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RPG Maker MV Multiplayer (MMO) Project

GDU MMO: Saving to the Server

Hey guys


I've made fantastic progress on the GDU MMO and now games saving successfully to our GDU database and associated with GDU accounts. The game is essentially part of the site.


It was much easier than I thought it would be.


I think we're pretty close to having the functionality ready to actually allow members to enter the game and make a start. They'll be able to save and commence the game as it is built.


Of course, in that respect, we do need an actual game to play. So, this will be GDU's own MMO. Has anyone got ideas in terms of storyline? Shall we come up with some sort of world?


Also, I am planning that the start of the game will be members designing their characters appearance and picking a class.



Comments (5)

  • <p>Hmmm…story…..I always liked Kingdom of Amalur's story. You died but have been resurrected. So, you are free of fate and thus can control it. Giving an explanation to why the player can change his classes, powers, and master different weapons and equipment. Be who you want to be kinda thing.</p>

  • I feel like I do have a fairly good recollection of the history of GDU.

    I'm not sure it can be easily converted into a game. How do we execute this? Perhaps we start with a base story and RPG concept, and supplement that with GDU easter eggs. 

    Massive B and I have been discussing the story, and he has offered to lend us one of his concepts for the purposes of the game. It would be useful to actually start planning out the game in a document, that team members can be edit. One of the concepts which is pivotal to the storyline is the idea of two factions at war with each other. In practical terms with the MMO, I think this could mean that players select their desired faction at the beginning of the game (in addition to building their character's appearance, is to select your faction, and most probably start in that faction's homebase. So players will be initially separated into two groups based on faction. You essentially choose a side. So that is a purely mechanical explanation, there is ofc story behind it 🙂  

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  • Posted April 22, 2018





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