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Honestly, this was SUPPOSED to be fun



How does one get a caterpillar script to arrange the characters in some other format than single file? I've been playing around with a rather generic one, and managed to get it to the point where I can reposition the three ugly ducklings in relation to the first actor, but not in relation to each other--I've googled this and found a few other people who have asked this question, but none of them received an actual ANSWER--just links to other caterpillar scripts, and of course those links are now dead. I found something like this in Mr.Mmos game invader, called Franchesca's companions, but I don't want any part of that mess, other than rearranging my actors a smidge, and possible communicating between them. However after a nightmarish experience with Heretic's caterpillar, which didn't even have the arrangement I wanted, and would have literally destroyed my project, if I hadn't had the foresight to copy what I had prior to experimenting with funky scripts--well, right now I just want to accomplish one simple thing, fan out my actors, and stay away from gold fiddles...


Source: Hulp!


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From this and your profile you seem to be one frustrated dude. Yeah, making games is supposed to be fun. Don't let these things get to you. There's plenty of fun stuff to do other than the one part you're stuck on.


I hope you figure it out.

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Thanks Mark, I usually do figure it out, I just tend to get a little aggravated with myself until I do. I know it isn't that difficult, but it could take me months to get well enough acquainted with it to believe I have a clue...

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I'm not a master scripter or anything, but I'm not entirely sure on how possible fanning out characters would be. The main reason that the caterpillar script works in single file is because, that way, there's absolutely no chance that one of the other characters could run into an object and potentially break; because they're following the exact movements you do. But, yeah, I'm not entirely sure if it's possible, sorry to say.


However, if you want to pursue this idea, you should message Lizzie S. She's the best scripter I know and she'd definitely be able to tell you whether your idea is possible or not. Take it easy.


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Oh, I got the caterpillar thing to work by changing where it places behind me, turning through on and giving them an extra right turn so that they jostle around as they move--it is possible to lose them in intricate maps if you dally too much--this happens in my library, but if you go back for them and jump, they follow you again, and it actually looks like they just found a shelf of books they liked--I'm on to new and more improbable problems now:)

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Grrrrr... I don't get it, I have two nearly identical armors, both set the character to a specific state when worn, the only real difference is their name and number in the database, yet one works perfectly and one won't change the state--in fact, after a playtest, I go back to the database and the state dropdown menu is set to "none" again--what could make this happen? Could it be a script conflict?

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