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MMO Project: Local server setup

Welcome to the first blog entry on the GDU MMO Project. With the release of RPG Maker MV, it is now possible to create MMO games playable in browser. Because MV games are essentially HTML5 applications.


I won't have much free time until about 3 weeks, but in the meantime I'm prepping to rip into development *1-smile*


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Here is the basic project directory of an RPG Maker MV project, but there's something a little bit special about it. It's been set up on my local development server. Therefore I can run the development version of the game in my browser at something like There's obviously no need to run the game as a windows application while developing the MMO because we'll need to immediately connecting to the local server.


In the image above there is a "system" directory:
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This contains a standalone PHP application that will handle all the server-side stuff. The reason it's standalone is for speed. This project will run on this server on, but the system we use to power the site is convoluted and otherwise it makes sense to separate the functionality. Utilizing a standalone PHP app will allow us to make and receive server-side requests fast. There will be times when we need to talk to the database, and the PHP framework that I'm using has a wonderful DB wrapper that will make development a breeze as well as being quick and secure.


The first step of the project is to login to the game itself with a GDU account. This is actually basic, but necessary to run. It will be more bothersome to create a form of registration system just for the game when there are existing login credentials on the exact same DB. The main thing, and the thing I'm most excited about, is meeting your fellow GDU members in-game and interacting in real-time *1-smile*

Comments (6)

  • Great 🙂 Of course this is serious. I'm in the planning stages while I do my final exams, then full steam ahead development.

    I think MV is capable of a lot more than people think, and hopefully we can help show them.

  • I can only hope this doesn't go the way of every forum project ever, but with Marked actually working on it, it has a chance 😀 (Because as much as I complain, you're a hard worker and tend to get stuff done.)

  • I never said this was going to be a forum project.

    Right now I have a vision for a project where players can interact in real-time in an RPG Maker game, and do so by using their GDU accounts (although that part isn't at all necessary for this).

    Because I'm developing it, and because it naturally involves the community, it makes sense for the community to contribute. But I've witnessed community projects from the start, and nothing like what happened in the past will happen for a project that I'm working on. Not because I'm better, but because I would do things differently and not depend on the community for the project's survival. But anyway, for now I just need to focus on the functionality.

    As I said in one of the topics, I have a vision that is a bit wider than just an RPG game with a static storyline 🙂 But all that stuff will come after I conquer real-time.

  • yeah, getting the game to actually log people in and interact live will be a huge step which is probably best done first. story and game play can come after, by then maybe some talented people will have a few good scripts that could save time.

  • Just to clarify, I didn't mean that I thought this was a forum project, just that I would be worried that it would end up like one (dead) if someone like Marked wasn't in charge of it,

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  • Posted October 25, 2015





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