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Everything posted by FranklinX

  1. What do you mean it is an upgraded version of VX? Can current VX projects be transferred to this new system? It's not clear about this.
  2. I've gotten odd spam that said I brought something online and I never did. I check my bank account and there were no transactions.
  3. The site looks great. The professional look is attracting and will encourage people to join.
  4. It's all about the hot white chicks! Woo Woo Woo! You Know It!

  5. Welcome to the forums. What's your favorite food?
  6. Welcome back to the forums! It's great to have you back. :)
  7. Maybe. It depends on how the new background image will be. I think you released it too early for us to make a judgement call.
  8. The battle system needs to change. The current battle system is unattractive. They're still not listening to us.
  9. FranklinX

    i need sprites!

    The sprite looks very good. The XP sprite has much more details.
  10. Your castle looks nice. I suggest you add a background because the blue seems odd.
  11. I wonder if we can use our current VX projects with this program.
  12. Relationships with Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mommies are always based around money and sex. The Sugar gives up the money then other partner gives up the sex. It is not illegal to be a sugar daddy nor sugar mommy. Is this any different than prostitution? The only difference is when the Sugar couple is married. However, the married relationship does not change the demand for money and sex between the partners.
  13. Please me more clear. Do you have any events affecting the gameplay?
  14. Game Title: Dark Chaos Developer/Team/Producer: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Production Platform: VX Completion status: Demo Link to game: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7135-dark-chaos/
  15. The God The Asshole The Bitch of the Entire RPG Maker Community is back.

    1. Chief


      Please refrain.

    2. Joko
    3. Joko


      start posting again >.< i see you logged in on sept 11 >.<

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  16. Welcome to the forums! What's your favorite food?
  17. Please review the Second Demo for Dark Chaos! http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7135-dark-chaos/
  18. I'm getting sick of these remakes. Make something NEW.
  19. I suggest a side view battle system. I dislike the default battle system.
  20. Very nice! I am sure people will find them useful. Thanks for sharing.
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