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Operation MOJO - First bit of inspiration

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Ok, well, this is Entry 1 for what I call Operation MOJO. This is, basically, a blog that I'll write about my attempts to get my RMXP mojo back and post about what I want to do with my projects, mainly Hope Afloat. Well, recently, I've been slightly inspirated by going back to some old things; I watched my favourite movie for the first time in whoknows how many years; 'I, Robot'. I played the FIRST EVAR version of Hope Afloat. Ah, god, that was horrific/awesome.


As I said, I've been slightly inspirated :clap: I miss the feeling of inspiration. First time in months I've felt it again. After some work on Hope Afloat Remastered, I decided to copy and paste the remastered version, edit the title screen a crapton and, hopefully, have a good-looking title screen. That's my first goal. Credit to RGangsta for the recolour and the red eye-blur and credit to Polraudio for the awesome blood-font effect. I don't know what I'm going to add, to tell you the truth, but I'll think of something if I watch enough 'I, Robot'.


I've had a new idea for the beginning of the 1st mission. Thought it was a bit blank and dull. My favourite scene is the getting on and setting up the raft. I want to overhaul that quite a bit, not sure how. On the new intro, I have concepts in my head but you'll have to wait until I release the... Hmm... I don't know what to call this version. Not 'Remastered'. Hmm... If you have any suggestions, just post em in the comments section below. One thing I can tell you about the new 1st mission - you don't start with a pistol. Dun dun dun.


I have a ton of new concepts, too, some are removing things, some are adding things:

-Adding List:

1) Well, there's a rather... skill-level gap in between the 1st level and Ashaven (with the sprinters), and you have to follow specific instructions in order to survive Ashaven, which is, I think, a major turnoff to some players. Maybe add something to this new 1st mission, maybe a new town in between Emberville and Ashaven, I don't know. If you guys have an oppinion on either of these options, or your own, comment below please.


2) Ammo is hidden in various areas to make the game kinda harder and encourage exploration. But when I had most friends play without instructions from me they wanted to kill all the zombies. I don't know what makes this behavior, the only people I haven't seen it in, apart from myself, is, I think it was RGangsta, and my friend Lee. So I'm thinking of either adding more ammo lying around the place or just find more ammo where you find it. I don't like the idea of infinite ammo, unless I could make a proper recoil/reload system for it.


3) I'm adding a small ring-menu system. It will include 'Arm' (Equip), 'Journal' (Save, so you can save on-the-spot), possibly 'Map' (Will highlight the area in hand-drawn form and things of importance, but not hidden things, e.g. things in barrels or crates). If you think there are anything else for the menu, please comment it below.


4) Adding onto the 'Journal' section of the new menu system. I had 2 ways to go with this, infinite saves so you can save whenever you want, or a save system that requires a certain object (probally like a pen or something, maybe typewriter + ink cartridge) so you can't spam saves. Currently, unless I can get the save-object system working, I'll just be going with the infinite saves. Again, any suggestions please reply below.


5) Some extending on the map system, too. I want it to look like it was drawn, so I'll probally end up asking RGangsta to draw em for me. Mostly what I'd like is just a menu option that pauses the game (I'll need Leon's help since last time I tried it did the equivelant or just showing a picture while the zombies eat your face off) and shows the map. If it's possible, I'd like it to show a red 'X' that represents where you are.


6) Maybe, maybe, a difficulty setting - Simple, Survivor and Hardcore. The differences in the difficulty would be reduced ammo pick up and stronger zombies. The harder difficulties may have an extra weapon near the end, too. This would have to wait until I actually finish the game but I doubt it'll ever happen.


-Removing List:

1) For 1st, I'm going to remove the ability to replay levels from the map. This might be good, bad and maybe unaffect people. There will be an option to replay levels once you win the game.


2) I'll be removing the mini-game concept. Since I never really got too far into it and never had an alpha for the mini-games, I don't think it'll be too much of a concern, just putting it out there.


3) I'm getting rid of the whole 'bomb threat' between Engora-Jenkins-Leanck. That bit made me loose my mojo in the first place, so hopefully by taking it away when I catch up with myself I'll be like 'Hey, it worked, woo -party with my RMXPU friends :jay: - .


Well, for now, that's about it. I'll update you guys more later. Please comment with ideas and suggestions and answer some/all of the questions I asked above. Thanks, guys ;) . Good luck with everything and thanks for reading.

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