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Everything posted by ShinyToyGuns

  1. Hey all, I've finished the fourth and final installment of my "Elements" window skins series. I went for a rippling look this time to resemble water. Enjoy. I will upload the in-game screenshots of this one later. :)
  2. The fourth and final installment of my "Elements" series.
  3. Hey all, Here's the third installment of my "Elements" series of window skins; Earth. I tried using a blend of green, brown, and blue to give it that "Earthy" feel. Enjoy. I will be uploading examples of this one soon. Next up: Water!
  4. The third installment of my "Elements" series.
  5. ah, sorry, misunderstood your first post :P it's the second windowskin...Here's the first one...like I said, the default text clashes.
  6. Oops, sorry bout that...I meant to post an in-game screenshot as well :wacko: Here ya go: Basic title screen example Basic menu example Basic battle example
  7. Hey all, As promised, here is the second windowskin in my "Elements" series. Enjoy, and let me know which you like better. (I had to make two of this one because I realized afterwards that the white at the top clashes with the default text.) First attempt Second attempt Next to come...I'm thinking Earth :)
  8. Second attempt at my "Fire Windowskin" after I realized that the white at the top of the first one clashes with the default text.
  9. Second windowskin in my "Elements" series.
  10. I'm not :P thanks for the link :D I'll be uploading the fire windowskin soon.
  11. Added my name (the Shiny Toy Guns band logo) :P RMXPU Signature Background
  12. Awww crap...I didn't read that part lol...if anyone has a script similar to this for XP, could you please post it? :)
  13. I'll look into it...maybe I missed something, and maybe it accepts gif images for windowskins :P Edit: apparently it only accepts PNG, JPEG, and BMP :( Maybe there is a way to put animated pngs in though...sorta like autotiles? Edit2: done more research, and apparently it IS possible through use of a script :D I'm gonna try it. In case anyone else wants to try.
  14. That would be pretty cool, but is it possible with rmxp? I thought it only accepted png images for that?
  15. So shall it be written, so shall it be done! Basic title screen example Basic menu example Basic fight example Enjoy! :D I am hoping to work on the other windowskins in this series later today :)
  16. if it's any consolation to you kiriashi, I voted for you :) Congratulations Nisage
  17. Hey y'all, It's been a bit since I posted a windowskin for XP, so I figured that I would make one for each of the elements, starting with wind (storm). Enjoy. ~Steven a.k.a. ShinyToyGuns~
  18. TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! :P Gratz on 3 years RMXPU! :3:
  19. Put this in your signature if I have been helpful to you in some way
  20. Welcome back Kotter! oops...wrong show :P
  21. I had to uninstall it due to it hogging up hard drive space, but now I'm reinstalling it after I uninstalled some other programs :P
  22. I like the second one better, but if you could somehow combine the two, I think that would look pretty cool
  23. Very nice :D I tried the demo, and although a bit confusing, it's pretty cool. I think it would be helpful for newer users (like myself) if you added some sort of readme file or something. Other than that, I rate this... :5: FIVE STARS!
  24. Happy birthday Zane! I have some even BETTYER cake for you!!! see what I did there? :P
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