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RPG Maker XP    Posted March 2, 2013 by Marked

Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP


Finally! The SBS Tankentai XP is fully translated (thank cairn).
For the ones that don’t know this script, this is an highly customizable side view battle system.


The most important feature of this script, is that you can use normal Character Sets instead of Special Battlers.(you can configure it to use Special Battlers, but its up to you)


It was originally made by Enu for the RMVX. Enu made an RMXP version too, but it really outdated.


This version is very different from Enus XP version.


One of the main differences is that this script is 90% compatible with VX add-ons (most of them just need an few adjustment, due to the XP char height).


And more: I’ve added lots of new features for the XP Version.



    619.98KB, .zip


    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.


    It highly recommended that you use the demo as Base for your project. But if that is not possible, theres some things you must be careful of:
    You must copy from the demo the flowing things:
    Status: from 17 to 20
    Animations: 102 and 103



    Credits & Thanks

    Converted to XP by Atoa Translation to english by cairn Original VX translation by Enu VX original translation to English by Kyrlock and Mr.Bubbles

    Terms & Conditions

    Credit must also be giving to the following: Atoa(Converting to XP), Enu(Orginal VX Version), Kylock & Mr.Bubble(Original VX English Translation), cairn(XP Translation to english)

    Comments (142)

    • I've been getting an "error" with this script, and have absolutely no idea how to go about fixing it…
      But I am getting strange amounts of EXP after battles. Example. In the simple setup where you fight three ghosts, you only receive 1 exp instead of the 6 you should be receiving. I changed their exp amount to 17 points each, then the team only received 12 points… This is a great script, but that little detail is really ruining it for me… :\

    • Thats because EXP Share is turned on. Go to * SBS Config – XP on Line 53 and change
      EXP_SHARE = true


      EXP_SHARE = false

    No problem. Need anything else just ask

    I downloaded this and I am very interested. The animations look great

    Nope you dont need RGSS knowledge to do this because it has great comments.
    All you really need to do is open the script editor on the demo for the script and copy them scripts into your game exactly how they have it then copy over all the graphics from them demo to your game. It should work perfectly.

    Theres a script called * SBS Config, and * SBS Config – XP. I would suggest only messing with * SBS Config – XP.
    The comments in the script will help you what each thing does. Make sure you read all the green text before messing with anything.

    I would also make a copy of your project before messing with this incase you dont like it or mess up on the config some how. or just mess with the demo then make the changes on your project.

    Hope this was helpful [img][/img]

  • This system does use an in game variable, the very first one, named 'Poção'. Make sure to not use this variable for anything in your game.

    Also the system suggests to build your game into the demo rather than moving it over into your game. I am currently using this system and the first time attempted to move it into my project and ran into multiple issues and errors. After moving my game into the demo, all the errors and issues stopped. I have little scripting knowledge so I would suggest you do the same, and move your project into the demo, or create from the demo, as you will run into exceeding less issues.

    This is definitely an amazing system, I am using tons of scripts as well as this one and some have caused issues, but I have always been able to find an alternate script that does the same thing, and currently have no compatibility issues. I agree with pol, every time you do any script work create a back up copy of your entire game, I use version numbers to tell the difference. I would also suggest to do all your script work at once, or near each other, and read the through each section a few times before you start, I still read, or understand further new things.

    If you have any questions about how to do something with this system in the future, feel free to post here, I will help best I can.

  • Theres optional scripts in the demo called Atoa ATB, and Atoa CTB. There add-ons to this script. All you have to do to use them is move them above main.

  • Thats not what he's talking about Pol he means this: [url=””]http://www.hbgames.o…0fe83417631df4a[/url]

    The Tankentai wasn't created by Atoa, he just translated it.

  • Hi everyone!
    I have an minor issue with this system.
    You see, I want to make animated enemies work. So I add few more IDs in script. But all the enemies remain in their Battler sprites instead of being Character sprites no matter what!

    I'm not really good at explaining, but they say a picture can say thousands of words. [img][/img]
    Unless I'm n00b at it, too.


