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Fortune's Tavern

Action Based Combat

For the most part, the life of a humble tavern owner is without violence but there are opportunities to view, and join in, in combative situations: such as the tavern getting raided, or going on a quest to find a new recipe. However, unlike the adventurers that visit your tavern, you were not born with magic skills, or hyper strength, and so you will often need to rely on hirelings to do your bludgeoning for you. Below are two videos that show the basics of how combat works. Please be aware that there is still a fair amount of pixel work to do to make combat look more realistic, and the AI needs some tweaking, but you should get the idea…


In the first video we join Mathias and one of his more seedy patrons. The Patron in question is a dark mage and you can see him using his fireballs to great effect as they search for the ‘Mythril Saucepan of Everboil.’


In the second video we see Mathias with an elven warrior companion searching a dreary cave for a new recipe to take back to the tavern.


Video 1
Video 2.

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  • Posted September 2, 2014





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