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Everything posted by Chief

  1. why is nomination for eah month so early in the month? it doesnt give much time for people to be great members for the month when only half of the month has gone by. you never know, I could do something really great for the community after a bit, but still in the march month...
  2. Should not be made legal. From a non christian perspective, I find it to be for losers who are too much of a lazy arse to form a real relationship and stick with it. From my christian perspective, its a sexual sin, and completely immoral, bible or not. I find it disturbing, distasteful, disgusting, and humiliating. Women, or men for that matter, are not objects created for sex, "profession" or not. Its wrong, and people need to be held to higher standards, not treated like dogs, objects, or slaves. Legalizing it for the sake of keeping people from having STD's is stupid. just dont do it in the first place and you wont have to worry about it.
  3. Chief

    DevCentral WIP

    I sincerely dont mean to be rude, but I took your attitude from your posts from all over the forums, and you were being a complete jerk off to others, and so when you posted in my thread, with nothing to back it up with, I took it as you being an idiot. As for taking critique, I dont take any from anyone, unless I am aware of their skill level and think that they actually know what they are talking about. I had no image on your background, and thus conclude you to be a noob in the area. You also posted it in a jerk tone. Saying, "There is no possibly" which made it seem you were telling me a direct order in what to do. You took the wrong approach in the first place, not me. I apologize for my rudeness, but I expect one from you as well. This went too far overall anyways. That being said, and all should be well now, Really, Im 17. compare me to say, 25 year olds with class backings. I am, to a considerable chunk, better than some, and I picked it all up on my own.
  4. wall of text. do not want. A lot of pointless info up there, but info none the less. I still would have to say that png is my winner. Even though, as you mentioned, JPG has its uses, PNG can just do them as well, and more. Its not lossy, not huge, and supports alpha blending, which is a thing I use quite often. I do use GIF for my pixel art, but thats about it. PNG will, for now atleast, be my winner in overall use.
  5. Chief

    DevCentral WIP

    you sir, are getting on my nerves. if you think youre so educated, show your designs instead of insisting on continually telling me to grow up. I too was self taught until I found the "teacher" and all he taught me was a few design tips and tools, and then CSS. I have not taken a class, as I do not need to further an skill, and Im not lookin into it for profession. Im also 17 years old. try that out for skill. Im not boasting, but Im a lot better than most people out there who are older, and have taken classes for such things. sure, maybe my teenage maturity took over a bit in this thread, but that being said, I am still a teenager with more skill than most adult web designers will ever have.
  6. Marked, I actually save all my images in png, as Ive been told and taught from a pro. I dont really hear people saving as jpg, and I crit them highly when they do.
  7. really, you dont mess with pixel art by blurring it. it only make it look like it was stretched. keep the nice quality of the original art. messing with it by adding a blur really does nothing for it but bad. sorry pol.
  8. Gifs should be used for pixelart only. Im not a fan of animations, unless it is infact pixel art related. Pngs are the best filetype. great quality with the option for Alpha blending transparecny, which GIF does not offer. JPEG is horrid, and should not be used. it is alright with the highest quality, but then the file size gets larger. BMP looks fine, but the file size is unmanageably large for no reason. TIF is pointless, but can be used for some things. Thats about it. the otehr image types are just extra and serve no real purpose.
  9. Chief

    DevCentral WIP

    really though, Ive been doing it since I was eleven. I do not need to grow up, I had a professional web designer as a "teacher" growing up. I know my theory, I know a good scheme, and Im fully aware of content over design. It really is no color issue, the site was designed to have faint boxes for an easier, flowing feel from one area to the next. its for the idea of content management, not an overall flashy design. If the content boxes stick out too much, its the boxes that catch the attention, not the content. the idea here is to have the content stick out the most for informative reading, not a rainbow of splashes.
  10. ... mate? not maite. maite is someones name thats famous.
  11. Except, youre actually supposed to join my crew, nit Kiri's... its a new rule.
  12. Chief


    I request a group video chat! would be awesome.
  13. nope, voted julia, creating a tie
  14. if I were a staff member, Id wait tii they got to like 30, then kill it. would be lol.
  15. Chief

    DevCentral WIP

    dude, youre a freakin nub compared to me, Im pretty sure I know how to theme a site off of a color, and these colors are a good theme fit, not too much of one color. I dont want a dang rainbow streaked across the page. the only problem I see is the darker shades of blue being a bit too unsaturated and dull, other than that, its not too much of one color. I really have a hard time getting along with you specifically. youve got a superiority complex goin on, and its just not appreciated.
  16. I would nominate myself for the lulz.
  17. Im technically a staff position. Im a "publisher" which was used when the link directory was being created... yeah, didnt work out, lol. now its jsut a regular old link directory, but I think I still have my publisher status.
  18. Chief

    I am captain.

    pirates can drink what ever the heck they want. thats why theyre a pirate, so they CAN do anything they want. like drink beer. pwned.
  19. yeah, just because youre making a game, it doesnt mean youre a member of the month for this community. you must be engaged, helpful, and friendly.
  20. heres my map. oh, I should mention, its magical, and only I can see it, but I assure you, its the best youll ever see:
  21. Chief

    I am captain.

    dude, you're no pirate, and you are an obvious thief. in the post right above yours, I said I have a rowboat... way to be unoriginal dude.
  22. Oriental foods are my fav. Sushi, octopus, dumplings, orange chicken, squid, etc... yum.
  23. Chief


    lol, its more like a mini mohawk, and thats what makes it original. I get to look like some savage warrior guy thing.
  24. Chief


    Im about to have my mohawk get a touch up... waitin for my mom to get home from visiting her mother...
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