  • in your scripts youll see

    "Enemy Animated Battlers"
    "Stationary Enemies"

    in Enemy Animated Battlers look for this line

    ENEMY_ID = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,] # IDs of the enemies that will have animated sprites

    like i have add the IDs of the monsters you want to be animated (using their sprite sheets)

    in Stationary Enemies
    ENEMY_ID = [36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, ] # List of movementless enemies

    make sure you take off the IDs of characters you dont want just a picture as the battler

    should be good to go

  • okay I have a small problem. how do I move the enemy sprites? I got rid of the battler images (ty yogi) but haven't had any luck gettin them aligned the way they are in the screenshots. help would be appreciated.

  • to align enemies differently just go to your database on your project

    click on the Troops tab

    select the group of monsters

    click the Enemy battler and drag them around on the battle field where you want them to stand in battle


  • [quote name='FatYogi' timestamp='1341615784' post='75090']
    in your scripts youll see

    "Enemy Animated Battlers"
    "Stationary Enemies"

    in Enemy Animated Battlers look for this line

    ENEMY_ID = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,] # IDs of the enemies that will have animated sprites

    like i have add the IDs of the monsters you want to be animated (using their sprite sheets)

    in Stationary Enemies
    ENEMY_ID = [36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, ] # List of movementless enemies

    make sure you take off the IDs of characters you dont want just a picture as the battler

    should be good to go

    I have taken a look at those two scripts, just like you've said, and I've fixd the ID's, but the problem is still there.

  • jeez I was looking in the wrong place. thanks.

  • [quote name='toonnooness' timestamp='1341654875' post='75110']
    I have taken a look at those two scripts, just like you've said, and I've fixd the ID's, but the problem is still there. [img][/img]

    It should have done it, hmm. If you want PM me or link me to your project if you can so i can take a look at it.

    [quote name='dkr724' timestamp='1341685441' post='75115']
    jeez I was looking in the wrong place. thanks.

    no probs duder it happens

  • [quote name='FatYogi' timestamp='1341688383' post='75116']
    It should have done it, hmm. If you want PM me or link me to your project if you can so i can take a look at it.

    Huh. I appriciate your help and all, but I didn't really change heavily my project. I've downloaded the demo, and decided to just test a battle with different enemy (other than ones selected for the demo). So I don't think sending you my project will do anything, really.

  • Easy peasy. Just means the game requires a specific file name to run it. I think I dealt with something similar. All I did was google the error and what do you know tons of interesting things came up. For one the file it self and where it should go.


    Anyway I downloaded this but while installing I made sure to unchecked and disable all those annoying addons. For I simply wanted the file. Which I'm sure is all you want to. If it doesn't let you uncheck them and install the file go ahead and install then go to control panel and remove the addons there.

    I can't remember If I had to put it in a special spot but I'm pretty sure just installing this will get rid of your problem as it did for me.

    Funny this almost sounds Like a VX issue. I'm not sure as I can not remember what I downloaded the file for.

  • [quote name='ElliotWyvern' timestamp='1345561133' post='75959']
    Okay thanks….How do I remove the faces at the hp/sp bars during battle?

    Go to your scripts and look for
    "Battle Windows"

    look for these lines

    128 # Configuration of the Face exhibition
    129 # To use faces, you must create an folder named 'Faces' in the Graphics folder
    130 # The face graphic must have the same as the actor character graphic
    131 # Show Faces? true = show / false = don't show
    132 Show_Faces = true

    and just change it to false

    alternatively if youre too lazy

    you go to Graphics => Faces and delete the pictures
    you wont get any errors for not having them
    in battle it will just leave them blank

    In the future if you want to use faces, just make sure they have the same name as the sprite they go to.

  • EnshroudingDarkness

    Hey guys, maybe someone can help me out. I have two questions to this awesome battle system ^^.

    1. Is it possible to use bigger face graphics or normal battle chars like in the original RMXP Battle system? Since everytime i use graphics bigger then 96×96, they just get cut off >.< .

    2. I am using regular charsets instead of animated battle chars, but i get an strange error with some of them recently Oo.


    The strange thing is, the charset is there. Any idea?

  • I have been using this script for awhile and I do not use animated battlers either. I have no idea about the first question, sorry. However, I may be able to help you with the second question. However, is this a character from the game, or an enemy? Does the error show when you start the game, or when you start a battle? The character set is a .png file, correct? I couldn't see the file type, because the name is so long.

