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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. hey Mercury welcome to rmxpu :)
  2. ooh sweet looking good! I'll try it out, just got to find a tutorial to write about
  3. good points, but they're meant to be aiming towards the more hardcore market once again and everyone casual knows the Wii and Nintendo so they wont be too afraid to look into purchasing a Wii 2. Its got new features like the HD screen (if obviosuly has one lol), motion sensor so simialr to wii remote maybe and it's not meant to be just an advance/ devloped Wii remote either tbh, it's about time Nintendo got up to date, the Wii ahs had it almost. I see the bluray as just an addon, Ps3 has already got one (ive got ps3 too yay :) ) but again, its just moving on with the times, especially if its going to be relased 2 years before sony and microsofts next-gen console
  4. Anyone here ineterested? Well, some updates here over at CVG, looks pretty dam sweet. I won't judge until I play myself to say if its amazing graphics, agmeplay, audio etc 'Like' to unlock full 12 minute http://www.computerandvideogames.com/298249/news/battlefield-3-like-to-unlock-12-minute-trailer/ and youtube
  5. Wii 2 leaked info!!! read my post oooo yeah!

  6. Not sure if any of you have read but... New leaked information and spec details of the Wii 2!!! Name is not official obviously :P but there's plenty of rumours AND it all started from a reliable source (the ones who leaked NGP half year before launch with precise info). The controller has a 6inch tocuh screen HD monitor on it :o meant to be more powerfull than the 360 and ps3, has bluray built in and released late 2012. Also it's going to be shown at this years E3 Sources, also just google and youl find many sites wiht info >>In general for gaming http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ >>> Better motion sensing than Move >>> HD screen controller >>> hardware spec
  7. madanchi

    RPG Maker XP!

    Can anyone here remember when rmxp was going to be released and can remember viewing those sweet great graphics? A massive graphic improvement from rm2k, to me it seemed anyway :rolleyes: I remember seeing those newly released screenshots of a tent beside a river in some woodland and another screenshot with a river bridge! I loved it and couldnt wait to get it! Ahh those where the days :P Just curiouse to see what people thought at the time before and on release for rmxp :) Also I remember discovering an abs and pixel movement... my rmxp world got so much wider it seemed
  8. haha nice intro :P and welcome
  9. its very handy when making games, I've got a whole music bank all fit for different events, scenes, battles etc even intro and credits music ^^
  10. Oooh yay thanks I like it :)
  11. thank you very much :) To me, the second arch seems more refined, still needs a bit more detail added, I suppose they're both the best in their own way
  12. Wow has it been a long time since I last posted in this thread :unsure: Well, Lumis Project has been kicked back into devlopment, I admit, I neglected it despite my love of it... All I can assume is other things took priority, which tbh is pretty spot on. Anyways, not much new media to share with you, but for now, could you help me with something little? Which version of the archway thing do you think is better? This OR this Oh! and here are the screenshots used for the game trailer competition, enjoy for the time being :) (only concept menu atm) Standard font I know :P and the blue things are animated and move around screen
  13. madanchi


    everytime I try to register nothing loads, fill ind etails and does abolsute nothing
  14. madanchi


    Seems prety decent, I'll give it a whirl, see how it works
  15. haha I got none where I live but one about 30 minute drive away
  16. ha those looks pretty epic Crimson :) Good work!
  17. thanks :) but I didnt make the actual music pieces, but I've got hudnreads of these types of songs stored away
  18. Ok so I compiled a few epic music pieces into one video, for anyone who likes orchestral/ epic/ trailer head music, this will be a small treat :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyPL5COm4Hc
  19. thanks :) and i couldnt have even imagined building to stuff I do now from when I first started ^^ ahh the addiction pays off
  20. thank you :) Now, as you know Pol, I'm builidng an even more complex structure for the Fire Temple, pics coming soon
  21. 28 thousand steps today O.O my legs are tired and my hands cold. It was LONG walk travelling today =D

    1. kellessdee


      wow, thats a lot of steps...as least you can say you got lots of excercise!

    2. madanchi


      yeah lol :p i do about 6000 a day anyway

  22. with most almost all mods, you need to delete the META INF folder inside minecraft.jar but the mods instructions should say if it is needed or not
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