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Everything posted by ProjectTrinity

  1. About that. ='D;; My young British friend seemed to have gone missing, and I still need her lines. I might have to recast, depending on how long that lasts, but either way, it seems like it will be delayed. Sorry 'bout that. ;_; EDIT: Lady has been replaced by Crazyfangirl100 and the episode should be out under two weeks. Cast has been updated on the original post.
  2. Torn between starting game 3, or working on my novels. D=

  3. ^ Let me try that *One try later* How do you do that? xD;; I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you got that PM (correctly) after I resent it. Did it go through? D= News: I have all the voices for episode 2 except for Eve (that distractingly beautiful white haired woman), and Alice. I am worried about that Eve. Her voice is awesome. D= But as soon as I figure out what's what with that voice actor, episode 2 will be a-go. And hopefully episode 3 won't be full of delays. '-'
  4. And with that said ~ I STILL dislike the ship tileset the most. It's like it's going out of its way to mock me and what little skills I have.
  5. Oh great thanks here! =D I've been Naramura-less for quite some time. lol
  6. Understood! I'll be a better member from now on. How about being a more active member for now on, PT? Eh?! EH?! *Nudge nudge*
  7. Not funny. It's sickening. It's worse than someone spitting on you.
  8. In one ear out the other I see. xD Thank you! And I agree. There has been SEVERAL setbacks with FF, but overall, the games are trying to push themselves up. I personally don't think FFXIII was too much in the right direction, but there are way more games and franchises that better deserve to be called "bad" or "lame".
  9. Haha. Thanks. xD I'll probably feel more confident if I learn to draw with my hands first. (I hear CG and drawing are two different things, but, I have very very similar mentalities over them.)
  10. Mesto Accelerando II is finished! =D Now! A break from serious RMXPing!

    1. Kiriashi
    2. ProjectTrinity


      I finished my 2nd RMXP game, MAII. lol


      I just don't publish it to Unlimited due to its unlimited mistakes I feel like I need pure experience before properly fixing.


      Namely mapping. lol

  11. "When a game sucks, it is subjective to opinion." Persona 4, Persona 3, Shadows of the Colossus, Halo, Gears of War, Killzone, Final Fantasy 1-13, Mass Effect, GTA(x), Assassin's Creed, Blazblue, all RMXP related anything. They all suck. ^ So if I said (and meant) that all of these games suck, they must suck by default and anything I say is justified? Especially if I bring up a game which would be a watered down version of any of these games and call it better? (And lets face it, so many of PS2 JRPGs are inferior to some of these games in so many ways it's creepy) I can completely understand if say, you don't have a lot of JRPG experience to compare XIII to. If you only had cake and ice cream all your life and you just so happen to hate cake ( D= ), then of course it sucks. You'd have absolutely no clue how terrible some other snacks are. (Or can be) Not saying you do, but I'm saying I'd understand it better. Otherwise, if you're used to JRPGs in general, then it's pretty darn obvious that XIII is at least on the higher end of things, regardless if you like it or not. Top of the line graphics for the genre, top of the line music, top of the line presentation, decent/good voice acting/ and a subjective battle system will not make a game suck. That becomes strictly your opinion. This is coming from someone who bashed FFXIII's story and grinding to the ground. I will never truly enjoy Halo, but if I give it fair props, it's by no means a game that "sucks" by default. Simply put, Halo does things well. I may not have the mental capacity to appreciate it for given reasons, but to say it sucks because it doesn't fancy my tastes is a disservice to the good it gives. And before someone says something witty, no, this does not mean I appreciate all games in existence. A 40 hour game called Shining Force Neo, where you basically smash press square for the ENTIRE game while listening to pictures talk to each other with terrible voice acting and where the music CUTS OFF mid battle for no reason whatsoever when there is music? That, is the type of game I have come to hate and will say with no subjective tone, that it sucks. It's garbage technically, in presentation, especially in gameplay, and in plot. I don't even think there are a lot of JRPGs that CAN be compared to Shining Force Neo. [/End hate rant] My point is, games that actually do suck and games that you don't like/prefer are two different things. /Opinion
  12. ^ Resending now. =D I'd actually love to level up from RMXP to something like Blender or better for the animation, but, I do not have the resources and/or dedicated team of knowledgeable folks. Not to mention my skill level for Blender is nonexistent. I can't even get myself a 3D ball. xD;;
  13. Is 98% done with 2nd game.