  • EnshroudingDarkness

    It is an enemy and happens when i start a battle. Tried an random charset now and named it Guardian. Let us see what happens when i enter a fight:


    For some reason, the script wants a different file named Guardian_1. without the png at the end. And if i import it with that name again, it works. I really have no idea why that is, never had that before. Maybe another script is causing that?

  • EnshroudingDarkness

    Well, it does work. But i need three graphics for every enemy Oo. That mean for example one guardian.png in the battle chars folder, and one guardian_1.png in the graphics folder plus another guardian.png in the same folder . If i delete one of them after importing, it does not work. Might delete and then import the battle system again or search for another one, because having so much charsets really sucks.

  • [quote name='EnshroudingDarkness' timestamp='1346567363' post='76125']
    Well, it does work. But i need three graphics for every enemy Oo. That mean for example one guardian.png in the battle chars folder, and one guardian_1.png in the graphics folder plus another guardian.png in the same folder . If i delete one of them after importing, it does not work. Might delete and then import the battle system again or search for another one, because having so much charsets really sucks.

    that is really odd.
    have you tried it in a new project and see if it does the same error?
    have you added any other scripts?

  • EnshroudingDarkness

    [quote]have you tried it in a new project and see if it does the same error?[/quote]
    Yep, same problem

    [quote]have you added any other scripts?[/quote]
    Well, just a few so far. Deleted all of them, but the problem is still there. Seems to be a problem in the script itself. But i really have no idea what causes that.

  • EnshroudingDarkness

    Sorry for the doublepost but i found a solution for my problem. There is a certain part in the script which caused the error:

    # true: Use actor's walking graphic.
    # false: Don't use actor's walking graphic.
    # If false, battler file with "_1" is required since walking file is not used.
    # "_1" and subsequent files ("_2", "_3", etc.) should be uniform in size.
    WALK_ANIME = true

    This was on false for some reason, and that is why the maker wanted another walking graphic with a _1 at the end. Really stupid -.-. But oh well, now it works fine like before ^^.

  • Is there a way to equip an enemy with a bow and arrow and have them hold the bow correctly? I use the enemy equipped weapons option, but the enemy holds the bow backwards and fires backwards arrows.

  • [list]
    [*]The appear halfway feature isn't working for me when i use this script. I can make enemies in the troop transparent but they still appear when i actually battle i just can't attack them until the event trigger. I need them to be invisible until the trigger.
    [*]I'm also having a problem where the enemy misses my peeps but they still inflict a state somehow. Why is that?

  • Well Raj it looks like the bow animation is coded as an addon for some reason, my guess is it doesn't flip the bow sprite when an enemy uses it. I'll have a deeper look later to see if that's really the case and how to fix it.

    Dart, ill see what i can do about your problems too. Are you sure they really receive the state despite being missed, does it happen to just some states and how often does it happen? That could be a bug in the script.

  • It seems like it is only happening with Stun.

    Something else has been bugging me too… I'm trying to make a physical attack that is also considered "Magical" and skills that just add states but are NOT Magic. Normally i could do this without the script, but with the script when the ATK F is set to 1 or higher it is automatically a Physical Attack and NOT Magic at all. If it is 0 it is always magic no matter what. Without the script you simply set the INT-F to 0 and it is not Magical. In the Config it says something about "checking" Physical Attack for Skills and Items in the Options of the Database to make them physical, if it is not "checked" they are magic. Where is this at?

  • … Physical attack is an option in rpg maker VX. Ill look into that too.

    I quit, this is not a battle system its a bloody animation tool, and i mean bloody! After spending two days on it i still cant figure out how the animation is supposed to affect the given bugs. Despite the fact that tankentai xp is version 2.2 and tankentai vx is 3.4b, the xp bow script works better than its vx counterpart. It's powerful but very complicated, buggy and disorganized. it's not as "customizable" as its supposed to because it conflicts with many of the scripts out there. Further more the script is discontinued as far as i know, and finding support for it will become harder and harder, as it becomes more and more outdated. Bottom line is, I recommend staying away from this script. You are better off writing your own combat system from scratch. And there are enough simpler sbs out there.

