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Everything posted by Gergoth

  1. Gergoth


    Erm...I guess I'm in?
  2. I was kinda looking for CharacterSet Graphics,and yeah, It's just gonna be a practice dummy. Sorry if I didn't specify earlier>.<
  3. I've been scouring various websites but no matter what, I can't seem to find a Straw Dummy/Scarecrow (You catch my drift) spritesheet? Are my researching skills that bad? If anyone find one I would appreciate if you could post it! Thanks a lot!
  4. Ah! Thanks! I'm also wondering is Mr Mo's ABS Battle System compatible with Mode 7?
  5. Oh yeah, it turns out it was the order that was the problem ^^ But when I try to test it it gives me: Unable to find Graphics/Pictures/mapback Am I missing something?
  6. Wait...Nevermind, I'm using Mr. Mo's ABS system but I keep getting errors with the script such as: Script 'Mr. Mo's ABS V4.5' line 135: NameError occured. uninitialized constant Input::Letters I checked his demo and it worked perfectly fine but it doesn't seem to work when I implement the script into mine? Is there something I'm missing?
  7. Is there a script where it changes the battle system so that the player doesn't so much as 'encounter' a monster and go into a battle scene but more of like being able to see the enemies and fighting them directly?
  8. Gergoth


    But if you look at the map, theres a pathway leading to somewhere else, so a gate isn't necessary.
  9. Gergoth


    Add some guards on top of the castle because thats the only thing that makes it plain. Other than that, the maps looks awesome! Great job. Must take a while for such a big map to load though :o.
  10. I've seen many ways on making online games using RMXP such as mnetplay but I have no luck i finding any links. Is it actually possible to make an MORPG using RMXP with a few other softwares? If so how? Links will be appreciated.
  11. Gergoth

    My Sprites too large?

    Okay...Solved once again...maybe next time I should try solving it until I really start failing before posting here ._.
  12. Gergoth

    My Sprites too large?

    Wait, another hiccup. If I change the maximum amount of frames to 4, then when the character rushes, he just disappears and reappears? Help..again...
  13. Gergoth

    My Sprites too large?

    Solved, I'm an idiot, I just need to change the maximum amount of frames for each pose! Facepalm.
  14. Gergoth

    My Sprites too large?

