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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. Ok, so I'm currently in the process of building my very own water temple, filled with puzzled, riddles, treasures, challenges, agility tasks and specific items to complete the temple. I've only managed to do the entrance lobby atm, and it's turned out quite interesting. The size is huge, I just hope there's going to be enough space/ water to complete the entire build and from viwing above, it forms the shape of a heart (the main boss is going underneath the lobby - aka the temples life source - if MC had bosses XD), a face also forms out of the structure O.o I'll add more images when I get round to it
  2. So if a toilet had pre-installed speech phrases, what can you imagine them to say? "ooh do you mid not sitting on me in that manner" or "Good day sir/ madam, do mind if my hands.. err, seat is cold."
  3. =D looks pretty nice, good work! btw next time, trun graphics to low and half screen size your recording to reduce lag tip: Use some cobble stairs, with me, cobble stairs always can make anything seem a LOT better
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMUUIWryE8Q
  5. madanchi


    visions baaawhhh!
  6. yeah, well knowing Bukkit team and plugin developers, it shouldnt be that long =D
  7. *is waiting for Bukkit update* comp sounds sweet, i'll joing :) everyone else who plays it should too
  8. play justin bieber, end.
  9. madanchi


    trolled and trolled hard feelsbadman.jpg
  10. hmm, guess its duh hast for me

    1. Bob423


      what does that mean?

    2. madanchi


      its a song name, by Rammstein

  11. this has got to be one of the toughest competitions
  12. Marked should come along and hijack the results
  13. madanchi


    banned for posting
  14. that Exception means minecraft is down, either that or your firewall is bloking it
  15. @Knuckles I've heard its completely down to each person if they get affected or not, I dont, but I did when watching first 20 mins of Avataer in cinemas - gave me strain and headache, but it then dissappeared @Broken erm, sorta but ot propperly, you have be in front of the screen, looking at it from around 30-45 degree angle will look distort. Although what I've found is, if you move a little to the left or right, it will distort BUT if you move alittle further the 3d appears perfect again (slight very slight bit of distortion) EDIT: Aha, got some shots of it. Wanna see them? Spoiler below
  16. madanchi

    Event.s Radar

    do you mean how can it do the same graphics? because if so, it cant :P thats just a screenshot from the Tenchu game
  17. Today just keeps on getting better and better, first this morning my 3DS game Street fighter arrived *drools* and then I sorted out my university Degree course, its looking bright to gte a place (even though I am applying late). They said a fair few seats free :3 and that I've go good enough grades to get in, so I really hope I'm good enough to get in ^^ About time things looked up for me, I was beginning to get quite depresses, and thats big for me as I never get depressed, always the optimistic happy guy and then... a silence appears... mist arises, and jaws music plays...... my 3DS ARRIVED WTF!!! and a day early =D soo happy and excited about that, anyways, that's all :)
  18. mwahaha i cant believe it myself :P the place I ordered from are always extremely fast delivering and this time they sent it out instant and got here 1 day before launch this friday :) the actualy game got here in the morning a few hours before the 3DS did, so i was sat there just waiting O.O
  19. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT A 3DS TODAY!!! AND BEFORE LAUNCH WOW! soo happy, i did not expect this at all, its amazing! soo full of epic and the 3D is just amazing!!! I've got Street Fighter atm and thats pretty good, 3D in it is really nice too =D
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