  • This is quite a great script too bad its not that stand alone (putting it to your project)
    good thing i have my own CBS not actually a full one but its like this but simpler
    it has guages, side view, stuff like that

    + its too complex for me

  • [quote name='Saltome' timestamp='1349160702' post='76955']
    … Physical attack is an option in rpg maker VX. Ill look into that too.

    I quit, this is not a battle system its a bloody animation tool, and i mean bloody! After spending two days on it i still cant figure out how the animation is supposed to affect the given bugs. Despite the fact that tankentai xp is version 2.2 and tankentai vx is 3.4b, the xp bow script works better than its vx counterpart. It's powerful but very complicated, buggy and disorganized. it's not as "customizable" as its supposed to because it conflicts with many of the scripts out there. Further more the script is discontinued as far as i know, and finding support for it will become harder and harder, as it becomes more and more outdated. Bottom line is, I recommend staying away from this script. You are better off writing your own combat system from scratch. And there are enough simpler sbs out there.

    Well I actually like this battle system and once I finish this 3 annoying scripts, start designing my own version of the SBS, using this one as a base. That probably won't be until November or December though.

  • I was wondering if any one could help me set this up to look more like breath of fire 2?

    What I mean is, instead of using the same sprite I have for movement on maps, I want different battle sprites to be used in battle.

    I also want to change the attack to that of a animation (ie the character don't move to the enemie, and sword icon doesn't happen. Each character has only 1 attack animation, or magic animation)

    does that make sense at all?

  • [quote name='EnshroudingDarkness' timestamp='1346528261' post='76110']
    It is an enemy and happens when i start a battle. Tried an random charset now and named it Guardian. Let us see what happens when i enter a fight:


    For some reason, the script wants a different file named Guardian_1. without the png at the end. And if i import it with that name again, it works. I really have no idea why that is, never had that before. Maybe another script is causing that?

    Hey are you using Tankentai or Atoa's script ?

  • [quote name='dolarmak' timestamp='1351108127' post='77872']
    I was wondering if any one could help me set this up to look more like breath of fire 2?

    What I mean is, instead of using the same sprite I have for movement on maps, I want different battle sprites to be used in battle.

    I also want to change the attack to that of a animation (ie the character don't move to the enemie, and sword icon doesn't happen. Each character has only 1 attack animation, or magic animation)

    does that make sense at all?

    Did you ever get any help with your request?

  • As far as i can see looking through all the scripts and optional scripts it comes with you cant. Theres so many scripts that i could be missing something. If you do figure it out do let us know.

  • No offense but, are we talking about the same battle system, because I’m using this in my game and I can dual wield? Did you look at “Actor Advanced Status” script?

  • That should be fine. Im not sure why its nagging that thats undefined. Mine works fine and its right here.


    Try it there and if you get the error message again i would ask someone like bigace cause im not good with error message like those.

  • Question, (Love the scripts btw)
    I am trying to get the characters to use skills (Ones I have made) But it’s only making the character “throw a sword” instead of the animation I made to appear.

    Any help on this? :/

  • That should be fine. Im not sure why its nagging that thats undefined. Mine works fine and its right here.


    Try it there and if you get the error message again i would ask someone like bigace cause im not good with error message like those.

    Sorry I am not fixing errors with this script. read here for more info why. I would like to start a new next month, hopefully.

  • I’ve been using this script for awhile and I think it’s great. Most of the issues I find I can work out on my own, but right now I’m a bit stuck. I set up the 2 Man Tech Attack and it worked great. I added the Example Skills and now it doesn’t seem to be working correctly, but the thing is, I can’t figure out why.

    The problem is that the characters are not fighting together. It’s one the characters and one of the monsters that move to attack.


    Here’s a copy of my Test Area, so you can see what I’m talking about.

  • I wanted to ask if anyone else has this problem. I downloaded the demo and was testing some things and I found that when States that I want to do Slip Damage like Poison, wont deal damage at on the characters turn. That animation and icons are there they just wont deal damage

  • If i remember correctly the base system does damage at the end of the turn, unless you're using the ATB system. I did find the the latest Atoa translation version of this has had a lot of bug fixes, I recommend it over this version.

