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Machine Made: Rebirth

Machine Made: Rebirth (Chapter Three and Onward!)

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Machine Made: Rebirth blog, where I talk about some game development related experiences, dealing with my love of RPGs and my project Machine Made.


We're still in Early Access on Steam, and I've been trying to push an update for the next leg of the journey that should include hours more content and some upgraded writing and visuals.


We've had over 1000 people on Steam try our game from all over the world and I'm really excited to share with you guys the resolution of the story, I hope those of you who've been on the fence in one way or another will give us a try when we're done!


Chapter Three will involve running the party headquarters, going on quests to fulfill party members' wishes and ultimately confronting the Empress and the evil Machine God himself!


The next patch will include updated visuals, music, balance, content, and more!


Don't forget, if you are a contributor, reviewer or fan you can email me at to request a copy of the game.



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Ryan Ferris

  • Posted August 14, 2016





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