  14. ^ I peeked over at your thread to your game, and liked your maps. Because they're just that much better than mine! =D Scary enough, I also read that people thought they needed work. Now I feel unpolished. xD But thanks! Once my crew is on break, I'll be looking over spriting/graphics tutorials up the wazoo. My map making skills are....lacking. xD;; It's actually the main/only reason I never publicly release any of my game series. The maps just aren't up to standard. So I'd imagine your work will take some time. Best of luck!
  15. And there goes some of my brain cells~
  16. That's a poor way to validate your opinion. Because the moment someone states that love triangles, emotional boys, and angst WASN'T the reason they enjoyed 9 over XII makes this claim seem pretty...umm....well~ On topic: I like FF 8, 9, 10, and respect 12. I own, have beaten, and mastered all the default classes of FFXIII. Do you guys know why? Because when I have to hate on a game, I'd LOVE to know what I'm talking about, and there's plenty reason to dislike the decisions XIII has made. -For one, 5 out of 5 stars for beating a common battle within 10 minutes? Really? Is training for one battle that doesn't even give you a lot of experience points really supposed to take that long? -Why is there an auto-battle option? I never used it. It insults my skills as a gamer in general. (In before the "Turn it off then!" posts) -I can dig linearity. Really. But making me go through the longest [/s]hallways[/s] straight lines and call them "areas" are not cool! I mean you literally (pretty much) go straight, and have to fight nearly every enemy that blocks your path. And to make matters worse, you'll be doing this back to back to bloody back sometimes! -Plot: The plot. The plot. I don't want to discuss the plot. I don't like Hope, even if he did man up, his first 30 hours cement his hate-group. And I like Vanille. But the plot itself? It's cute to defend it if someone is bashing it, but in the end, the plot is nothing special whatsoever. It just has a bigger audience. -Music: I have no complaints. Oh Fighting Fate. You are amazing~ <3 *Coughs* Right! Complaints! -PR stunts. Whole new story/thread. I'll just say that I do not approve of how much they shot themselves in the foot with XIII and how they blatantly watered down the game for the 360 version while lying about it. Initially. Anyways, the game's battle system is exciting when boss fights are up there and the music is simply wonderful, regardless of what others want to say. And finally, yes, the graphics are pretty solid. Anyways, my .2 cents. If i had to grade it, the game would get an 8.5 from me. Policy of mine is that if the game doesn't technically suck, then you're just being a bit mean to all the developers, artists, programmers, ect that worked so hard. And by all means, there are FAR worse games than XIII.
  17. ^ Thanks a bunch! I never saw one either, so depending on how well these projects go, I may just remake Mesto Accelerando I with voicework. =D And far better maps! Good luck with your game. They take a while. lol
  18. If all goes flawless, August 15th.
  19. is back to work on The Perjurer.

  20. Epic failure on my half is epic. I'm back. I had to do a study session for quite a bit that hindered my internet access. @__@ I'll get to those PMs right after this. It's been laughably busy since I came back online and started playing catch up.
  21. Many thanks! I really would hate to be that "one guy" who makes an account and leeches off the works of others and then be off my way, so I'll take lessons when it comes to my actual game's mapping/eventing. =D As for tutorials for eventing, since I already know "how" to event things, where would be the best place to start for me? =o (My skills for mapping/eventing are pretty much that you saw on the video.) ='D Oh, and I'll PM you guys the details now so I know what to send, if anything, to you two. The script for episode 2 is done and I can focus my time on the other stuff. =D (I'll be sure to credit everyone and this site accordingly. :3)
  22. I was sadfaced when I saw that the contest was dead on the boss thread. :'<

  23. I'll jump right on this. xD - They made 2D really easy and sometimes fun to learn and master. Even so, I'd actually love to step things up to 3D. And lets face it, there are more people willing to play 3D anything before they play 2D anything. If they can make it just as easy to learn, master, and script, that'd be great. - More support for America maybe? :'< I lost my serial key for my legal copy of RMXP ("Legal". <3). I asked them how I could possibly get that key back or get a new one after I prove I've bought it. I've yet to be contacted. =( - If you're advertising some very pretty elves-I mean characters on a logo (Like RMXP's), it'd be nice if said characters were in the actual software. =p - Let it be flexible enough to import it to consoles. Like the PS1. (Which will end up on my PS3, but watev. :3) - Support movie clips out the box without custom scripts , because some of us have artists that can animate. xD - Update the public more perhaps. I've heard...well...no news on a new RPG game whatsoever. (Unless I'm mistaken) - And I guess least importantly, an easier way to map areas and a far easier way to move sprites around. Sometimes I wonder if moving 3D around would be less time consuming. xD And there we go! My input for the thread.
  24. I probably just need to read sarcasm better. xD;; Once the break ends (29th), I'll be sending out scripts for the actors and what I need for RMXP. I'm a little caught up in my actual RMXP game at the moment. @_@ If I think of any details you'd need to know beforehand, I'll PM you two ASAP. Side question: Is there an easier/quicker way to make events and make maps? Or does it just take lots of practice to become both quick and good? =p
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