  • I fixed it. If anyone else has the same problem, I'll post what I did wrong.
    21 is the state of the 2 man attack in my game. Not recognizing Ulrika Attack as the 2 man attack, I changed the state ID to another number. I looked at the original script and saw my error. Changing it to the correct State ID fixed the problem and now the correct characters attack together.

  • i have a little problem with the script.When i enter a battle and choose atack this message appears
    script '*sideview' 2 line 382 : NoMethodEror occured
    undefined method []' for nil:NilClass
    please help! :frown:

  • That part looks like its for the commands attack, item, etc… Are you using the ATB and CTB? cause you can only use one and check to make sure you have the core scripts and they are below Scene_Debug. Make sure there are no addon scripts above *Sideview 2.

    If you havent i would suggest you use this demo to start a new game.

  • Hey there, I have two problems with this script:

    1. Is there any way to change the max face size? 96×96 seems a bit little, but I did not find any part where that could be changed.

    2. The Add-On: Atoa's Conditional Turn Battle works, but certain battle commands do not and freeze the fight. Why is that?

  • hey, this is kinda random, but I have to ask: does this battle system use the SDK script? (Standard Developement Kit)
    last time I searched a custom battle system, I couldn't find one that didn't use it. hopefully this system doesn't use it.. the SDK changes RMXP's basic scripts, and then any other script you have in your game may no longer work.

  • Crap, I can't edit posts here!
    I went to this page a while ago, but didn't post until I had gone through the many tabs on imgur I had open, and then Pol posts before me, but it didn't tell me until I had already posted and it refreshed the page >.<

  • Lol Sorry big B. I'm literally doing a test as we speak, but I have very nice plans for these posts indeed. Including edit and the rest. Just pressed for time right now such is the life of an admin.

  • The download button is under "Demo". Download the demo and the script is inside the demo. Theres lots of scripts to make this battle system work so i would just start your project with the demo or transfer your stuff to the demo.

  • How do I move the target selector so it is lower? All the current target selector are positions are too high for my sprites. Also, how do I prevent the characters from running up to a person to attack, even with a ranged weapon like a gun? I am also Getting an error at Line 1745 and 915 in Sideview 2.

  • This looks amazing!

    I have a few questions though…. They may have been answered already (I looked and could not see) but…
    1) Can you use custom sprites? Monsters / char's etc
    2) Is there a way to move the face graphics to the side of the stat bars?

    I am really new to the coding but I desperately want this for my game idea so many thanks!

  • num 2) should be an easy fix.
    but there's a reason why it's like this: there's simply not enough room for the face-picture, the 2 bars, and the Level, inside the 'blue box'. you can choose to give up on the HP/SP numbers above the bars, so the bars will fit under the face-picture.

  • num 1) AFAIK, yes, you can. 🙂
    num 2) you can re-arrange the position of health bar and the pic as you see fit. You could also erase the "HP" "SP" and just left the bar and the numbers, since the bar already have them printed out in the picture. Though I haven't tried them myself yet, but it shouldn't be that hard 🙂

  • How would one go about deleting the HP and SP and just leaving the bars?
    Edit: Wow, I feel silly. I was looking in the script, when you can just delete the HP and SP from the database.

  • Thanks guys I got it running and its looking pretty good. Still not decided on weather to use the faces as I would need someone to draw them because I really can't draw…

    I have however run up against a new problem. In the shop window where it should say "number owned" or some such it says "Voce tem" I have been trawling through all the new code and the existing shop code for HOURS… but I have yet to find where I can fix/edit the text…

    Any ideas/help?

  • The SBS comes with additional script, the "Advance Actor Status" script
    Open the "Advance Actor Status" script on the script editor, make sure you open the one above main script, since there's two of them.
    find line 2592, it should be like this :
    [code]self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 200, 32, 'Voce Tem')[/code]
    Now change the Voce Tem to anything you'd like.

  • Hello! Loving the script, but there's an error I run into when using Atoa's ATB addon. If an enemy attacks the player during target selection, the player will not attack upon selecting their target.

    If this isn't a bug (but a setting I can change somewhere), can you point me to the line in the code where I can disable this? It comes up quite frequently, and I feel it'll be very frustrating for the player.

  • Its a bug. I havent found a way to prevent it from happening yet. If you dont mind turn-based CTB is an awesome addon also that seems to be almost bug free.

