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Everything posted by Wyzrd

  1. SONY EXPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Every girl I've ever met has gone for slender men. I'm not fat but I don't got a lot of muscles, and girls always go crazy over me. It's probably how you present and carry yourself.
  3. Well I'ma update my list to include Nintendo's expo now that it just ended. I'm pretty excited for some of these seeing as I do own a Wii. If anyone else has a Wii, send me a message and we can add each other. Nintendo Zelda: Skyward Sword - Being a pretty good fan of Zelda, this looks like it could be fun to play. I look forward to this and the way they did the gameplay. Wii Party - This is kind of iffy but could be fun if you have friends to play with. Dragonquest - I enjoyed the last Dragonquest on the Wii so I think this will be good. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - I've been a big fan of Golden Sun. I wish I owned a DS just so I could get this. GoldenEye - Everyone knows GoldenEye is a classic. This should be a good game. Disney Epic Mickey - This game I'm kind of iffy on. It might be good. Donkey Kong - Classic, you can't go wrong with this. Kid Icarus - I've been a fan of Icarus since Nintendo. So I look forward to this. Nintendo 3DS - Nintendo 3DS....what else is there to say....
  4. Ok your self contradicting yourself now. You said that, but in yoru first post did you not say this? Therefore saying women only choose fat guys because there are enough to go around.
  5. By saying that they choose the fat men because that is all that is left. That is saying they don't like them, they just go after them because they have nothing left. Ok I'll take this one, because I did misread that. Though I still disagree on this one. I've done it before, looking for something new. I'm not falsely quoting you, I'm just adding more depth to what your saying that your not looking at.
  6. I watched the whole E3 yesterday and I'm currently watching it now. Looking forward to seeing Sony the most though as I am a huge Sony fan. Though seeing how I do own a Wii I look forward to see what they have to add. Just wanted to see how you guys felt about some of the things we seen yesterday. This is my list of games I look forward to seeing and hearing more of. Electronic Arts Need For Speed Hot Pursuit - They really are going back to the NFS roots with this one. The game looks great graphic wise. Looks like a promising hit. Honestly I was let down by Shift and Pro Street. Neither of those I liked. Dead Space 2 - I've never played the first one but the second one looks really good. Made me want to go buy the first one, one day when my PS3 is fixed. Medal Of Honor - I've always been a fan of MOH, this one leaves the World Wars 2 scenery and heads over to Afghanistan. The online play looks amazing to. Public multiplayer beta will be released on Jun 21st. I will be downloading this for myself since my PS3 broke. This will give me my online gaming I've been craving. If you have a PS3 let me know, I will add you, or send me a message on PSN. TWyzrdS Crysis 2 - Never played the first one as I never had a computer good enough but this game looked rally good. Bulletstorm - A new idea and concept from EA. It looks different and looks like it could be fun. I look forward to this. Ubisoft Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - This looks as promising as it's previous versions were. Looks like it could be more fun too. Shaun White Skateboarding - Normally I don't go crazy over new skateboarding games as they all seem to be a repeat of previous games. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Never been a big Ghost Recon game, but this one looks amazing. I will probably be buying it one day. Driver: San Fransisco - Time for a new Driver. This one looks good, I still remember playing 1 & 2 on PlayStation. Speaking of E3, Nintendo's expo just started as I was typing this.
  7. First off I'm start by saying the fact you took psychology classes means nothing to me. For the simple fact that they teach you how the brain acts and thinks for the most part. Most people that come out those classes think they know everything, about everyone and everyone. Trust me, my ex's mom major was psychology. as far as women looking for men with good genes, not true. As far as women not dating fat men, not true. My friends and I have often held the conversation of how a lot of good looking women end up with fat guys. I don't know what world you live in, but I have often seen this scenario. Also, as far as men chasing women that have no interests. That theory is completely wrong. I always go after women that have no interests in me. I like a challenge. I don't want a girl that just throws herself at my feet. Which raises me to ask this question? Are you actually talking about the world around you or just yourself? Then using what you believe as a focus point for all of humanity? Another thing Franklin. Are you reading everything everyone says? Seems when someone makes a point, you kind of ignore their post and just basically re-state the same thing you've said 5 times before.
  8. Evidence from scientist point of views mean nothing to me. Who's to saythey didn't lie, didn't doctor that report? They could say that 99% of men are secretly gay. Is that true? Most likely not. But just 'cuz they say it does that prove anything? Evidence from your own personal life experince means more to me. As I tried to do, providing situation that happened to me. I will always believe that no gender is better then any other gender. Just like no race is better then any other race. Also if we expect women and men to be treated equal as women so long fought for. How can this be a equal situtation if you say one is more shallow then the other?
  9. Wyzrd

