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8/9/12 - Sabaku Temple

I finally finished Sabaku Desert, and am almost done with Sabaku Temple, the first of 4 temples in the game. the entrance to this temple is revealed after solving a puzzle in a cave north of Sunaville. The temple itself has fake chests, and living suits of armor. The music played inside the temple is the Spirit Temple theme from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.   The whole temple is underground, like the other 3, and, like all my dungeons and temples, is kinda short. I have a hard time m




7/25/12 - The Ideas are coming

so i've been coming up with lots of ideas for my games, and, I'm starting to plan out my cutscenes before i get to them, so i already know how some parts of Arcatis will go, even though i haven't gotten to them yet. also, there will be a part, where you are thrown in a dungeon, and must make your way out without using any magic. remember when i said that some boss battles will have uncontrollable allies helping you? well i've decided that there will be about 8 of those. one against the Dark B




7/3/12 - Dragon Plains

Finished Dragon Plains, which, as the name, and screenshot suggest, has dragons in it. Every color of dragon has a corresponding element. ie: the green dragon in that picture is earth, and casts "Venom" on you, poisoning you. The attack itself is weak, but it always poisons the target. In the corner of the screen, you can see the wing of a yellow dragon. That one uses thunder magic.   Every dragon has a chance of dropping a dragon scale of its color. Each one has a different effect when equipp




6/22/12 - Mare Maris is done

The city, Mare Maris. is pretty much done. All i have to do, is add a few more events and stuff, but most of it is finished. This is the biggest town i've ever made at about 12 maps, and i had some help from Jon Bon. The screenshot shows the player exiting the city from the Western exit, and heading towards Dragon Plains.   The city is built next to a beach, and is the capital of the country of Arcatis. There's a port, a market, and the prestigious Maris Acadamy, the rival school of Silverwood




5/27/12 - Mare Maris

Mare Maris is the capitol city of the country of Arcatis. It's right next to the ocean, and is made up of 10 smallish maps. The screenshot I uploaded is of the pier of course. right now i have 4 maps finished. the port, which is 30x35 the pier, which is 20x35 the eastern section which is 30x30 and the park, which is 20x15   next im going to work on the beach, which will be 40x20   after Mare Maris, the player has to go through Dragon Plains




5/2/12 - It's about time

Finally I finished most of the first Black Knights base, the "Forest Tower" Each floor is different, and most have some kind of puzzle, like a moving arrow maze, like in pokemon, or a push block maze. on the fifth floor, there is a miniboss, and on the 8th floor, is person in charge of the operations in this tower, as the boss. Both the miniboss and boss are accompanied by normal enemies, for the first time in this game. (in this case, they are Black Knights) I just started on the boss.   I'l




4/4/12 - Story arc

shortly after learning some things in the sacred grove, you rest, and, the next morning head to one of the towers of the Black Knights. this is where the game goes from "find the orbs" to "find the orbs and destroy whats causing it before the evil guys get there and use it for evil" more of exactly what's happening is explained not only later in the game, but in the sequel as well.




3/27/12 - Blizz abs alignment groups

there are now 5 alignment groups used in my game. 1. Allies - You and your party 2. Monsters - Regular enemies and bosses (will attack everything but objects and each other) 3. Black Knights - The Black Knights will attack monsters, but will also attack you. 4. Friends - Allies that cannot be controlled, and help in some boss battles. 5. Objects - Objects that can be destroyed with some kind of attack. (like boxes and stuff)   that's all...




3/19/12 - Aestuo is done

Mt. Aestuo is done, and after you climb down, you're back in Silver Forest, but south of this map, is a field, and then a city near a beach. Bob see's someone, but doesn't recognize them at first. They walk away, and the three follow the shadow. It leads them into a hidden part of the forest. If i say any more, i'd being giving away spoilers.   This game is turning out better than I hoped, and i plan to have it done by the end of summer. I can't work on it as much during the week because of s




3/17/12 - Boss numbuh 3

the 3rd boss fight is done. in this battle, you fight the second dark orb, turned into a Dark Behemoth. during the fight, Axel helps you...sorta. he's just as strong as when you fought him earlier in Silver Forest. which is pretty weak. don't ask where cathy is in this picture, cuz i don't know. im guessing she's behind something, but it only shows 1 blue triangle on the minimap. so...yea, i thought the whole NPC ally thing was cool.   wait...i think i see her behind Bob...but just barely  




3/16/12 - What's done

so lets see...   currently, i have 52 playable maps, 7 maps that either don't appear in the game, and are for my use only, or are simply used to show cutscenes, 22 enemies, 4 destroyable objects, like pots and barrels, 3 true bosses (as in there is a cutscene before fighting them) and about 1hr of gameplay.   all weapons, armor, and items have been created, and i have most of the scripts i need.   the entire story is already thought of. There will definitely be a sequel. i haven't made a f



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