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The Main Sidequests



Arcatis II will have a bunch of little sidequests, and 7 bigger ones.

The 7 bigger ones are the only way to unlock the 7 Ultimate weapons, which can only be used by the main character of each quest.

Each quest will deal with the character's past and/or their family.

They can each be started at different times and places depending on the character, but they can only be finished after finishing the main story and defeating the last boss.

Although their pasts are mostly already explained in the main story, the sidequests will go a have a bit more detail, showing exactly why and how some people did what they did in the past.


Bob's will deal with Harry's past and some other things that I can't say because of spoilers.

Joe's will deal with his family.

Cathy's will deal with the death of her parents and why they were targeted.

Kevin's will deal with what he did before the events of the first game.

Axel's will deal with his family.

And the other two I can't talk about because of spoilers.


I have too many great story ideas, but it's hard to get motivated to work on my game :(


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