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Dark Den

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Everything posted by Dark Den

  1. Holy shit went thro biggest earthquake of my life till now D:

    1. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      wasnt that big but i could hear buildings falling and stuff and the power went out T_T

    2. madanchi


      :O woah, glad your ok :) I only felt that tiny earthquake in UK some time ago, right near the epicentre I was

  2. i got 27 out of hundred in maths :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      i study they give questions that were very hard and i didnt know how to do :/

    3. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      spent 30 min of exams looking out window ,then got pissed and gave up >_>

    4. Bob423


      you should as the teachers for help

  3. I'm there now lol xD

  4. Q_Q lost football match 6-4 and hurt myself :/

    1. joman195


      It doesn't matter whether you win, or lose, it's how much you egg the other team's houses that matters :3

    2. ShinyToyGuns


      please don't hurt yourself...we all love you :P

  5. Looks like its gonna be fun. Can't wait to play it :alright:
  6. epic boredom *sighs*

    1. Nisage


      *snoozes* zzzzzzz

    2. Bob423


      isn't that an oxymoron?

  7. Good luck Marked. :alright: Hope all that studying pays off in the end haha.
  8. wish i lived somewhere else...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      well the only water that is mostly here is drinking water

    3. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      and i cut my hand with a nail and had to get an injection today -.-

    4. Bob423
  9. i wonder if i should leave...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bob423


      broken messiah has a point you know

    3. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      well alright then guys m gonna stay ^^

    4. Bob423
  10. Last day of holidays for me T_T

    1. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      and i dont even have my school unform D:

    2. Dark Den
    3. madanchi


      haha same, well, bank holiday Monday THEN back to education -_- plus I gotta write 6000 words in 3 weeks! kinda easy tho, i do 1k a day

  11. That looks awesome, i can never make anything decent on minecraft :lol:
  12. Happy birthday Shining :biggrin_002: Have a great year ^_^
  13. Online At Once Record - 1,004 08 April 2011 - 02:27 AM lol

    1. Marked


      er.... i kinda set that cut off to a day. So.. :S btw didnt u leave?

    2. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      nah i never left =) i was always here ^^

    3. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      just been lurking alot =/


  14. got an android =)

    1. Polraudio


      Nice. i just got somethin like it with android.

    2. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      hehe i actually got a phone which had android ^^

  15. haha looks great xD

    i have a feeling u wanted to use it for black silhouette maybe ?

  16. you done with the pic lol ?

  17. Thats great :biggrin_002: , at my current rate of posting i might make 1000 in a year or more maybe <_<
  18. hey man, how's it going ?

  19. First link says buy now , second link says user not premium. Seems i need to buy it <_<
  20. um...How do i play in browser ? :sweatdrop:
  21. I wanna see the top posts of the day thing how it was a long time ago with all the pictures etc.
  22. I voted all yes in the polls :biggrin_002: I cant wait for it to start. I wont be online much nowadays cuz of exams and me downloading stuff but i will come on later on. Oh and can it be played with the program on the pc or does it have to be on a browser ?
  23. I introduced myself....dont remember what happened after that :biggrin_002:
  24. Welcome back :alright: You're lucky your exams ended im right in the middle of them <_< Have fun ^^
  25. I got nothing :( Used to have them around 8 years ago , not any more though <_<
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