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Everything posted by Ronivan

  1. This was the most disgusting script I have ever seen. Theres no description to whatever call the event of item creation. The fool who made this topic forgot to say how to call that useless creation system, and to help, posted in that trash dump of rapidshare. This was a waste of my life.
  2. Its a good script indeed, it work just fine as it is, but if you don't have the skills with Ruby to change the others customs scripts that you may have, this script will ruim a project. It fails to work with most custom scripts like Menus script. Whatever the custom script uses a window process, or it will fail or will causes horrible window misspositions. The idea of this script work is good, but its unapplicable for most people.
  3. I'm having problem with my game because the Multi Frame Script changes the animation file name, like hero [8]. I've tryed all kinds of Multi frame scripts, all scripts needs a change in the image name to specify the number of frames on it. So I wanted to make a request here for someone to create a very different kind of auto frame script. Maybe it would be possible to create a script where the number of frames of animation would be inserted into it? Like this for sample: Files inside the "Characters" folder: name of .png file => number of frames hero => 8 hero_ACT => 7 hero_HIT => 6 hero_SWD_01 => 6 Note: It's a script for RPG Maker XP. Thus the file name does not change, and the script will do the organization of animation frames by file names .png written on it. Someone could create something like that?
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