    Look what I found

    Joko it's Wyzrd***** But yea Marked I seriously think you should do the watermark. You have expressed before your concern for activity on the site and such forth. It could help increase that.
  10. Is that really true? How you know she hasn't seen his before the relationship? Or even still he could have a erection in a public place which depending on clothe or how he is sitting, she could see it then to. Also a girl's ass you can't always tell 'till you actually see it out of clothes. I've seen some nice asses in pants, but outside they are sloppy. We could touch bases on something else you said earlier Franklin. Girls like guys with muscles and such. How does she know what he looks like right away? Me I wear over-sized clothes, you never can tell really unless I got a tank top on or no shirt. I've often been mistakened by a lot of people and have got into a lot of fights for that reason. One time I remember one girl on a school bus told me I was fat, and her friend next to her goes no he's not (because she has seen me without shirt). Well the girl kept insistin' I was fat, I had to stand up to prove to her that I wasn't.
  11. Wyzrd

    Look what I found

    I don't tihnk a small watermark would stop people from using it. Also, if it does stop them from using it. They shouldn't be using it anyways seeing how they got it from here.
  12. Scientist show this, scientist show this. Exactly what I'm saying, your not forming your own opinion there. Your going off what they say. Exactly what is wrong with a lot of this world. No one has their own opinions, are to afraid to stand up and say what they think. They just follow suit and go with what the higher authority is saying. If you lose friends or friendships over replying to this topic, then they weren't real friends to start with. I mean look at me I came in and blunty said everyone was wrong. If someone gots a problem with me over it, then so be it, but I speak my mind.
  13. Your saying women (gender) aren't as shallow as men (gender) so therefore you are saying a certain gender is better then the other under said circumstances.
  14. Honestly I think everyone in this thread is wrong. Men are not more shallow then women, and women are not more shallow then men. It's a equal situation. For every guy that likes a girl with a big ass, there's a girl that likes a guy with a big dick. I do not feel one is better then the other. As for the reason you believe anything you've said above. It's due to public media. Fine example would be the article that Crimson presented. That says one thing. So that is how the rest of the world is gonna act now. No gender is better then the other gender. Simple as that.
  15. Welcome, glad to see that you finally posted and decided to join the family. :D Enjoy your stay here.
  16. Wyzrd

    Top monthly posters

    I know what forum I was thinking of. I still remember the name to. I just didn't wanna say the name, as to leave bad feelings out.
  17. *Does inappropriate things to your anal cavity.*

  18. Wyzrd

    Top monthly posters

    Yea I didn't realize I was here for three years. Leon was the first one here, then he brought me and Ark because me and Ark were kind of outcasts on another site the three of us was on. No one paid attention to us there, we'd say something in a conversation and it would just get skipped over. Then we came here, nice home, love it. Glad to have been here over three years now. as for a website, yea that's pretty good consider a lot of sites don't make it past a year.
  19. Wyzrd

    Top monthly posters

    I think the monthly stat thing would be pretty cool. 45 months is a long time. Been a good ride, and will continue to be a good ride.
  20. Wyzrd

    Top monthly posters

    :o well it worked this time and since you changed it now mines is May 09 - June 08. :D And i missed Aug. 08 the first time I looked :D.
  21. Wyzrd

    Top monthly posters

    This is awesome. I'm in there a whole bunch but only topped twice June 08 - July 08. Yea double knock out. And I still have chance for this month if Franklin quits posting >_ Only problem I see Marked, is I'm clearly logged in, since I'm posting this now, but when I go to it, Den13's name is in bold not mines.
  22. Before you jump on here criticizing people saying they make no sense. Why don't you make a little sense first. You just said the exact same thing Franklin said in the first post. Writing and making games are two separate things.
  23. In my house, there would have been a scene. The three people here would have all wanted to start a scene. Just how we are, we all kind of just don't care. SAy what we want. Should have never threw that one box away. That was wrong. :-p
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