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Everything posted by Decadenttia

  1. redoing my game intro. It doesn't show so great images but I think now sounds better.

  2. So tired today. Do you know when it seems that the day vampirizes your energy?

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      *Psychically sends energy*

  3. Lately I'm playing Vindictus, a fantasy MMORPG based on celtic mythology. I know is not the best game in its type but it has something I love, specially npc's and their stories. Someone there is playing too?
  4. Big HELLO to everyone. I'm so happy to be back .

  5. Hello again, ladies and gentlemen! Most of you don't know me but I'm happy to be here again. So much time and so many things... It's been a hard time so far away from rpg maker world. Things have changed but my maker xp needs never did, so I'm here again. I'm going to look around the forums and the site. A big "HI" to everyone.
  6. At last I have a day off! Hello world!!

    1. ProjectTrinity


      The world says hello back! O=

  7. Really great work. I need a tablet too.. :(
  8. bad hygiene, smokers and dumbs. I dont' care about good grades, I simply like people who know about what they're talking. Oh, and people who speaks in a loud voice.
  9. Don't forget Ultros. He really is one of a kind! DMC3 Jester is the psychopath type, so I love him too. Jester loves his job. Spoilers Alert But.. everyone nows women and cats are one of a kind bosses. Music! Lights! Go!
  10. I now I'm late but.. ¡Bon any nou a tots! Happy new year to everyone.
  11. Wow, lot of replies! Thanks. Don't give me too much credit. The first picture is not exactly what it seems. I posted it time ago on the screenshoot threat. It's not an in-game scene. Just a picture for the intro that appears in game but it's not a playable scene. But I'm very proud of it. Took me few hours of photoshop working, using my resources, drawing some sprites, thinking about light and shadows... The first real problem I'm facing now is the need of one particular scene. I'm thinking of drawing it by myself but I'm not soo good transfering it from paper to colored digital art. I thought about searching in the net for something similar..
  12. Mmmm.. I understand. I'll try to make something different with them, let's see..
  13. Memento Mori Memento Mori is one of these projects in which you work hard for ages and it’s never ended. First you loose the whole work, and after you redone it your pc decides not to run.. You know. But this don’t prevent you from finish the game... Storyline A year ago, Erin and his best friend Adrian were involved in a traffic accident. The two of them recovered at their own way. Erin suffers post traumatic syndrome that makes her to be distant and cold in her dealings. Adrian hasn’t get better at all and still remains in hospital, talking about strange things. Midnight marks the first anniversary of the accident, but already starts something more… Most important Characters (excluding some you’ll meet forward) Erin – Is the main character. A student that was used to live without worries, enjoying music and making mischief. After accident she changes to a distant girl who has lost some humanity but values other things at the same time. Adrian – Best friend with the same hobbies. Actually is just a poor shadow of whom he was. Almost physically healed but depressed due to schizophrenic behaviour. Erin’s family – Erin and his father didn’t had a good relationship in the past and so goes on after accident. Father is disappointed (first about her bad behaviour and now about her distant dealing). Erin’s stepmother is really concerned about her. She loves Erin as her own daughter. Erin and her stepsister had a difficult relationship but after the accident they respect and care about each other in their own ways. GameMode Memento Mori is not a survival. Is an horror rpg. You’ll find more stuff and less action, but also middle and final bosses, revelations and some of my own fears. As a typical rpg you’ll level up and gain new skills and powers. Some objects can be useful as arms (baseball bat , pipes) or potions (aspirin, tranquilizers, food, drinks..) Atmosphere I am taking care over not to approaching at topics because I don’t mean a Silent Hill or Project Zero reminiscent, but is difficult to make something new when the best fears are the usual ones (darkness, blood, pain, the unknown..). I prevent you blood is one of my fascinating obsessions. Storyline is the most important for me, but it’s hard to make a chara saying something transcendental when he has cute appearance. Anyway I like original rtp template graphics. Most of my rtp are edited and based on the originals, compiling elements from different tilesets of maker 2003, XP and VX, changing colours, shapes..etc. There are also some elements made by me, like objects, charas, furniture, walls. I’m still not sure about adding original pictures (at the moment two images I draw just for the game) so faces were made using Face Maker, and some pictures belong to other videogames but maybe someday I’ll change all of them and put only my work. Music counts. At that point is almost inevitable including some silent hill tracks, but I’m trying to widen the repertoire to games like Obscure (it has a really great OST) or films like Coraline. Besides this I want to reflect main character preferences (mine in fact) so you’ll may hear Judas Priest, Stratovarius, Lacrimosa, Sonata Arctica.. I’m worried about the size of all the tracks, so the songs list isn’t guaranteed yet. I’m working with a free version of WavePad Sound Editor, so let’s see what can I do. The Painkiller. Erin's fav place before accident. Erin visits Adrian at hospital. Erin's room. She doesn't like morning at all. Family Home. A place you know well..
  14. A in-game Scene of Silver Dragons, a gift for a friend. The game is set in somewhere like modern-japan style. Some of the characters are cleaning the main hall. Main chara is the guy in blue.
  15. 1. Suikoden 2 / Final Fantasy 7. I'm afraid I really can't choose between one of them. They are just simply great for me, each one in its own. 2. Suikoden 5. It isn't just a good game. It has enjoyable characters and great stories. And it made me cry (a lot!!). 3. Final Fantasy 8 I don't understand why so much spanish people consider this game as one of the final fantasy worsts. I really love it. I know is more to the same but I like it anyway. 4. Koudelka. I know, I know. It's not a real rpg. I know stages are beatufil but poorly empty. I know battles can be boring and repetitive. But medium characters are my weakness and Koudelka has a good story after all. And night of October 31th is always special. 5. Final fantasy 6. Because Ultros is great and he really loves opera. 6. Breath of Fire 3. Not just a great game.. it has one of the better fishing-minigames I've ever played!. 7. Wild Arms. Not my fav, but I enjoyed playing so very much. I always prefer 2D graphics. 8. Final Fantasy 4 I really didn't know what to think when I started playing this little jewel but I got very attached with it immediately.
  16. Life is great. People are the real problem. Joking apart, I've been living life for a few decades and considering that I'm one of these cynical goths I still think life is worth living. You just need to discover its secrets. Don't like what you see? Think about what can you change. Some things are inevitable but some other are only yours.
  17. I like the third. Elegant but a bit different. My husband and I chose a pair of silver simple rings, smooth ones but with an engraved sentence inside. After all a ring is just a ring.
  18. Live forever. If I live forever I'll learn sooo many things without dying the next day. Sure I'd tattoo in my arm something like "I was the first. I'll be the last".
  19. Eat all you can T__T I fell ill on tuesday and I'm still sick. Not serious but very bothering.

