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Everything posted by Chief

  1. The trinity is considered real though. If God is God, than cant he do anything, even something we dont understand? 3 in 1 is still one, its like thirds, yet still whole pieces, of one larger whole. Sure, confusing as it may be, He is God and can do what He wants, lol.
  2. Chief

    Try this game.

    reward: free KFC for a year minus the gravy.
  3. you are mistaken and seemingly not taught what was taken out, who took it out, and why it was taken out.
  4. I promised myself wouldnt post in here, but I feel the need, lol. I'm a christian, and first off, Rgangsta, a lot of what you said I find to be wise and true, although some was a bit off. Anyways, the whole topic about religion is a scary thing when you're a christian. Its not like we feel a need to force anything on anyone, its that we feel that because the Bible is Truth, and God exists, shouldnt we share this knowledge? the problem is, Christians get a bit carried away and vehement when trying to convey a message of salvation, so most interpret it as forceful and hostile. I tell you now, this is not our intentions, unless you come across street evangelists that hole up signs and shout stupid things. Theres a lot about Knowing God that isnt explained to people anymore. They hear Christianity and think, wow, a bunch of happy, brain washed, ignorant, shallow, forceful, hostile people. I tell you now, this is not Christianity. I think the best way for this to continue, if it were to ever, is if you guys (and gals) would like to ask me questions about Faith, the Bible, God, Jesus, and salvation. Now, most of you don't care, or some have other beliefs, and alright, I would never force anything on anyone, but I can assume you might be curious as to what and why I believe, and it may help explain to you the True innerworkings of Christianity, and the belief in monotheism.
  5. Chief

    Your Pics

    been playin drum related things for about 7 years, but playin drumset specifically for 4.
  6. Chief

    Your Pics

    Yup, in an "80's hair metal" band actually, lol... its funny cuz my hair is really short.
  7. Chief

    Your Pics

    alright, finally got around to postin my own pic here:
  8. Chief

    Your Pics

    lol, I hope that everyone got my comment as a joke.
  9. Chief

    Your Pics

    omg a real girl? Ive only heard about them in fairy tales!
  10. lol, I like the background... the logos are too messy though.
  11. "rivalry, or an all out hostile competition." I never said it would be... I said it would be competition, as all people who retail the same services are in healthy competition...
  12. Dude, this is so funny, What youre doing, Im doing almost exactly. -Hosting -Design -Studios (game dev) -(secret) lol, Its just a great idea to smash all your talent under one name. I am eagerly awaiting your website, and the competition.
  13. lol, tis not much of a challenge.
  14. I have now mentally turned this into a contest to see whos better. I await your other site.
  15. lol, at first I thought you made the site theme from scratch, but I dig around in the source and was relieved to find that you used a theme, lol. If you amde it you could have been as good as me, if not better at web design.
  16. yeah... dont have RM installed so I cant view that... I would done more if I had RM, lol
  17. Nope, I dont really like overworld tilesets or maps, they detract from the game, unless used properly, and they rarely are. These sets will be regular. edit: Water tile is done, but I wont show it until I have a small example of awesomeness, lol
  18. Was gone for a while, here is the one I made a while back:
  19. This one is going to be a regular Outdoor tileset, but Im aware that in order to make a full game, there needs to be multiple matchin tilesets, so I will actually be making a few+ sets.
  20. Thanks for answerin Pol. I'd like more people to answer as well. Here is the grass, the dirt, and a prototype for the grass to dirt transition:
  21. yeah, Im talking about what SPRITE sizes people use. if the sprites are 32x64, but I make doors and such for size 32x32 sprites, everything will look off and wont work fully to what they can. Im gathering census data so that I may better operate within the community preferences.
  22. So, I am going to be making a community tileset specific to this site. What I am wondering is what size sprites seems to be the most commonly used, as it will effect the look and size of some tiles. so, do you use 32x32 sprites? or the XP default, 32x64? Please try to respond to this ASAP. thanks.
  23. Chief

    My Sunshine

    I dont want to come off as arrogant and a prick, so I thought I'd ask permission first, lol. I often have a superiority complex when it comes to graphics,a nd Im working that out... lol So, Suggestion; Under the layer where the grass is, take a basic brush, and paint under the grass, the darkest shade of green used. This will remove the leftover sky under the grass, as grass does not simply float. This will give it a sturdier look, and one thats a tad more realistic. (its either that or make it so some of the blades are NOT a blue-ish hue, as I cannot tell if its the sky peeking through, or a poorly chosen color for the grass, as it distracts from the ground, and makes it seem as if the sky is indeed peeking through)
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