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GDU Design Concept

Comments (7)

  • Ok that's good to hear. I wasn't sure about this one. I want to improve the information deficiencies and reduce the number of links, just simply things so everything is still here but its easy to find rather than everything put in your face, if that makes sense.

  • FleshRenderStudios

    I love this design 🙂 it seems very professional and everything appears to be more accessible in my opinion 🙂
    Also that profile thingy in the top right corner is sexy :p

  • Lol thanks but i scrapped this a few seconds after making this blog. Instead, I made the current GDU design which is wae better. That one is ugly and is what happens when I'm left with just my mind to design… it's pretty bad. Lines of code is what I find attractive <3

  • FleshRenderStudios

    Don't we all find code sexy haha 🙂 I need to get back into it again especially if I'm going to work with Unity again lol 🙂
    Best I can do atm is HTML and CSS lol, My JS isn't up to scratch anymore

  • Don't feel bad about your JS, you could spend years just learning to write that alone. I wish I had time to learn… maybe if I settled on a career path I could make that decision lol .

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  • Posted October 9, 2014





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