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Wonder's War

Battle Systems ing bleh n stuff fer Wonder's blehdy War

Well, it's been a long time since I did a blog post, so I thought today would be a great day to blog! It's flippin hot outside, I'm tired, and I've been working on the battle system of Wonder's War for a few days now.


What I've been doing during this past while is working on the calculations of moves, the animations for moves, the effects of moves… I've been working on the skills, the end.


I've also been working on different boss battles of the game, testing out the difficulty of each, and how to balance out the game-play, which is taking longer than I thought it would. I have been worried that I'm giving too much power to the player, with the large variety of move-set, so I've come up with a few systems to balance this out. Ways I've balanced it out include making it only possible to switch party members near certain save crystals, making enemies have special ways of defeating them, using exploration as a way to change combat scenarios, and balancing out the speed stat for every party member.


Also I've been working on the boss battles of the game, some are story driven, and are either a joke or impossible to beat, but it is completely obvious as to those ones, though I feel bad about the impossible to beat ones… But on the larger scale, there are more battles to fight which have epic bosses that all have their own unique boss theme, excluding 3 bosses who share a boss theme due to them being almost the same. I'm finding that when using Moghunter's animation scripts for battle, the battles are far more epic and convey much more emotion than to just have everything at a still, I love that guy! The only thing I still don't understand is why he's called Moghunter, seriously, who wants to hunt FF Moogles? That is sick to slaughter their small species!


Well, I think this is enough for now, there are other things I have been working on, like the plot line of the ending, which I won't spoil with any words. So until a hundred years later, because for some reason I don't have the brain power to blog at this time. Ardi out.


PS. 1775 views??!? Wow! Thank you all for viewing this game page! It makes me want to work harder on the project. Though it would be nice to get a comment on the game page… PPS. I bet if I do another blog titled "Enter a Title" I'll be drowning in a pool of like 250 views like last time.

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  • Posted July 8, 2015





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