I couldnt agree with you more.
The fact still remains that America obviously has the power to pass laws that affect the Internet (wether it's right or wrong is moot, how things should or shouldn't be is irrelevant). They ARE trying to pass a law, that does protect people. In it's current form, a joke, but it still remains necessary.
Thankfully international copyright laws already exist, the problem is that not every country that has access to the internet adheres to these laws, and there for they remain unprosecutable in any country.
I agree though that if you break an international law you should be prosecuted in your own country, by their means and methods.
Because of international copyright/patent laws, there should be no scenario where a NZ uploads something illegal (pirated) in US that is not legal in NZ. You country either goes with international law, or it doesn't, period.
If I create something, and you take and sell it without my permission, that's theft plain and simple, location is not important. Theft is wrong everywhere.
Unfortunately, the NZ'er is not only affected by his countries laws the second he starts interacting with the rest of the world, this is why we have international laws, and interpol.
Measuring the effects of piracy is also not needed. We don't need to know how bad it is, or what the outcomes are, just that is exists, and is infringing upon peoples rights as is. The amount of money pirates take from rightful owners is irrelevant, even if they didn't get any compensation, monetary or otherwise, they are still violating the proprietary rights of the owner/creator.
8% growth(industry, not company specific) can be attributed to anything, population size increase, demographical shifts, marked increase, etc. Also how much you want to bet the 8% is the major lables, and not the indy ones.
My hypothetical point was to show that piracy is not a victimless crime. It's not about how much money priates steal, it's about the fact that they are stealing, and we are allowing it.
I personally think America is a corrupt and immoral country, and that is why the laws as proposed wouldn't work. However I can't realistically stand by while people say the laws should NEVER come about.
Additional it's extra frustrating to see the internet blow up with talk of these laws, but every day people lay silent about the injustices that are allowed to continue that threaten the vary laws being proposed.
Everyone is fighting the wrong battle.