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Everything posted by darkcieran

  1. well i have a tut on making a graphical menu, if it helps. you can find it HERE. hope that helps some.
  2. well when you compress the data it forms its own exe file that can be run anywhere. what it does is create a compressed form of your game that install all the files to the comp
  3. hey zoo, welcome to the madness!!. do you have any samples of your work? love to hear some
  4. OMG! THEY'RE SO CUTE! you wouldn't think they can breath fire and burn down your village, or eat your face...
  5. actually i like it. i was thinking of goin in the same diretion for my game. nice job. photoshop?
  6. yes i know. right now i'm working on more of the battle tiles now. plus this scripting is gettin on my nerves figured a diversion would help a bit
  7. tileset? i didn't think you had to. is this wrong then?
  8. yeah everything goes fine but the bars don''t show
  9. that would be an interesting an interesting script to try. i like it.
  10. i've used leon's and other peoples script without problems. hmm...
  11. heh. hadda make a change there. changed the name on my photobucket album. sorry
  12. dagnabit! it's not workin! even in the demo! i even tried to type it out into my script editor and got errors. what gives? <_<
  13. origianls would be best. seeing as how i have some one doing the tiles.(hopefully)
  14. ok here's my entry then. This is the system I'm sing for my game. Commands: Ability(SKILL) Block(DEFEND) Enhance(EQUIP) **NOTE** 1. FIGHT is removed. 2. ITEM is removed. 3. Using Events I've added the ability to use Battle Tiles to effect combat. (Healing, Stat Effects, etc)
  15. is this contest still going on? i'd liek to enter.
  16. just an edit of the default is all. i saw you can make charasets. would you help with the charas sets for my game?
  17. so i can just make and post it on here then?
  18. if you'd like to help. i'll be glad to have it.
  19. hmmm... i was goin for a look like they were battling in the first one. or maybe one that shows only one Monstruct, hmmmm..... question: where do i get those cool Friend bars from?
  20. its a site where game makers can go and show off their projects and get feedback, support, etc. you'll like it.
  21. not sure. i have to type it in and see. i will when its fixed though.
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