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Better Hardware, Better Game

I detest making blogs but I think this is the best way to let people know I'm still active and that CyberDrive is still being developed.



So a few months back, I came across a nice desktop with some very good hardware. Great processor, decent RAM, and small size. With the new hardware, CyberDrive will have visuals that were only dreamed of by the team. CyberDrive will truly have an interactive environment that reacts to and with you!
One such example of environment effects is reflecting floors. You'll be able to see the map reflect on the floor tiles! Another is water reflections. This effect works but it's still in a WIP stage. Character shadows is another effect you'll be able to see. Ambient sound is in the works but still in WIP stages. Footstep sound effects are also being worked out. Finally, a more appealing lighting system will be present in the game! Get ready for lens flares.


Along with a more vibrant environment, HUD changes and scene changes are being made. The HUD will mimic (slightly) the PC game, Warframe.



Now, on to the non-graphic side of the game, the story is going through a major story change. This is due to the difficulty of giving Dennis the resolve to kill (e.g. the mercenaries, security guards, etc.). The story will revolve around a brand new Dennis, a criminal, who's no stranger to getting his hands dirty. Due to this, the back story and timeline have received a facelift as well. A lot of research has gone into the history of the game to tie it into real-world events.


A new "sound" for CyberDrive is also being done. We're looking for cyberpunk-esque music to give CyberDrive it's own identity. Various music from Ed Harrison are replacing some of the non-cyberpunk sounds in the the. Sound effects are being added into the game to give the game a more futuristic feel.



I've been playing a lot of Warframe, Metal Gear Solid series, Thief, Dishonored, and Oni; the games that inspired CyberDrive. What I noticed most about the stealth aspect of those games were multiple routes. In CyberDrive, players will be granted multiple routes to complete their objective. If you are seen sneaking around, a route may be closed off to prevent further advancement. Of course this will force you to find another route.


Weapon crafting, modding, and stats are also being done. Now, you'll be able to upgrade your weapons to have more damage, elements, and status effects! Also, the possibility of guns being removed from the game is being debated. For guns to be in the game, it requires a lot of coding and editing. We're deciding if the game should be primarily melee based.



There are more little details that I'm either forgetting or withholding on purpose to avoid spoilers. Just know this: CyberDrive is going to be one of the most visually appeapling RM games ever! And don't worry, we focus on the story, too. A game isn't a game without story.


Thanks for reading. I'm kind of looking forward to making another blog entry. 😉

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  • Posted November 9, 2014





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