    It seems as though my sprite sheets are too large for Charlie Fleed's Battle System but I remember seeing somewhere that you could somehow configure the script to make it so that the sprite sheets fit. My sprite sheets are the standard 4x4s. Is it actually possible to do that? If so, how? If you need me to post the script or my spritesheet then I'd be willing to do so if you ask.
  15. It seems that when I use the 4by4s, it reverse decaptitates the sprite, leaving just it's head floating around when in battle. Is there a specific sprite format I have to use? Or is there a way I can configure it so that it fits? I've read about configuring the number of frames and poses but I still don't really get it? Help please >.< I'm not sure whether it belongs to Charlie Fleed or Minkoff but I found the script in Charlie Fleed's Demo.
  16. Ahhh I see so that was the problem! Thanks! ^^
  17. I can't get Drago del fato's Level Up Point Spend System to work as it keeps giving me an error saying 'end of file reached' Here is the script #===================================================== # Drago del fato's Level Up Point Spend System # --------------------------------------------- # Written by Drago del Fato # Version 2.4 # Just insert a new script above main and call it whatever you want. #===================================================== #--Res Text PSPEND_LVUPTEXT = "New Level! Do you want to Level up?" PSPEND_SPTEXT = "Special Points Left:" PSPEND_ANSWERS = ["Yes!","No"] PSPEND_HELP_TEXT = ["Change Strength...","Change Agility...", "Change Dexterity...","Change Inteligence...","Change Maximum Health Points...", "Change Maximum Skill Points...","Reset all Values to Normal...","Finnish Editing...."] PSPEND_B1 = "Reset" PSPEND_B2 = "Done!" LVUP_TEXT = "(Lv Up!)" DESC_TEXT = "LEFT - Decrease, RIGHT - Increase,C - Confirm,B - Exit" #-- Other Res SPADD = 6 AGILITY_ADD = 1 DEXTERITY_ADD = 1 INTELIGENCE_ADD = 1 STRENGTH_ADD = 1 HP_ADD = 4 SP_ADD = 3 #-- If you aren't experienced scripter then don't change lines below!!! #--Global Variables $PSPEND_POINTS = [] $PSPEND_ACTORS = [] $PSPEND_ADD = [1,1,1,1,1,1] $PSPEND_ATTR = [1,1,1,1,1,1] $PSPEND_RET = 0 #== Part One - Class for Setting and Getting Attributes from Actors class PSPEND_GET_SET_ACTOR_ATRIBUTTES def initialize(type) if !$BTEST case type when 0 return when 1 get_attributes when 2 set_attributes end end end def get_attributes(actorid) @actor = $game_actors[actorid] $PSPEND_ATTR[1] = @actor.str $PSPEND_ATTR[2] = @actor.agi $PSPEND_ATTR[3] = @actor.dex $PSPEND_ATTR[4] = @actor.int $PSPEND_ATTR[5] = @actor.maxhp $PSPEND_ATTR[6] = @actor.maxsp end def set_attributes(actorid) @actor = $game_actors[actorid] @actor.str = $PSPEND_ATTR[1] @actor.agi = $PSPEND_ATTR[2] @actor.dex = $PSPEND_ATTR[3] @actor.int = $PSPEND_ATTR[4] @actor.maxhp = $PSPEND_ATTR[5] @actor.maxsp = $PSPEND_ATTR[6] end end #-- End of Part One #-- Part Two - Disabling actor attributes so that they have same attributes at the next level! class Game_Actor def exp=(exp) @exp = [[exp, 9999999].min, 0].max while @exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] and @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 $actor_attr.get_attributes(@actor_id) @level += 1 $actor_attr.set_attributes(@actor_id) $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_id - 1] += SPADD $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor_id - 1] = true for j in $data_classes[@class_id].learnings if j.level == @level learn_skill(j.skill_id) end end end while @exp < @exp_list[@level] $actor_attr.get_attributes(@actor_id) @level -= 1 $actor_attr.set_attributes(@actor_id) $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor_id - 1] = false end @hp = [@hp, self.maxhp].min @sp = [@sp, self.maxsp].min end def level=(level) if level < self.level $actor_attr.get_attributes(@actor_id) level = [[level, $data_actors[@actor_id].final_level].min, 1].max $actor_attr.set_attributes(@actor_id) $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor_id - 1] = false self.exp = @exp_list[level] return end $actor_attr.get_attributes(@actor_id) level = [[level, $data_actors[@actor_id].final_level].min, 1].max $actor_attr.set_attributes(@actor_id) $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_id - 1] += SPADD $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor_id - 1] = true self.exp = @exp_list[level] return end end #-- End of Part Two #-- Part Three # Changing the code so that some other variables will be added... class Scene_Title def command_new_game $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) Audio.bgm_stop Graphics.frame_count = 0 $game_temp = Game_Temp.new $game_system = Game_System.new $game_switches = Game_Switches.new $game_variables = Game_Variables.new $game_self_switches = Game_SelfSwitches.new $game_screen = Game_Screen.new $game_actors = Game_Actors.new $game_party = Game_Party.new $game_troop = Game_Troop.new $game_map = Game_Map.new $game_player = Game_Player.new #edit $actor_attr = PSPEND_GET_SET_ACTOR_ATRIBUTTES.new(0) for i in 0..