  • First off, this is an amazing battle system and I want to thank you for releasing it to the public.
    I do seem to be having one issue though.
    I am using the demo as a base so I didn't copy and paste scripts. The problem I am having is with the bow animation. It is swinging the bow like a sword instead of shooting the bow. The bow is set to Bow and Arrow and that Element Efficiency is ID 17 so I am not sure what is messing it up. The only other script I have added is a caterpillar script. I wouldn't think that it would cause an incompatibility issue, but I could be wrong. Besides the scripts interfering with one another is there any other possible problem that could be causing this issue?

  • I have figured out what the issue was, but I was wondering if there is a way to fix it, because it just creates more issues.
    In order for the bow animation to be used by the character they have to start the game off with a bow.
    I don't want my characters to have weapons other than their fists when they start the game. How can I make the animation still work even if the character doesn't start with a bow and arrow?

    **Sorry for the double post.

  • The script only check the armed/unarmed state and the weapon equipped once at the beginning of the game. A method to do an update on this should resolve the problem. I'll try to do something when I'm on break at work.

  • Bob is right. The problem occurs on Actor Advanced Status script. It does the equipment updating to some new variables Instead of updating the default equip variables while the SBS using the default one. You can fix this by adding :
    [i]@weapon_id = id[/i]
    after @equip_id[equip_type] = id on about line 1542 on Actor Advanced Status script.

    Remember that this will only do update for the weapons equipment default variable, not the armors and other equipments default variable. You can remove the Actor Advanced Status script to avoid further error just in case.

  • Ok I'm having a little problem that I think is script related. Alright for some strange reason my sword is only hitting a certain enemy for about 4 or 5 damage when in battle on the actual game. The reason I think it is script related is because when I do it through battle test the sword hits for the right amount 30 -40 hp. Is there some part of this script that controls weapon damage? I've been looking through it but so far I'm not seeing anything like that.

  • Priscilla Dimitriou

    Hi all!
    First of all, thank you for keeping this updated. Good RMXP resources are getting harder to find these days.

    I have a problem with the system though.
    When I use a specific character:

    it gives the error:
    Script '* Sideview 2' line 1745: TypeError occured.
    no implicit conversion from nil to integer

    (for the Earth attack) And other similar errors for what ever attack I want the enemy to perform. All the errors originate from the * Sideview 2 script and depending on the type of attack the lines where the errors originate from are all over the place.

    I don't have this problem with other (smaller) enemy sprites so I was wondering if there is a problem with the width/height of this specific sprite? I tried opening the Animations data to copy the lines mentioned but every time I try to open it the program force closes (tried several programs) Please help!

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    I have hit a little bit of an issue with the script which I can't seem to resolve. I have a few battles where NPCs will tranform into a more powered up version, and in other SBS I have used (not as good as this one for functionality) when I do a Actor Change command, the actor graphic changes right away. However, in this version it take until the next turn to upgrade the graphics.

    I have looked though the code, but I can not seem to figure out what is needing to be changed to get this functionality working.

    Anyone able to off any help?

  • @ Priscilla Dimitriou
    It seems that I can't replicate your error. You might want to upload some demo that have the error so I can find what's wrong with it.

    Was it Change Actor Graphic command? It works fine when it triggered by common event in battle. I also tried to change the actor graphic at specific turn. It works well enough though the graphic change at the beginning of battle phase rather than the beginning of turn on the specified turn.
    Maybe you can explain more about your problem. 🙂

  • Hi Black mage,

    Okay this is what I have setup, however I have also tried on the Battle Event also – however this really isn't what I am after since it is a Transformation of Actor that can happen in any different time, using Skills etc.

    [b]On Battle Event:[/b]
    Condition Turn 2: Span Battle
    Added "Show Battle Animation Actor No2
    Change Actor Graphics [name] Battle Form

    Now the show battle animation does work
    But the Actor Graphics only changes once the turn is over, or if the sprite moves for some reason (so for example, attacks, or dodges , or hit) So it only changes when the sprite is refreshed, but doesn't refresh the sprite after the Event to change the Actor Graphic.

    I have noticed that this is a problem when you "Defend" if you attack in the action of the turn, it does update.

