Yes, finally reached 1000 posts! I should have reached this a bit earlier but I died for a couple or so weeks, now i've started posting again and to my shock logging on said I had 1000 posts ;D yay!
yeah I know what you mean, the player can walk through the character if its quite large - Im busy atm so ill have a tamper around later, but I cant remember a "through" box in an event (in rmxp anyway)
paths, river etc seem too long and square, its good if thats what your aiming for but if not then I suggest just making the corner paths more round/ curved
possibly add more trees and foliage
thats exactly what I was going to say, but that only applies IF the player builds a house by placing tiles into fixed positions so then it would eventually form a set house graphic
EDIT: This one below is if the player builds the house from several seperate tiles to form a whole ;)
If the player is to place varied tiles in non-fixed postions then outcome of the house graphic would be completely different each time
I can see one easy way and another misty way, the question is does the player make the house from several tiles to form a whole unique house OR is it a set range of tiles that the player simply places in a specific point?
sorry if that reads a bit awkward to understand
What's PlanetIndie about anyway? but the issue you appear to be having is exactly a regular issue I used to have with registration emails not being sent to my email :/ butthen it stoppped and emails got sent to me, sometimes they were sent to me a day or 3 later