Mines kind of goes into some history of RMXPU. At one point in time. I don't remember exactly why nowadays but Marked had left the site. He left my good friend and the best RMXP scripter Leon in charge of the site. Well Leon did not know much about the behind the scenes stuff as of being a admin. So he asked me to come and help him out. So I showed up and well I've been here ever since with a few absences, due to personal problems in my life.
Eventually Marked came back and Leon was relieved of his duty and Marked made a mod which I have been for forever now. I'm not much of a RMXP head. I've dibbled and dabbled with it. I've helped Leon and Ark with things on their games, other then that I've never really done much. I did once kick a computer off of a desk because I couldn't understand switches when Ark was trying to teach me 'em.
Well yea I kinda rambled on there, but that's how I ended up here.