  20. I've always prefered villian characters, not heroes, so I usually show sentences about them in my signatures.
  21. Decadenttia


    I try it sometimes. But the most of you are sleeping, or studding or making your life. Don't blame me, it's time difference's fault. :sweatdrop:
  22. Character making is the easy part for me. I've been playing classic rpg for years so it "flows" outside my mind. First point is the chara's concept, if you have this point clear, the rest comes easy. Motivations and mood are easy to find then. I have all in mind. I know my rpg maker characters so well that I don't really need a journal.. but I admit is a good idea. A good character has a good background. Who is she? What's her story? Why does she what she does? Good background doesn't need to be super-extensive to be good; it needs to be solid. If character making is a dificult part for you, you could write a journal like you said before. First focus on the concept. What do you want about this chara? What do you want to tell about? What are his/her motivations? What about his/her mood? Dont' need to create all the points of his life. Just the ones that have an influence on the game. Then later, if you like it, go on and detail his /her life more and more. Draw the character if this helps you. I am illustrator and I assure you sometimes a simple picture can explain more than words. The basic point I work first when I start a new project is the story. If I like the story then I can create interesting charas and choose the way I want to explain it all (an horror game, a classic adventure one..). Add ons like scripts and engines are my weak point, because I'm more used to the classic role playing games (at table, with a couple of friends enjoying a piece of cheesecake while our chara's party is saving the day) than videogames.
  23. I just wanna be happy. But I might accept a mini-oven for my fimo/sculpey works.
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