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Machine Made: Rebirth

Machine Made: Rebirth (How to deal with feelings of existential dread from working on a project for a long time)

Hey guys and a big welcome back to the Machine Made: Rebirth blog!


I've been very busy with work and family things lately, so I haven't been able to push us closer to our epsilon-like state of finishing this project… it's still standing on my desktop like an obelisk of my desire for gaming excellence and the power and fun of game design. But when I do open it, I sometimes just add doodads to the map or double check things in the menus due to not having enough time to actually sink my teeth into a major move forward.


Due to my time being slowly eaten up by other things, I've had feelings of anxiety about not having enough time to work on and promote Machine Made the way that I would like to and the way that I want to. How do I deal with these feelings I don't want slow progress to kill the feeling that I've had from great support and connection to the community. Does anyone have any advice about how to deal with these feelings, and has anyone had a similar experience?


If I have some time this weekend I will try to show a new version based on what I have been able to do… But adding extra well-designed content that will promote and offer information to the community will take some time. I also have some great ideas for a let's play that I would like to see happen.


I would also like to note that we're still looking for help or advice of any kind for this project… I can't believe how far we've come, and I've learned some incredible things. I don't know exactly what the finished game will look like yet, either, I have enjoyed designed and revising all of my notes… but I hope that my lack of time to work on it hasn't diminished my chances of finishing it the way that I'd like to see it.


I'm still very committed to finishing this game, but honestly I worry about it an unrealistic amount. Thoughts would be appreciated…


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Thank you to all,

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Ryan Ferris

  • Posted March 17, 2016





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