$data_actors.size - 2 $PSPEND_ACTORS.push(false) $PSPEND_POINTS.push(0) end #end edit $game_party.setup_starting_members $game_map.setup($data_system.start_map_id) $game_player.moveto($data_system.start_x, $data_system.start_y) $game_player.refresh $game_map.autoplay $game_map.update $scene = Scene_Map.new end def battle_test $data_actors = load_data("Data/BT_Actors.rxdata") $data_classes = load_data("Data/BT_Classes.rxdata") $data_skills = load_data("Data/BT_Skills.rxdata") $data_items = load_data("Data/BT_Items.rxdata") $data_weapons = load_data("Data/BT_Weapons.rxdata") $data_armors = load_data("Data/BT_Armors.rxdata") $data_enemies = load_data("Data/BT_Enemies.rxdata") $data_troops = load_data("Data/BT_Troops.rxdata") $data_states = load_data("Data/BT_States.rxdata") $data_animations = load_data("Data/BT_Animations.rxdata") $data_tilesets = load_data("Data/BT_Tilesets.rxdata") $data_common_events = load_data("Data/BT_CommonEvents.rxdata") $data_system = load_data("Data/BT_System.rxdata") Graphics.frame_count = 0 $game_temp = Game_Temp.new $game_system = Game_System.new $game_switches = Game_Switches.new $game_variables = Game_Variables.new $game_self_switches = Game_SelfSwitches.new $game_screen = Game_Screen.new $game_actors = Game_Actors.new $game_party = Game_Party.new $game_troop = Game_Troop.new $game_map = Game_Map.new $game_player = Game_Player.new #edit $actor_attr = PSPEND_GET_SET_ACTOR_ATRIBUTTES.new(0) for i in 0..$data_actors.size - 2 $PSPEND_ACTORS.push(false) $PSPEND_POINTS.push(0) end #end edit $game_party.setup_battle_test_members $game_temp.battle_troop_id = $data_system.test_troop_id $game_temp.battle_can_escape = true $game_map.battleback_name = $data_system.battleback_name $game_system.se_play($data_system.battle_start_se) $game_system.bgm_play($game_system.battle_bgm) $scene = Scene_Battle.new end end #End of Part Three #Mid Part - Adding Draw Actor Battler class Window_Base < Window def draw_actor_battler(actor, x, y) bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(actor.battler_name, actor.battler_hue) cw =bitmap.width ch = bitmap.height src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw,ch) self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect) end def draw_actor_name(actor, x, y) self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32, actor.name) cx = self.contents.text_size(actor.name).width if $PSPEND_ACTORS[actor.id - 1] self.contents.font.color = crisis_color self.contents.draw_text(x + cx, y, 90, 32, " " + LVUP_TEXT) end self.contents.font.color = normal_color end end #End of Mid Part #Part Four - The Hard one! Making Custom Windows class PSPEND_CUSTOM_WINDOW < Window_Selectable def initialize(winactorid) super(0, 64, 640, 480 - 64) commands = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] @item_max = commands.size @commands = commands self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32,height - 32) self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma" self.contents.font.size = 20 @actor = $game_actors[winactorid + 1] @y = 10 $PSPEND_RET = $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor.id - 1] refresh(true) self.index = 0 end def refresh(ret = false) self.contents.clear @y = 10 if ret $PSPEND_ADD[1] = @actor.str $PSPEND_ADD[2] = @actor.agi $PSPEND_ADD[3] = @actor.dex $PSPEND_ADD[4] = @actor.int $PSPEND_ADD[5] = @actor.maxhp $PSPEND_ADD[6] = @actor.maxsp $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor.id - 1] = $PSPEND_RET ret = false end draw_actor_battler(@actor,20 + 100,@y + 200) draw_actor_name(@actor,20 + 32,@y + 220) cx = self.contents.text_size(PSPEND_SPTEXT + $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor.id - 1].to_s).width self.contents.draw_text(52,@y + 252,cx,32,PSPEND_SPTEXT + $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor.id - 1].to_s) cx = self.contents.text_size(DESC_TEXT).width self.contents.draw_text(52,self.height - 32 - 40,cx,32,DESC_TEXT) @y += 150 @x = 260 for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i, normal_color) end end def draw_item(index, color) if $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor.id - 1] <= 0 self.contents.font.color = disabled_color else self.contents.font.color = color end rect = Rect.new(@x, 32 * index, self.contents.width - 8, 32) self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0)) case index when 0 self.contents.draw_text(rect, $data_system.words.str) cx = self.contents.text_size(@actor.str.