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Up to the usual.

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Today is Saturday...and it's boring. I have to go back to school in 5 days to take a test for a few hours. After that, I get the rest of the month off until September 4th or 5th. I'm real nervous about my test since the first time I failed it and that's why I have to take it again. :sweatdrop:


On other notes, I haven't been working on Tsurugi's Hold much (Please be patient on the demo release. You know how us game creators are :biggrin_002: ). I've been busy doing some things for my friends and can't have any decent time for myself. I started working on it yesterday and today but I only did minimal work. Also, I've been working on a game which is a collaboration between Tom and I. It's called Project REDSIN but I'm not going to give information about it...at least not yet.

Ideas have been popping into my head about scenarios for games. I don't know what to do with them. I can't make new games in the middle of making 2 other games. I'm not a very good multitasker. I'll just write them down so I can make them in the future.


Still running into some script troubles. Not errors, just wanting to configure the scripts to do what I want them to do. Weird. I'm not a scripter but I can understand a script more than half the time.

Lastly, I made a new song. It's not finished yet because I got bored. But I'm going to plan it out and try to make it awesome. If you want to listen to it, here's the link: http://www.looperman.com/tracks_detail.php?tid=76346

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