also require the listing of all parties in the Credits and Thanks section (above) as contributers and betatesters of this system. Given their assistance, I wouldn’t ask no less.

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    • Posted about 12 years ago

    • Engine
      RPG Maker XP
    • Category
      Custom Battle Scripts
    • License
      Attribution 3.0 Unported
    • Version





    cbs minkoff sideview