My PSP's hacked to with Metal Gear Peace Walker which I enjoy from time to time. I only have a PS2 and want a PS3 but fear if I get one it will be replaced e.g by a PS4 ( move seems to keep that from happening too soon though ) just like how I got a PS2 recently then PS3 came out, I was kinda pissed of since I wated ages ( saved up e.t.c, my mom can never buy me anything related to video games, she knows I'm an addict lol )
Anyway, I should try buying one online too sometime, I actually scored an Xbox 360 at a discount, it's also hacked but I'm not a fan of shooters too much and never play it that much. Usually play e.g Earthbound on my P.C instead of go shoot up something on Halo or something.
I also like Old School games but not out of choice, I'm stuck with em' now that I have a PS2 which is getting outdated with sick games like Mass Effect, Metal Gear 4 e.t.c plus old school games as you can see are cheap ( before they become some kind of antique ) so its out of jealousy in a way that I prefer old school games, wish I had a PS3 though with Metal Gear 4 and a bunch of RPG's to boot...sigh.