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Everything posted by ProjectTrinity

  1. It's a mixed bag to me. I'd probably have to hear the entire OST for me to decide for sure, but going on it now, it seems more like a boss song that plays before the final boss (2nd to last boss).
  2. Mesto Accelerando will have an original artist. Squee! X3

  3. I am a busy beaver. Making them RMXP games and series, so I don't post too much. D= For some reason this site loads slower than any other site I visit. I check up on this site a lot, but it could be a whole lot more if this was fixed. D: It's not just your site that's suffering inactivity. It's an eerie amount all around the RPG Maker websites. Not even quite sure why as there are several people still making games. Though I do feel like the site could actually be a lot more active. We'd just need the right tools/ideas to do so.
  4. (Why is there a G at the end of my last message? D=)

    Well, anyways, just came to remind you that by the 9th, I'll have all the lines in and will need to start the mapping on my own for episode 3 if I don't have yours in.

  5. The Perjurer's views are OVER 9000!!!!!! [/had to]

  6. Thank you much. And I agree that it's among the best front battle systems I found. The only flaw about said system is that condition branches and common events take you out of the sub-menus during battle. Taking away the element of using different voice tracks during battle. ;_;
  7. Ignore the subtitle. This is more about questions regarding the aspects of having a team than recruiting myself a staff. *Ahem* Hello, all! As some of you might have gathered, I am a very ambitious man. (Gee, what gave it away?) One of the top things I've been meaning to do next year is to build my first true RPG game from the ground up, this time with a cast and crew. Voice actors are a given, since I happen to have access to some very dedicated ones for my works, but the rest (mapping, eventing, spriters, battle system, composing, artists, ect) are still very much up in the air. If I do want to go all out on that next project, there were some questions I wanted to ask before I initially start: 1)What would be the best way to import maps and events between each other? I recall drag/dropping maps/events/enemies/ect before, but never made a change. More critically, I tried importing specifically moves, and the file 'replaced' the older one alright, but I never saw the moves. ;_; 2) As of this year, . Nowhere near "good", but decent. If I intend on using original art, voices, and sprites, should I drop the awesome composer Sakimoto and try for original pieces myself? And if I do, would it be fine if I dragged one or two composers to help me (while keeping a common theme going)? 3) Would it be easy to find a dedicated staff for RMXP on the good ole' internets? If so, what are some resources I could use? 4) Is there a script or something that helps protect people from just using your original music and artwork/data? 5) Potential answer to a potential question: Just like everything else I've released as a team effort - said staff would work for free. I'm poor. I do poor things. =p
  8. Download Link: ....................Click Me Name of the game: ...............Al'asuiaga'ta Name of the Game Engine: ..RPG Maker XP Name of the Author: .............Johnathan Johnson/ProjectTrinity Genre:...................................RPG / Test Comes out I've been too busy to even do something strictly for myself. D'= But it's here now!
  9. I'm back everyone, making somewhat epic music! XD

  10. The Perjurer's views are almsot up to 9000. You know what THAT means. :3

    1. Kiriashi




      It's not over 9000.

    2. madanchi


      its OVER 9000!!!!!! ... nearly...

  11. Hello, there!

    The Village of Niria is based on the Farm Village tileset. A basic RPG-styled generic village will be fine. The only buildings that will be used for the next 4 episodes are a dining building, a few inns, and headquarters for Detective Fubre. (Which may need a separate tileset) I'll email you the details if you need any.




  12. I was actually wondering the specifics on the bet all day. =p Can't wait to put THAT up on the opening credits.
  13. The Perjurer Episode 3's script is complete. I will be stalking Kiriashi....okay, apparently, he's Poopy Head now. X'D

    1. Enigma


      Yes... Kiriashi is the... PooooOOOOpy HEEEEAAAAD

    2. Kiriashi
    3. ProjectTrinity


      So do I still credit Kiriashi, or should I be fair and put "Poopy Head" as the mapper? =p

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  14. 3000 Views on The Perjurer. Thanks all who subscribed!

    1. ProjectTrinity


      Thanks, friend! I release content regularly, so don't worry about that. :3

    2. Kiriashi


      I am subscribed as well! (RMXPMapper)

    3. ProjectTrinity
    4. Show next comments  30 more
  15. The Perjurer episode 1 has nearly 500 views. Thanks everyone! And double thanks to those who subscribed!

  16. ^ Oh you~ =p FL Studio (9) seems to allow you to use your computer keyboard to input/hear the instrument, but I don't know how to make said sounds "stick". Meaning you can hear what you're doing while you type, but I haven't figured out how or if you can keep what you press down on the keyboard. ...I'll check that out for you too~ lol
  17. I'm a busy guy that's all over the place on various forums, so I know how to conduct myself every time. =D That, and I don't swear...ever, so it's even easier. =D
  18. Update: The Perjurer Episode 2, final event music, and an extra scene with Anquis and Alice has been released. =D
  19. Ah, Crysis. Something my brand new laptop can't handle~ =p
  20. That's a good question...IS it alright to swear here? I'm kinda/sorta new here myself! xD
  21. "Complete *beeps*" Not one to swear? :3 Welcome to the forums! I very much agree that you've stepped into one of the more welcoming forums of RPG Maker.
  22. Piano keys? ='D;; Putting a song int FL studio? I hope these are what you meant? =p
  23. I'll have to research that for you. I have made all of my songs with a piano roll rather than a keyboard. Although I think I see/saw that option, it's best to be 200% sure, yes? xD If someone doesn't confirm it for me, I'll travel the nets and find out. =D
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