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Code Library

Scripts, plugins & code snippets for your favourite game development engines

OmegaX Zelda Hearts system

By Marked,

I am quite sure there might be a bug or two, I wasn’t thinking much and just rushed into it XD. Do report anything here: This system is specifically for your Zelda fan games, anyway, remember that 1HP is worth 1 Heart Fragment, and always make sure the MaxHP of…

Fade Events

By Heretic86,

This script will allow you to Fade Events in and out gradually. The Default Options allow you to change an events opacity, but does not allow you to make a gradual transition. Thus, if you wanted to have an Event that "dissolved", "teleported" or "flickered", you would have to use…

Animated Battlers VX

By DerVVulfman,

This system allows you to convert your default battlesystem into a sideview battlesystem using actual ‘battlers’ rather than charset graphics.

Magica Scroll System

By Dark Dragon,

This script allows you to equip your party with scrolls before entering a battle, which allows them to use certain skills. This will make a player think of a strategy before entring a battle and then applying it in the battle ground.

Point Spend System

By Marked,

With this script you will increase the attributes by yourself inside the game. I’ve already made one for RMXP back in the day and I decided to make another one just for RMVX. You can set a limited number of points to be spent per each new level, and you…

Move Player Diagonally

By Marked,

Allows the Player to move diagonally on the map but pressing 2 of the arrow keys down together

Main Menu Evo II

By Crazyninjaguy,

Yeah, so i decided i wanted a different, cleaner menu for my game, Sunset Mountain, so i've re-written my Main Menu EVO script into this new version, Main Main Evo II! It's a whole lot easier to customize and add new options, just read the comments, and go from there!

Synthesis Shop

By Marked,

This script copies Final Fantasy IX's synthesis Shops where you can create new powerful items using two existing items from your inventory. You can create any type of item, be it a consumable, weapon, or an armor. Just follow the instructions and you'll be able to make your own shops.