    Now in other scripts I have tested, the refresh happens the moment that the Actor Graphics command is run, so I suspect that in this script that is being missed, and therefore it only refreshes then the script is doing a update to the sprite.

    Now the way I really want to do this is through Common Event, so that when the skill is used it will call the common event, and the logic for the use of the skill is in that event

    I have tried the same thing in common event, and it doesn't work there either.

    I have also tried this in the Demo download above, and I have also tried it on my own project, so I did check that out first.

    Common Event is pretty much the same
    Added "Show Battle Animation Actor No2
    Change Actor Graphics [name] Battle Form

    In fact I have just noticed this isn't the same problem in Minkoff/DerVVulfman version because when you defend with them it still continues to update the battler – which is okay – I don't need the battler to "stop" when defending, moving all the time is fine.

    Soooo – I am going to look in the script to see if there is a way to change the animation for defend and keep the animation moving (refreshing) all the time. If you know where this is doable, or another option – can you please let me know – thank you 😀

    Edit again:

    Okay I have found the "reason" and it is because of the animation actions that happens
    # Action Name No. Row Speed Loop Wait Fixed Z Shadow Weapon
    "WAIT" => [ 0, 1, 15, 0, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
    "WAIT(FIXED)" => [ 0, 1, 10, 2, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
    "RIGHT(FIXED)" => [ 0, 2, 10, 1, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
    "DAMAGE" => [ 0, 3, 4, 2, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
    "ATTACK_FAIL" => [ 0, 3, 10, 1, 8, 1, 0, true,"" ],

    I have changed the WAIT so that it will never stop the animation, and the animation continues.

    This means that the sprite is updated, because the animations are not frozen.

    Better way to do this would be to have something that overrides the animation wait when a action is being forced. My coding is a little limited on this area 🙂

  • I got some stuff to do first for my works. I'll do check on this as soon as I'm free from works. I already got the gist of it, just need to try some stuff so that I can start fixing it. But in case you need a fast solutions, maybe someone can help you in the mean time. 🙂

  • @Goldendawn
    Find [i]def start_phase4[/i] on sideview 2 script. It should located on line 180.
    put [i]@spriteset.update[/i] below it. I haven't tested it for all kind of possible actor graphic change command due work constraint, but it would help your problem, everything at most, or at least for the battle event. 🙂
    Feel free to ask again if anything goes wrong.

    Black mage.

  • I have just tried that and it appears to work … I will look some more into it (I have noticed that effects don't always kick in right away either – like for example confusion – but I can accept that mostly)

    This seems to be working great – so thank you.

  • I'm new to this scripting thing so i don't really know how could i do some thing
    I want to make a skill that take the target into the air and then spears would pierce them .
    is this possible with this script?

  • I have a character with dual weapons and I find my damage is all over the place for some reason. I'm sure it's script related because when I test it using the default testing option the numbers come out ok but when I play the game that's when I have the problem. Any idea where in the script the problem could be?

    Well I think I see the parts that pertain to my damage done when I wield a weapon but I'm at a loss as far as what to do about it. How do I get it to just use the Database numbers?

    2 major issues I'm struggling with:
    1. I am using this script and have suddenly noticed that one of my characters that can use 'Guns' as well as other weapons, now is running up to enemies to shoot them. My other two characters (also able to use guns, swords etc) are fine… its just the one guy! Any ideas?
    Gun element, Animation and Scripts to database all appear to be matching.
    2. One of my characters that uses magic won't cast any of the Fire, Water, Thunder or Ice spells, but all others fine. My only other magic using character can cast all of them no problem.
    Thoughts anyone?
    Again, all spells 'learned' have been placed, they show up i battle but are grayed out.

  • guys I'm having a little problem. . .
    in my main window where it shows the status of the actors
    on the part where it should say equipment it says "equipamentos"
    also on the exp part its also different
    I'm trying to look for them on the script and I'm having a hard time. . .
    can someone help me please. . .

