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Everything posted by Agckuu_Coceg

  1. Well, come at last. And then you're looking for all forums, run for you ... Would answer at least for the last PM to OWAI, but damn it must know something.
  2. Already saw your tutorial on RMVXP. Should be interesting. But it is much better and more powerful, such a system looks like from the AWS and realistic SE. And the rest - not bad!
  3. Incidentally, is a true. Assemble a team for the project - this is almost an impossible thing, I'm cannot find at least some support for my project two years. I myself, alone take out this project. I have tremendous experience and skill in RPG Maker only because he studied all over himself. And now I have at least some of the projects. Another thing - this is the complexity of the project. In principle, I can not do easy projects, I've seen too many things on the forums. I do heavy projects, I totally create concept art for the course of their work, and if I do something does not work, I altered the work in this area again. But it takes time, and I for some reason there was never enough. After the loss of data, I reworked three times the entire project again ... But when the need to do more and more time for some reason is too little because of my employment. Because both want to see at least someone helped you in a little hard work ... But I still do not want to abandon the project, which is so dear to me. It may be true, I should tell you about their ideas on the forum. It is possible that someone will appreciate it.
  4. Two years ago, as a complete lamer, I started working on a project under the name Elviar. It was kind of a project to reconcile the canons CRPG and JRPG, and combined all the most weightly of all the most famous games (I thought). But unfortunately, the first released demo was bad and was ridiculed. The project had too many shortcomings and bugs, which I at that time was not able to fix it. After the failure, I went into the shadows in the whole year, developing an updated concept art and strenuously going through RPG Maker XP. After that, I became an expert on RPG Maker, but alas, the project I have virtually no time because of my extremely busy and complexity with my hardware (My computer is broken twice, therefore I lost about five months of work). I cannot find team, so I have to do everything yourself. What do you think? Throw my project on the shelf as unrealizable or still try to pull it? Is it possible to somehow help my situation and whether there is a way out? Your opinion and decision. Thanks.
  5. That's nothing... We are sucked paws two weeks when the ours database server is burned. Thank God it was over so quickly. I wanted to rmvxp.com breakdown, because I was bored... It turned out alright.
  6. Agckuu_Coceg

    Hex Flags

    Hex flags are very useful when creating isometric maps. Frankly, it is unclear as used in RPG Maker. In other cases, they are quite useless.
  7. As I understand, you use the system of Jimmyly. It is based on distributing points of one variable, and grabbing them after use and, accordingly, it can not use self-switches. The only thing you can do - is to create an individual system for each character. The only thing you can do in this situation - it has decreased number of map for the system to one with conditional branches .
  8. I hope that you will soon come back. Goodbye.
  9. Bayonetta, you think that we here all know the polls RPG Maker and all its possibilities? Yes it is even the Enterbrain not know. All had once learned from the beginning. Just train slightly, study the event functions ... And the easiest way - open a couple of open source projects and demos and see how others work. I've so far been RM studying, and I followed one and a half years passed. And about your problem - I know a couple of scripts. I lay out by their links to other requests, find them here. This is Fmodex audio dll and BGM without restarting.
  10. Let's try to solve the problem. 1) Planting a tree. If these places there are certain places (like the beds), there is nothing difficult. We put in the Common Event, which will grow our trees needed seeds. In order to do that you need a shovel, put the first object Branch "if a shovel in your inventory", and after - the election with planting any seed. 2) Watering. My planted a seed in a certain place. Now you can give it a variable growth, which will increase with each watering. Once the variable reaches a certain "ceiling", the tree grows. To make watering can was empty or full, you can do a simple piece: It creates two things: full watering can and an empty watering can. Once the tree is watered a full watering can, it is replaced by an empty add items\delete items. To empty watering can not watered the tree, set at the beginning of Event at watering branch on "full watering can in the inventory" and prescribes else up at an empty watering can. To fill the watering can, you come to the pond and then things change places. 3) Growth. You can set up individual tree growth through reduction of the variable each time. This is done by creating a separate Event of parralelyu, which will look like. First page of event: Wait ... frames Conditions - Self Switch A Change Variable [] -.... Self switch = B Erase event Second page of event: Conditions - Self Switch A Wait ... frames Change Variable [] -.... Self switch = A Erase event 4) The tree gives fruits. Once the tree has grown, you can take fruit. The system works on the same principle as mentioned in chapter 3, but instead of changing the variable - the number of issued fruits. 5) Aging and death. If the tree dies because of the completion of resources, we can put each issued one fruit a variable. Once the variable reaches a "ceiling", the tree will automatically collapses. Variable growth and death are cleared after the death of the tree to put it another and not resort to the use of multiple variables. If a tree dies after a certain period of time of old age, then this would require the same variable of death and other Alongside Event. There is also the principle of growth, given in Chapter 3, only the variable is increased through each time. You can also put across the effect of aging at the level of variable certain amount of aging. Tree change, produces less fruit and so on. Watering will reduce the variable of aging, to extend the growth of the tree. To do this, set the variable reduction at each watering.
  11. Tanketai here will not go, she uses char-sets, rather than Battlers that makes the Dream Avatar. Of course, I has little knowledge about VX, but I think that it's easier to leave the standard battle system. Or doing char-sets on these battlers.
  12. ***evil-eyed whistling*** Damn, what am I so unlucky with computers...
  13. You need for assistance in the compilation or not, Pol? If yes, I can help you.
  14. Unfortunately, I know what I say. Because I can use other people's resources for my discretion. We are used in the ours projects and commitments 99% foreign forums resources and in the general are not given any credit. Officially, the creator does everything himself and only himself. Although in fact I have not seen yet virtually none of our project, which would have been done without the resources created by others.
  15. Did the issuance of not-owned resources for its own, and piracy is not the same thing? Absolutely the same. And principles to this the same.
  16. But you cannnot apply a pirate to the court record, because it uses your work. Moreover, not all countries followed the like this laws. Otherwise we would not be able to pirate everything that falls under the arm.
  17. And this is idea, Tomo ... Very EXCELLENT idea ...
  18. It is always possible. What do you want add to this system?
  19. Universal Message System. If you mean Ccoa UMS.
  20. Nobody produces patches for RPG Maker... But scripts solve this problem, you need only search.
  21. Copyright laws do not apply to products intended for RPG Maker. If only the author does not register them officially. And besides, it is still the pirates would not settle down. I like to hack the resources to create their assemblies. But I use it only for your own self education, and nothing more.
  22. At rmxp.org and rmvxp.com have scripts that solve this problem. This is a two scripts: fmodex audio (this is good script for this problems) BGM without restarting
  23. The principle is the same. You can add damage to gain skill through the introduction of damage in the event of skill or separately. If I'm not mistaken, it is possible to introduce a temporary increase in ATK at the time of the forecast with the normal functions of RPG Maker.
  24. That's what I'm talking about RPG. I just provide a basis for reflection and opportunities as it can be done.
  25. Gintama, 3 season. The greatest comedy anime in all years. Naruto Shipuuden was upset me, too large number of fillers instead of the original ... So far only read the manga.
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