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Everything posted by ShinyToyGuns

  1. I downloaded it, but I had to remove the .hqx extension from the end.
  2. Looks like a very useful program...I'll let you know what I think :)
  3. I LOVE YOU!!! Finally someone who knows that black outlines = phail in most cases
  4. I've finished the loading screen, next up is the preview windows.
  5. Welcome to RMXPU, Sami ;) I appreciate you helping me with my game :D
  6. Sounds like this will be a really interesting game :D Can't wait to see some screenshots ;)
  7. Hehe, thanks...I worked pretty hard on it As a winner of the interface design competition for RMXP Pool, I got moderator status on http://www.rmxp-pool.com/ and my design is going to be used in an upcoming release of the program ^_^
  8. The spoilers seem to be broken for this project :S I can't view them...
  9. I know I'm bad for doing this (necropost/double post), but I wanted to inform you guys that my design won the competition :D Not much of a competition, seeing as there was only one other entry, but I'm still glad I won :) Help evilcabbage and formlesstree by supporting RMXP-Pool. Just put this bar in your signature with a link to the site: [url=http://www.rmxp-pool.com/][img=http://i924.photobucket.com/albums/ad83/ShinyToyGunsWeb/RMXPPool_Support.png][/url]
  10. Same...also, I didn't see this mentioned yet: An Elder Scrolls fangame I love The Elder Scrolls series...would love to see a decent fangame made out of it.
  11. Usually if you ask in the creator's thread, they'd probably have more answers than someone with no experience using the program does, so it would probably be a good idea to ask there, and if you don't find your answers there, then I'll try to help.
  12. A very simplistic program, but I think it could be useful. Some things you may want to think about: Look at other name generators (see links below) Possibly make a location generator sometime Make it so the last names and first names are different (i.e. they don't choose from the same list) Links: Fatal Destiny Character Creator (FDNPC) Seventh Sanctum Serendipity I hope those links help you get ideas on how to make this program all that it can be and more. :D Keep up the good work on this and all your other programs :) ~Steven a.k.a. ShinyToyGuns~
  13. Hence the reason it's still a work in progress :P I love the canopy so far though...keep up the good work :D
  14. Have you tried looking at the help manual/asked for help here?
  15. This looks like it could be a helpful program. Thanks :) PS ~ I noticed when I tried downloading this the first time that it had ".hqz" after the .exe extension...I do not know what that means, and neither does windows apparently. I removed the .hqz from the end and downloaded it, and it opened fine, but with the .hqz, it won't open.
  16. Sorry if this is a necropost, but I've updated the first post with my finished GUI :) I think I accomplished my goal of making it more professional looking, yet keeping the friendly and welcoming feel to it. Let me know what you guys think :)
  17. Thanks guys. The reason for my long, unexcused absence was, well, I don't really have one other than I got super depressed and didn't feel like doing much of anything. That tends to happen to me a lot. But don't worry, I'm feeling much better now, and plan to continue in RMXP.
  18. I've seen a great many weird things on forums...not the least of which was quite disturbing. But most recently the weirdest thing I've seen has to be PUDDING xD hilarious, but weird
  19. Thanks guys, it's good to be back :) So, what's new around here?
  20. Hey all, As the title says, I'm back! I decided to do a complete rethinking of my RMXP project, and will have more info about it out in the next month or two. I got my admin position back on TerraWorld Online, which, as of earlier this evening, is undergoing some server problems. Soooo...what's new with you guys? Good to be back, ~Steven a.k.a. ShinyToyGuns~
  21. Welcome to RMXPUnlimited! Please enjoy your stay. :)
  22. He's gonna kill you for that :P Welcome to RMXPUnlimited, Clone1018 :P
  23. you should check out Blizz-ABS on Chaos Project...that has a pretty good sneak system, as well as a shitload of other features :)
  24. Welcome to RMXPUnlimited! If you have any questions, ask anybody here, and we'll be glad to help :)
  25. Hope that helps :P also, why am I not on the list of participants?
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