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New Beginning

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Hey everyone, if you've noticed I deleted the old blog posts I had. They seemed to ramble on and on without really saying anything. That's about to change though, I'll start trying to entertain and inform on the progress I've made.


I've started working on my Date/time script unsuccessfully but at least I've made some progress, if anyone saw the topic in the forum where I posted what I've done with it so far then you know that it's at least something. I'm far from done as I'm planning to at least make sure it does everything I need it to do then I'm going to try to fix a few of the problems in it.


So far what I intend to have this script do is

[DONE]-Show the "pseudo-day and time" in game


[----]-Include Day/Night with screen tone


[----]-Light and douse lanterns at dawn/dusk


[----]-Display the Date/Time in a small window in the upper-right of the screen as a portion of a HUD


[----]-Fix the time to display as standard time instead of military time


[----]-Possibly create an pocket watch style display with moving hands instead of displaying time as text


[----]-Display icons for day/night and day of week


This will be my big thing to work on for the next week or so, hopefully I'll have it running in no time.

Anyone with advice or ideas towards this are free to post, I'm looking forward to the input. When I'm finished with this I'll upload it for all to enjoy.


For the next planned script I'll be working on will be full CMS similar to that of SiekenDensetsu 3 (better known as Secret of Mana 2), if anyone knows how to allow changing of RGB values in a script it will be a nice feature to include.


After this I may undertake the challenge of a new battle system, maybe. If I don't feel up to the task perhaps something that would be 'simpler' could be suggested.


Now to other news, I got pretty much nothing done today. Went to Wal-Mart got lost in the large over abundant crowds of family reunions taking place on both ends of every aisle I went down (I think I may need to quit eating so I won't have to go to the grocery store ever again), I've also had the story for my main project taken from me kinda upset about that but, not a big loss.


I'm still out of practice and need to work on my sprites and tile-sets to maybe hopefully possibly get better.


Here's a major question for those who are curious about my avatar and picture, do you people not listen to The Beatles?


Forever lost in the void of which is my mind,


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