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Everything posted by Wyzrd

  1. Lol, true that you did know Leon. *shrugs* Ark, I talked to him yesterday, he's been doin' good. Said that Ami should begin to crawl anyday now.
  2. Thanks everyone, like I said, I will try to be more active again.
  3. Lol, I never got anything from you :-p
  4. Sorry I have been gone so long. I just lost my purpose in life and didn't know what to do with myself, and have been trying to straighten everything out again. Then on top of that the power supply went out on my pc so I had to find a way to get a charger for my outdated laptop that Apple don't make chargers for no more. Finally got one which is how I am on now. I'll try to be active again. What does make me sad though is that the whole time I was gone, the only person that asked where I was, was Marked. :(
  5. Neither. I would like to see a third one using both the elements from both of these. Make the circle from the first one lighter then the multi circles from the second one and place the multi on top of the first one.
  6. Who said no one here is old enough to drink? I know Leon is :P. I'm almost old enough. But I've been drinking since I was like 13-14 so it don't matter anyways. But happy one year Nisage.
  7. Welcome to RMXPU, enjoy yourself.
  8. I know you wasn't bragging. I was just picking on you. lol :P
  9. Better watch bragging about your event skills. My brother Ark might take offense. :P He's like God at eventing lol. He's the only one that's ever been able to make me understand them lol. Anyways, welcome to RMXPU and enjoy your stay.
  10. Welcome to RMXPU. Enjoy your stay, and that is a hell of a intro post. :P I just added you on Facebook too. :)
  11. They look real good. Way better then what I could do.
  12. And this admin is some what addicted to DDO or Rainbow Six Vegas 2 lol.
  13. We changed host a while back, it's got nothing to do with changing host because he used the same database. Now I know there was one point in time where some of the database was lost for a week or so. Maybe you signed up during that week. Well welcome, hope you'll change your mind and post more then just post here.
  14. It's ok, worry about your schooling first and foremost. It's the most important.
  15. You missed the bandwagon out of this hellhole. Ok I was playing about that. I don't know if you missed anyhing. *shrugs*
  16. That's cool. I'll be sure to get pics when me and him get together to visit. Probably get some pics of me with Ami too. :P
  17. Cannith. depending how far you've gotten I might make a new character to play with you.
  18. Well take a minute to listen to the music, you'll realize I don't have ghetto rap really. I mainly talk about my life and things I've been through and things that others can relate to. Just give it a minute even if you don't like rap. Lots of people have said they hated rap, 'til they listened to me. And Zane I do have Eminem influence and Luda. Don't really listen to Andre to much by himself but I like him as Outkast. Also those last three you mentioned. I can't stand. Also, no offense Franklin I get what your saying but I'm not confused. As far fitting the image, I understand I don't have to do them things but I have. I have not done any of that in a long time. I'm just saying it's something I have realized that I have done. On behalf of rap. Not all of it sends the wrong message, there is plenty of positive rap. Sure it's not the stuff you hear on the radio a lot. Why? Because that's not what people wanna hear about. You know most of that stuff is ate up by people that have never lived in the ghetto. Why? Because they have never lived that life, it's something new to them, so they eat it up. Which is part of the reason a lot of rap comes out that way. One of those old sayings "give the people what they want." I also understand what your saying about rapping about things you've never done. Then when the media finds out, your destroyed anyways, and everything you've ever worked for is gone. It's sad, but that's how the music industry works on this frontline.
  19. Oh yea, Leon I see you posted it up. Go check it out everyone, I seriously think it is worth your time. It's located here. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3464&pid=27692&st=0entry27692
  20. Le me start this off by saying no I am not addicted to drugs, video games or anything like that. I just wanna know what you guys think on this addiction I've recently come to terms with. As almost everyone here knows I'm a rapper and can be found at www.myspace.com/twyzrds and to become a well known rapper is my biggest goal in life. I recently realized his dream is my addiction. Addicts will do anything to get what they want, they do crazy things, they change their whole lives for something they are addicted too. Me I'm addicted to this dream. It has been my strength, it's kept me motivated to move forward when I've felt all else has failed me. It has been my weakness because I get so drawn into it. It's been my greatest fear too at the same time. I've molded myself to this image of a rapper. This is why I say I'm addicted, I've done a lot of things I can't say I'm proud of. I've gone to jail, I've been in Juvy. Why? Simply so I could say I did time as a rapper. I've done drugs, why? It's what rappers do. I've destroyed very good relationships I've had, why? So I can rap about that. I could go on for days listing things I did. Now several people have asked me why don't I change? Well for one, I don't wanna change, this addiction has made me who I am. It made me the person many girls, friends, and people love. To get rid of this addiction would make me not me. I guess I'm just wondering what your views on this are?
  21. As some of you have probably noticed, I've been gone for a week or so. I took some personal time and got hooked on a new game. Dungeon and Dragons online. You used to have to pay to play it but on Sep. 11 they released a free version of it. It is a great game and I recommend you to check it out. http://www.ddo.com/
  22. I see my grandparents anytime I want. :X lol I live with them so I guess that don't count.
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