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How I made A Gaming PC By Accident: Part 1

How I made A Gaming PC By Accident Part 1   INTRODUCTION   Hey, everyone! Welcome to my blog on how I am making a completely custom gaming PC which happened totally by accident. Now that I somewhat know what I'm doing, I'm making this blog to show what I plan on making and to get some advice from anyone who's a PC gaming guru...because I'm still noob. :/   At the end of the blog, I'll list the hardware I plan on putting into       For anyone who does't know, I own a




Cascade: Early Development and Trailer

Pictures cannot be seen unless you log in. Development Blog Entry #1 Since my two favorite and recent projects, Tsurugi's Hold and Assassins' Fury, have been held back a bit, I decided to combine both features of each game into one main game. Things such as maps and scripts have been imported into Cascade which gives it more of a unique feel. Unlike both of these games, the gameplay in Cascade will be linear. No free roaming, buying equipment or saving. The player will find everyth




Cliches, new features and maps

Cliches Features Visual Equipment One thing I'm proud of is that I'm putting in visual equipment. I had this script in my game long ago but because of the wallrunning, I removed it. But now, I've found a way to configure the wallrunning to fit the requirements of the script. Kylocks Time System I've been having a real problem with my time script. I was using the Kylock Time System Mod but it proved to have some flaws. Switches that determine whether it's day, night, dawn, or dusk are




Up to the usual.

Today is Saturday...and it's boring. I have to go back to school in 5 days to take a test for a few hours. After that, I get the rest of the month off until September 4th or 5th. I'm real nervous about my test since the first time I failed it and that's why I have to take it again. :sweatdrop:   On other notes, I haven't been working on Tsurugi's Hold much (Please be patient on the demo release. You know how us game creators are :biggrin_002: ). I've been busy doing some things for my friend



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