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[1].to_s).width self.contents.draw_text(self.width - 32 - cx,32 * index,cx ,32 ,@actor.str.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[1].to_s) when 1 self.contents.draw_text(rect, $data_system.words.agi ) cx = self.contents.text_size(@actor.agi.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[2].to_s).width self.contents.draw_text(self.width - 32 - cx,32 * index,cx ,32 ,@actor.agi.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[2].to_s) when 2 self.contents.draw_text(rect, $data_system.words.dex ) cx = self.contents.text_size( @actor.dex.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[3].to_s).width self.contents.draw_text(self.width - 32 - cx,32 * index,cx ,32 , @actor.dex.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[3].to_s) when 3 self.contents.draw_text(rect, $data_system.words.int ) cx = self.contents.text_size(@actor.int.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[4].to_s).width self.contents.draw_text(self.width - 32 - cx,32 * index,cx ,32 ,@actor.int.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[4].to_s) when 4 self.contents.draw_text(rect, $data_system.words.hp ) cx = self.contents.text_size( @actor.maxhp.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[5].to_s).width self.contents.draw_text(self.width - 32 - cx,32 * index,cx ,32 , @actor.maxhp.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[5].to_s) when 5 self.contents.draw_text(rect, $data_system.words.sp ) cx = self.contents.text_size(@actor.maxsp.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[6].to_s).width self.contents.draw_text(self.width - 32 - cx,32 * index,cx ,32 ,@actor.maxsp.to_s + " > " + $PSPEND_ADD[6].to_s) when 6 self.contents.font.color = color self.contents.draw_text(rect,PSPEND_B1) when 7 self.contents.font.color = color self.contents.draw_text(rect,PSPEND_B2) end end def disable_item(index) draw_item(index, disabled_color) end def update_cursor_rect if @index < 0 self.cursor_rect.empty return end row = @index / @column_max if row < self.top_row self.top_row = row end if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1) self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1) end cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 32 x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32) y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy self.cursor_rect.set(@x - 10, y, self.width - @x - 17, 32) end end #End of Part Four #Part Five - Making Scene_Status to show level up window when character #get's a new level class Scene_Status def initialize(actor_index = 0, equip_index = 0) @actor_index = actor_index end def main @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index] $ACTORD = @actor @status_window = Window_Status.new(@actor) Graphics.transition if $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor.id - 1] @h = Window_Help.new @h.set_text(PSPEND_LVUPTEXT) @h.y = 100 @h.z = 9997 @c = Window_Command.new(140,PSPEND_ANSWERS) @c.y = 170 @c.x = 200 @c.z = 9998 loop do Graphics.update Input.update update_pspend_lvup_win if $scene != self break end end Graphics.freeze @h.z = 0 @c.z = 1 @status_window.z = 2 @status_window.dispose @h.dispose @c.dispose return end loop do Graphics.update Input.update update if $scene != self break end end @status_window.dispose end def update_pspend_lvup_win @c.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor.id - 1] = false $scene = Scene_Menu.new return end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @c.index when 0 $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $scene = Scene_PSPEND_Main_Screen.new(@actor.id - 1) return when 1 $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor.id - 1] = false $scene = Scene_Menu.new return end end end end #End of Part Five #Part Six - Hell is coming...AAAAAAAAH! class Scene_PSPEND_Main_Screen def initialize(actor_id_index) @actor_ind = actor_id_index main end def main @help = Window_Help.new @spend = PSPEND_CUSTOM_WINDOW.new(@actor_ind) @spend.y = 64 @spend.z = 99998 @help.z = 99998 Graphics.transition loop do Graphics.update Input.update update_spend_help_win if $scene != self break end end Graphics.freeze @spend.dispose @help.dispose end def update_spend_help_win @spend.update @help.update @help.set_text(PSPEND_HELP_TEXT[@spend.index]) if Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = Scene_Menu.new $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] = $PSPEND_RET $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor_ind] = false return end if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) unless $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] > 0 $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] -= 1 case @spend.index when 0 $PSPEND_ADD[1] += STRENGTH_ADD when 1 $PSPEND_ADD[2] += AGILITY_ADD when 2 $PSPEND_ADD[3] += DEXTERITY_ADD when 3 $PSPEND_ADD[4] += INTELIGENCE_ADD when 4 $PSPEND_ADD[5] += HP_ADD when 5 $PSPEND_ADD[6] += SP_ADD when 6 $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] += 1 when 7 $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] += 1 end @spend.refresh return end if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) unless $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] < $PSPEND_RET $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) case @spend.index when 0 if $PSPEND_ADD[1] <= $ACTORD.str $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $PSPEND_ADD[1] -= STRENGTH_ADD when 1 if $PSPEND_ADD[2] <= $ACTORD.agi $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $PSPEND_ADD[2] -= AGILITY_ADD when 2 if $PSPEND_ADD[3] <= $ACTORD.dex $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $PSPEND_ADD[3] -= DEXTERITY_ADD when 3 if $PSPEND_ADD[4] <= $ACTORD.int $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $PSPEND_ADD[4] -= INTELIGENCE_ADD when 4 if $PSPEND_ADD[5] <= $ACTORD.maxhp $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $PSPEND_ADD[5] -= HP_ADD when 5 if $PSPEND_ADD[6] <= $ACTORD.maxsp $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se) return end $PSPEND_ADD[6] -= SP_ADD when 6 $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] -= 1 when 7 $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] -= 1 end $PSPEND_POINTS[@actor_ind] += 1 @spend.refresh return end if Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @spend.index when 6 @spend.refresh(true) when 7 $ACTORD.str = $PSPEND_ADD[1] $ACTORD.agi = $PSPEND_ADD[2] $ACTORD.dex = $PSPEND_ADD[3] $ACTORD.int = $PSPEND_ADD[4] $ACTORD.maxhp = $PSPEND_ADD[5] $ACTORD.maxsp = $PSPEND_ADD[6] $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $scene = Scene_Menu.new $PSPEND_ACTORS[@actor_ind] = false return end end end end #End of Part Six - Yipee!!! I made it! #Part Seven - Save Load part! class Scene_Save < Scene_File def write_save_data(file) characters = [] for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size actor = $game_party.actors[i] characters.push([actor.character_name, actor.character_hue]) end Marshal.dump(characters, file) Marshal.dump(Graphics.frame_count, file) $game_system.save_count += 1 $game_system.magic_number = $data_system.magic_number Marshal.dump($game_system, file) Marshal.dump($game_switches, file) Marshal.dump($game_variables, file) Marshal.dump($game_self_switches, file) Marshal.dump($game_screen, file) Marshal.dump($game_actors, file) Marshal.dump($game_party, file) Marshal.dump($game_troop, file) Marshal.dump($game_map, file) Marshal.dump($game_player, file) Marshal.dump($PSPEND_POINTS,file) Marshal.dump($PSPEND_ACTORS,file) Marshal.dump($actor_attr,file) end end # -- And now for the load screen class Scene_Load < Scene_File def read_save_data(file) characters = Marshal.load(file) Graphics.frame_count = Marshal.load(file) $game_system = Marshal.load(file) $game_switches = Marshal.load(file) $game_variables = Marshal.load(file) $game_self_switches = Marshal.load(file) $game_screen = Marshal.load(file) $game_actors = Marshal.load(file) $game_party = Marshal.load(file) $game_troop = Marshal.load(file) $game_map = Marshal.load(file) $game_player = Marshal.load(file) $PSPEND_POINTS = Marshal.load(file) $PSPEND_ACTORS = Marshal.load(file) $actor_attr = Marshal.load(file) if $game_system.magic_number != $data_system.magic_number $game_map.setup($game_map.map_id) $game_player.center($game_player.x, $game_player.y) end $game_party.refresh end end #-- END OF SAVE AND LOAD SCREEN #-- END OF THE SCRIPT #======================= # Written by Drago del fato #=======================
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