  • guys a little help abt this one. . .
    the case is that I would like to change the overdrive skill
    in this battle system the overdrive skill is just like casting an entire attack
    how can I edit the script so I can do like a 11 slash combo or some sort
    and how can I give different overdrive attacks to the other members of the party. . .

    another problem is because I am a fan of the suikoden series
    I love the 2 man, 4 man tech here. . .
    so how can I give others a 2 man attack and maybe edit the battle animation of that?
    I tried to duplicate it and give it to other members but then they are just casting nothing
    how can I make it work?

    pls help me. . .
    thanks a lot

  • Hi,

    I'm pretty new to using scripts and I ran into a little problem. After creating my characters and their equipment, i noticed that during normal attacks, the weapons i had equipped on them would not show up and they would instead run up to the target and do a normal ''unarmed hit'' animation. If anyone can tell me how to work around this, it would be really appreciated.

  • Hi, I've got simillar problem to Casey Carson. Bow animation works only for bow with ID 17. When I add my brand new bow to the database and use it, actor use this bow like a sword of axe.
    As Black Mage said I added line
    @weapon_id = id
    but it didn't work.
    How can I make this animation for all bows that I want implement to my game?

  • Just to be clear… it says okay for commercial use… so if I use any or all of these scripts and sell the game, no one's going to sue me, at least as long as I credit appropriately? I want to be sure, because I want to make a game I can sell and would find another way if these scripts aren't completely free to use in a commercial game. I know about graphical writes (went to art school) but it's the IP of the script writer's that I want some reassurance on. Thanks much Jake H.

  • @Keo: You need to add a new element: Bow, in the database. Then, in the script "Bubs' Bow Add-On," change line 21 to correspond to whatever element you designated as the bow. Example: "BOW_WEAPON_ELEMENT = 16"
    Spears and guns are handled the same way. Hope that helps.

  • Hello, I have a problem with the script: The battle system is working properly, otherwise, RPGMXP don´t show me any letter or number in-game. Can somebody help me? Thanks.

  • Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help.
    I'm using the demo as the base to my game, everything works perfectly except when i enter battles the enemies show up as the original images and not the moving sprites. How can i fix this, my characters all stay as sprites during battles. I'm not sure how to make the enemies stay as sprites too.

  • Hey, I was wondering as well . . . Super nooby at this whole script thing . . . . But can anyone help us in implementing our own enemy sprites ? I have no idea where to start.

  • Hi, I'm very new to this and was wondering how to apply enemy animation to more than just Enemy ID's 1, 33 and 34. I can get different graphics to work in those id slots but obviously if I'm doing a game I'd want more than just 3 enemies having animations.

  • "You will need a graphic with the same name on the Graphics/Battler folder and on the Graphics/Characters folder."

    Did you put the graphic on the proper place with a proper name?

  • I was curious, if it was possible to just take out the battler animations stuff, and not have all the other battle system stuff,I have one I have worked on myself but I really love the animations used in this one.

  • If we're just talking about possibility, yes it's very possible to do that. However, rather than taking battler animations stuff from the Tankentai system and place it on another battle system, it's easier to remove the battle system stuff from Tankentai and build a new battle system on whatever remains.

  • you mean graphics/character and graphics/battler in the material database where you can import and export stuff? if so then the all the monster character graphics and battlers are there and i still can only get monster ID 68 to work on the animated monsters.

  • Monster id’s are placed in the script as such module ENEMY_ANIME_BATTLERS
    ENEMY_ID = [1,33,34,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100] # IDs of the enemies that will have animated sprites. And thank you for responding I do appreciate your time and help

  • Ok im having roughly the same problem as Guest_warren-allen-lopeman is having so basically i have everything customized and all the enmy id’s working as they should be i got a few of my sprites to animate but it just seem that most of them just dont want to work at all it kind of seems like any enemy sprite tht bigger then a regular person just doesnt work but i have the stone big boy working which is making me really confused… Im guessing this is an easy fix but im pretty new to code and dont quite get what could possibly be wrong, ive ran it over a bunch of times and cant any custom sprites to work or even a bunch of the default ones… like i said though, ive gotten a few custom ones to work and a few default but most just dont work.

    Any help on this ASAP would be absolutely amazing.
    and on another side note thank you so much for everything else that does work. becuase it looks awesome :)))))

  • Hey all I know this might be an odd question but I'm also having some trouble trying to figure out how to set animated enemy battler sprites with the script and was wondering of anyone can help me with that? thanks in advance^^

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    • Posted about 12 years ago





    cbs sideview tankentai